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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Idc, I find this lady awesome. You all are just a bunch of white males. I really want to bang her. Have you seen her eyes?
  2. I imagine that is how Nate felt, not just us.
  3. I love Bills' fans. They are so morally destroyed, they have attained my level, jk. They are disproportionately better people than the rest of America.
  4. 4 td spread, changes things a bit. Honestly, considering McDermott'so style I am going to vote for Bama. Well get a 2 td lead and sit.
  5. I suppose Kolb's time with us was never a comeback...
  6. I think I'd no even look at social media (SM) if I were a player. I would just pimp my SM to some PR firm.
  7. No tradition on my part, just procrastination. Sometimes, I just skip it. #comeatmebro
  8. This makes Allen look better when he finally comes back. That way we don't have to hear the psycho ex-gf fans B word about Allen. Jk, we will still hear them. But, that is what is best in life, hearing the lamentation of the women.
  9. Happy to see someone noticed the very real possibility that 2 years of tanking doesn't get anyone fired. See also, Hue. I just don't understand why.
  10. Pegula did the exact same thing with the Sabres, who are actually starting to look like a team.
  11. Exactly, how desperate are they? Like, lobotomy desperate?
  12. Nobody cares until youre so old your pee starts smelling like you ate asparagus, despite the fact you didn't eat any asparagus.
  13. Thanks, I was wondering this. Basically, a team has to be insanely desperate to claim the guy. What are the odds one the Bills claiming him? Kind of like a backlash from this year's QB situation. Sam Bradford would be the pee on top of the cake!
  14. Wait, why was the butt bubble guy removed? That couldn't have been deemed inappropriate! Unreasonable! Rabble, Rabble, Rabble...
  15. No, as I think his trade value is nowhere near that. Also, deadline has passed, meaning his trade value will be even lower by the time trading opens back up bc Gruden.
  16. I wonder what the price for Carr or even Fitzpatrick was. Carr is looking like hell under Chuckie, and his trade value had to have plummeted this season. I still think he is a Dalton calibre player who could have been traded a year or two from now to recover the picks it would have taken to get him. Fitz, we all know, but I think he'd be a great mentor for Allen.
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