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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. He calls his friends "B word" as a term of endearment. He simply thought Jerry was his friend.
  2. Allen has so much more game awareness than Tyrod is it amazing. As far as who is faster? Tyrod. Who is faster in full uniform? Josh Allen.
  3. It used to be awesome. Who? Just curious...
  4. I agree. I felt bad mI agree. I felt bad messing with you about being a white male. I had a similar upbringing, and share your hate of the crazy left in CA. I have started to claim it with my liberal friends, and make absurd demands of them so they can prove my privilege.
  5. You're right. Look at my avatar. I have been on a kick lately... Accusing my friends of being evil white males has elicited some of the best reactions. They know me well enough to know I am VERY much against the whole race-baiting thing, and have been my whole life. But, their initial knee-jerk reactions are pretty priceless. It is like they completely get offended for about 5 seconds before they catch on to the joke. Like they forgot who I was, and I had triggered them for a few seconds. I take pleasure in the small things in life. Ultimately, I am happy to see people becoming more like me, and standing up against the asinine "evil white male" shtick. Bottom line, I am doing a bit o' minor trolling, but in my dream world white males would be accusing eachother of white male privilage in a sarcastic sort of way. Make this crap even more absurd until it finally pops.
  6. There are the normal people on this board, then there are the real people like us. It was great. Too bad it was not a classic fake weiner.
  7. Are you literally? Are you literally having a white privilege tantrum? How old are you? Did you climb up mountains to and from each of your eight jobs? That OT which was "enjoyed" in each of your 3 jobs...Save the drama for your mama, bub.
  8. 1) We all judge. To have an opinion we must judge. You are doing the exact same thing I did, except you use anctedotal evidence to support your stance. 2) An overall policy argument beats your's every time. I mean, OT is a part of big gubment forcing workers to be paid at least semi-respectable wages for long term physical and emotional tolls exerted on the human body for the financial gain of mainly others. Do you think OT would be paid if employers did not have to? I wonder how many of you guys want the removal of minimum wage and/or OT, because there would still be people who "happily worked those extra hours," amirite? 3) As far as my opinion saying more about me than it does about those you deem "eager to shop and work" I ask if you are serious. Are you? I mean, you first deflected my stance by pointing out those on skid row, are you sure this is the right next step? You are aware the sword your trying to weild cuts two ways, right? Meaning, your stance would say more about you... 4) Using your arguement on you, I would just state you lived a happy white male life, and have probably had it pretty easy. Therefore you are ignorant of the real struggle. That is what your opinion says about you. Also, mommy is going to save us.
  9. I'm just ignorant as to how one values a "total compensation package" in this particular instance. I mean, the numbers and how some try to puff them up or deflate them down is always interesting. That said, yes I am ignorant as to what a "total compensation package" is in this case.
  10. Haha... Are the sick days being included in the math?
  11. Doesn't Brian Morman have the highest QBR for the Bills this century?
  12. The amount of people who buy what they're told is alarming. Like US politicians don't kill people...
  13. I just don't see it as healthy. Or rather, it is a sign of a sick society. People running around like rabid animals for a few bucks off is simply sick. "Happily" working the holidays is just another symptom of a sick society. Or, perhaps the deals and the jobs are just that "good." Only the ignorant and daft believe that to be the case... I mean, one doesn't have to be dead on Skid Row in LA to be in a bad place.
  14. It comes back to the question, "Should so many of our people be THAT desperate for a few extra dollars?" A popular position would be that if so many people ARE that desperate, then there is a serious problem with our society. I'm pretty sure white males everywhere are VERY scared of what mommy has cooking for them regarding the future of our country...
  15. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/417372-ocasio-cortez-hits-back-at-republicans-for-drooling-over-footage-of-her-to She is coming after you, white males. She is so beautiful.
  16. I am a semi-conservative white male. It was a joke. Not the banging her part. I mean, I knew a lady with eyes like that once. It was like being willingly burnt alive in a feel good fire. This time, I'd be older and wiser with a higher threshold for crazy. Not just crazy per se, but "worth it" crazy.
  17. No, I am an admitted spectator. I vote even, though my vote doesn't matter. I've also campaigned, though it did not change anything. No, what that lady did was almost as impressive as her eyes.
  18. Her eyes, mainly. She got elected on the most absurd platform I have seen in years. It was kind of spectacular, not necessarily in a good way; but, I really appreciate it on a spectator level.
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