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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Was it the worst human tragedy ever? You answer will confirm the suspicions of none on here, as nobody cares. At least nobody that matters. Zionism and the Great Jewish conspiracy... Rharrr. No, about as far down that road I go is to say that the Holocaust is so ducking overblown. It gets annoying. That was war. It should go into the history of war and conquered peoples. What about Central America? I claim lvl. "Genocide Complete" is worse, which means I'm a Stormfront guy, haha. The depth some of your heads go up your asses, in order to believe what you're told, is simply magnificent. Happy Christmas!!! Merry New Year!!!
  2. If you read the thread you would see plenty of examples. But, keep eating and believing the ***** you're fed. "Waaaa!!! Holocaust was the worst human tragedy, but that's not what I'm actually saying because it is not true. It is just how I act."
  3. Well, you know what opinions are like.
  4. It is so hilarious how programmed you neocons are with regard go the Holocaust. I didn't deny it, I just stated fact, and you guys lose your *****. Ha, I suppose the Holocaust is the worst thing ever to have happened. ALL HAIL!
  5. Enslaving notions for hundreds of years was worse, IMO. The Native Americans are just about gone. Genocide complete! (These are worse, and I would be willing to bet this has happened to success before) A lot of the whole raping of China has been hidden from American's mind, disgustingly. But, no I want to hear from you. Was it the worst? Or, are you just unfarmiliar with how history works?
  6. Haha, no anti-semite would name themselves after that guy, you dolt. I think there are worse tragedies and the Holocaust is a little too hyped. The extended slavery, murder, and rape of nations was pretty popular throughout history, which I guess is only 2000 years according to this board. I just never really have been able to fully understand why I should care. I really think there is more too it than that, but on the face that is the way it does seem. Perhaps religion just is so much more active geopolitically than I was raised to think, and even more so than I am aware of now.
  7. I honestly think it overshadows other parts of history it should not. What ever happened to the Indians? Compared, the jews* got it over with quickly.
  8. Haha, way to run from the question. Did mispellong the word "jew" make me an anti-semite? It is how cartman spells it. I love it how neocons flip out when the slight suggestion there were worse human tragedies gets one labeled an anti-semite.
  9. I love this boards pro-Israel stance. Like lemmings who agree with something without realizing why that something exists. I have never really fully understood the reasons for anti-semitism, but I have recently been trying to. I have at least two jooish friends which makes me incapable of anti-semitism. I think there have been worse tragedies than the Holocaust. That also does not mean I am automatically an anti-semite.
  10. I'm sure you can find something in the 10 thousand year history of slavery... What Russia did during WWII was worse. Same with what happened in China pre/during WWII. As far as Israel... The issue is the Vatican has an interest in keeping the Joos fighting the Muslims, which is why a staunch support of Israel is held by certain people.
  11. Please, ellaborate about what you consider holocaust denial. I personally think it is overblown and that there are a lot worse things humanity has achieved. The holocaust does not even make my top ten.
  12. It is a subjective measure... How much is a lot?
  13. No, Kyle has always been solid. What the heck is wrong with "solid?" That is a compliment where I come from... SOLID
  14. I can. They built way too much, way too fast in the 90s-00s. It allowed the flossing plebs to move in. They came when the Walmarts did, and brought the herpes with them. Such evil faggots.
  15. I don't even know how to read the spectrum.
  16. I said he was GOAT already (before he ever played an NFL snap)... I win! Unless, I lose.
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