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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. So did Marrone to the Homers who have no understanding of the lack of talent on this team, nor the direction this team has been moving over the past 2 years. McDermott is safe, and that is partly due to the purge of salary cap/talent he was allowed to lead. Deal wit it.
  2. Lol, not this season. McDermott is actually a good HC, we just have zero OL and zero WRs, coupled with JA and scrub QBs.
  3. Allen is by far the best QB this team has. Wait, do was still have Logan Thomas?
  4. I love it when the tbd shills try and justify our OL. I love it when the tbd shills try and tell me how elite the defense is. I love it when the homers insist all this teams problems are with the QB. Also, Ivory has seriously outplayed Shady this year. Can't wait for the Pats. Idk, hopefully Allen can make it back and take it to the next level by the end of the season.
  5. You must buy in. This is the process. I will say that it was impressive the way McDermott repeatedly sent out the worst QB ever to play, just to make sure Josh Allen looked good.That is accepted as what he did, correct?
  6. A) Your cherry picking is just so obvious, and sad. B) Your "facts" are weak, and "logic" flawed.
  7. Switching between rates and hard numbers is a pretty obvious tell that youre full of poo with your "statistics." I mean, base your info off one form of measurment and reach a sound conclusion, accordingly.
  8. I really wish Ben lived in a normal body and came with a normal voice.
  9. Trading McCarron was stupid. Watch Gruden win the last 5 games of the season with him or something hateful.
  10. Build around Allen for the next two years, if Allen does not develop, draft another qb high.
  11. Are you okay? Like, you really seem to take this whole opinion of others stuff overly serious. It is a message board, man. I honestly have no reply.
  12. Yeah, Sunday traffic heading north from San Diego is crap. Still, ***** LA. Perhaps they should move the chargers to Temecula, near all the casinos, haha.
  13. Member when people would cite Benjamin as an example of how Whaley made a huge mistake in trading up for Sammy? Also, OBJ is an overrated player, and a cancer in the Giants organization. Not worth contract, but worth a second. Deal was smart, all things considering.
  14. Ohh, so you know how much like Satan wet dream this whole Newsome thing is possibly going to be? Yeah, the guy is good and evil at the same time, haha.
  15. Irvine is central to SoCal. If I lived anywhere in CA I'd rather travel to Irvine unless I had to travel through LA to get there. Crappy traffic is a cause for a lot of LA avoidance. "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded."
  16. No, he has been being prepped for a Presidential run for years now. He is the left's version of maximum Republican hell.
  17. Booker would get destroyed by Trump. The only people who stand a chance against him are Harris and Biden. I think the Dems will roll and fail with Harris, but will win in 2024 with Newsome...
  18. Chargers should move to Irvine, as should the Angels. They should just claim Orange County. The OC Angels and the OC Chargers. People would go, because the stadiums in Irvine would actually be nice, and the surrounding area would as well.
  19. I'm just amazed that is reality. Honestly, this timeline is fantastic.
  20. We're talking about a tweet in which she addresses the Presidential weiner. I don't want anything to do with any of this, yet I cannot look away.
  21. The CBs play such loose coverage on Allen. They're 10 yards back from the line of scrimmage. I have no idea why Allen isn't throwing the outs, or just to the flat.
  22. He would be a great mentor for Allen, IMO. I'm for bringing him in, for the fifth we got for McCarron, haha. Maybe, a fourth. I'd view it as an investment in mentorship. If I could put Fitzpatrick's fat brain into Allen, like Frankenstein did...
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