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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. So, back when I was younger I had a POS car. It was horrid, but got good gas mileage and the AC worked. Anyways, I was driving it after a ***** day. A chunk of the car fell off. It was one of the first times I just started laughing at how horrid crappie was. Like, God has asserted himself to smite me in such a way as to add insult to injury by having a chunk of car fall off. Barkley playing reminds me of that chunk.
  2. Nope, sarcasm and mere text doesn't always translate well. It sucks when people then accuse you of lying after you clarify you were being sarcastic. Hope is within us all. We sell it to ourselves every day. The one benefit of being a Bills' fan is that we know how worthless and horrible hope is. Perhaps, we are one of the few groups of fans who obtained a real life utility, constantly being conditioned to know hope is an evil lie, by actually being a fan.
  3. PFF had Demitris Bell rated highly. So many Bills' fans ate that poo up, and cited PFF as fact and gospel. Bell was a bastard, which by default means he had a mean streak. People claimed he was a great pass blocker and a well-rounded run blocker. Fans and "experts" maintained that the Bills o-line was in no way a problem. They were wrong. That said, Dawkins is solid, young, and there are not many people who think that LT is a position of need (outside of OL depth, that is).
  4. Citing a Fairy Tale to illustrate how hope is not an evil thing...
  5. I think of more a "master-blaster" type of relationship between Fitz-Allen. That is, at some point Fitz would take over as QB coach for Allen.
  6. Seriously, how does someone like this begon to think? Like, this crap is pure stupid and will only help the other side with how insanely stupid it was. He should be fired.
  7. Tom Brady dies...JK Honestly, I want to see a win but will not be suprised when it does not happen.
  8. And, their going to likely walk out the worst QB in the league against the Pats. The worst offense. Pegula just did this with the Sabres. I don't get why people find it so hard to believe.
  9. At some point, the people here have to see the beauty in that statement.
  10. Yeah, the truth is CNN relly propagates a *****ton of lies. They do business in disinformation.
  11. I appreciate what they do. They seem to be a result of the hyper- PC/Anti-American ***** a lot of the media seem to propagate. They also seem to fly in the face of, and condemn, the positive injury. Basically, they are on my side (the correct side) of a debate which should not exist. Lastly, they brawl with antifa, which make me love both groups, as they provide me with much needed quality TV.
  12. McVay chose the Rams. This OP is very incorrect.
  13. Where are the "muh elite defense is being wasted" guys?
  14. Benjamin and McCoy should be traded, if we can get anything for them.
  15. I think we agree for the most part. We disagree about JA. None of the RC Qbs have been consistent, and will take some time to either develop or bust. I think Daboll needs to go ASAP. Trading McCoy may also be prudent, this year.
  16. For the most part, I slept in and watched the beginning of the second half. DA and their offense is not going anywhere. The OL and WRs are some of the worst that have ever been fielded by and NFL team. Honestly, it is amazing to watch, but also painful if you're a Bills fan. Following JA's development is this year's only saving grace. Hey, he might not make it to the next level, but if he does... Also, Daboll has been horrid. <--- This is something I don't see enough people putting some blame on. Throwing Hail Mary's on every play makes more sense than the trash he is calling.
  17. You were just praising the OL... I'm sure you won't question Shady. Therefore???...
  18. Some would argue circumstance. Eric Wood leaving was not foreseeable. Richie was a huge mistake by Beane, IMO (McDermott allowed it). And, Glenn was deemed a liability. Bottom line, it is McBeane's responsibility to prevent from happening, not necessarily their fault it did. They have done a poor job scouting WRs, and preparing an average at best OL from being far below average. Also, Daboll was as huge of a mistake as is the disregard for the WR position. At least it seems that way.
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