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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Well, at least he started a real conversation about something...
  2. As long as they vote Democrat, then yes. They have been that way since the beginning. It was kind of made to function that way.
  3. He is only one Pope of many. Some would ask more...
  4. What the ***** are you? A hamtroll? I really don't get why the left is so cool with attacking children, as long as they are white or religious. Well, I am both. And, I'd happily cut your balls off and shove them up your #######. That way, the next time you take a *****, you ***** all over your balls.
  5. I am glad I am not the only one with that feeling. Like something good will happen, finally. That feeling is hope. Hope, the mind killer. I like hope, but hate the feeling of hope more than nails on a chalkboard.
  6. By now, they are monitoring us, too. Just accept it.
  7. I love this Flipping timeline. This lifetime might get a bit more exciting. May we all be so fortunate .
  8. Never heard of someone getting so intense they tear a rotator cuff from it, but congrats. Also, Ace Ventura was so great. Obligatory...
  9. Is that what white privilege looks like? Or, is she ashamed of her color and that perhaps is what white guilt looks like?
  10. What if the Pope threw his weight into it? He won't because he is a coward and a puppet, but what if?
  11. Attacking children is disgusting. The old POS banging his drum is disgusting. The filth on the left ought to be corrected and stopped from continuing the practice. This crap is becoming business as usual far too often in America.
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