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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I'm 6' and I break at least 3 doors a year. Believe it or not, the shorter you are the more easy it is to smash through doors like a kool-aid man.
  2. These are kids being attacked by Hollywood rich *****. This is surreal to normal people.
  3. I find it highly disturbing. I'm afraid things like this are taken too lightly. I almost took to FB, myself.
  4. I'm surprised those on the right are not more heated about this. When the left starts coming for our boys, more than just the pens chopping mind wash, you'd think there'd be more of a "whitelash."
  5. The Twitter comments are horrid. I can't believe people really think like that. It is like a cesspool there. Only slightly better than here. Seriously, Twitter is vile.
  6. It really is a revenge type of game. A lot of Rams fans have hated NE since then. Suh will end Brady's career.
  7. Midget, discount Nick Saban and the Saits got calls all game long. Saints OL was tackling rushers. People are stupid, I guess.
  8. The Saints got too many gifts, and the refs finally stopped helping them by letting the Rams get a call. Sorry, you did not watch the game. This crew made one mistake, the rest of the game they were slobbering all over Breese and that discount Nick Saban.
  9. I hate how people so flamboyantly throw around the fact someone was in the military. Like I give AF. Or, that service somehow obliges someone to be put on a pedestal. He was there for a political issue, and politics followed. His service is of ZERO CONSEQUENCE. Also, ***** that Indian douche.
  10. Wow, there's a name. He used to have that show. I only remembered the show, I could never remember his name.
  11. Just like they said about Trump, kiddo. She's learning to Washington just fine.
  12. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/january_2019/ocasio_cortez_vs_trump_and_the_winner_is Rasmussen Recognizes!!! The End is Nigh!
  13. I mean, I get laid pretty regularly. I'm nothing special. That said, it is pretty sad you two try and distract from the fact your heads are so far up your arses you have absolutely no idea why things smell so bad. AOC is legit. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-female-president-190114063930734.html
  14. I think this broad might have what it takes to be great. I could be totally off with the social media crud, though. Like, people are tuning into these IG girls taking a poop, or eating popcorn and watching a movie, or putting on socks. I know enough to know I am so very ignorant to this IG crud. It is catching on , and it annoys the hell out of me. As a single male in SoCal maybe I see this movement on the bottom rungs of the hell it is turning into. Or, perhaps I and just suffering from shellshock. But, that there, is one boss B word. I am in love with the idea of tagging along with her for the ride, man.
  15. That's like saying, "don't breathe air." In order to defeat your enemy, you must love your enemy first.
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