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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Indian Wing Commander just committed suicide. This might conflict actually turn into an memorable world event. https://www.newsnation.in/india-news/breaking-indian-air-force-wing-commander-arvind-sinha-commits-suicide-in-prayagraj-allahabad-article-215299.html
  2. My money is on India, but the ***** may be the first to do something very crazy. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/live-updates-india-carries-out-air-strikes-on-terror-camps-in-pakistan/liveblog/68161990.cms
  3. As war evolves into video game playing, I see no place for women in the military's future. JK. I'd be down for an issued opposite sex shithole partner.
  4. This makes me banging her less or more plausible? Idk, what to feel.
  5. You seem a little extra heated, lately. I know, I am. That Covington ***** woke me up before the winter was over. Very unhappy about that.
  6. I wonder if California would tax the reparations? I mean, those are potentially decades of unpaid taxes.
  7. I might just have to start identifying as a black. Seriously, feel the burn, white males.
  8. Deep doodoo? I thought he was a john asking for a rubtug.
  9. This is why I hate the anti-anti-vaccers just as much as the anti-vaccers. All this fool had to do was read the thread, instead of looking at the last page and shooting off half-cocked. The guy obviously has as much knowledge about vaccines as a low rent anti-vaccer, yet he feels like he doesn't. Is this what Tom feels like when he talks to ALL other people?
  10. The push against anti-vaccers gets so absurd that they lose all touch with reality and tend to make more folks anti-vaccers. Just acknowledge there are potential-side effects which we should prepare ourselves for, just in case. Even the medical staff does after I get my son's shots updated. Why is it so hard to do, without adding some smarmy comment? Knowledge is power. Man, if not getting vaccines weren't so stupid, I'd consider doing it myself just because of how annoying the anti-anti-vaccers are. You guys do a disservice to society by being so daft. More bees with honey, dipshits. Half of PPP right there. So content to be unaware.
  11. You're totally an autist. Have you ever seen the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode that deals with assburgers? Yeah. I'm willing to bet you've seen it. I'm also willing to bet you've told people you have autism to get out of sticky situations.
  12. Sometimes, I think you might be too smart for your own good, old man. Just as long as we agree that some vaccine competents might cause some types autism, we're good. 8-P Seriously, there would be less autistic people if vaccines didn't exist, simply because there would be less people alive. Checkmate.
  13. I always loved the blatant s3xism on the left. It's okay, because muh Trump, though. Yup, crap like that leaves some serious mental scar tissue.
  14. I wonder if this is the FBI taking headlines away from the Smolett thing. Not the only organization that is very literally above the law.
  15. I'm so disappointed in myself for getting this... Hey-oh!
  16. The old... You're not allergic to the vaccine, just what they put in the vaccine argument. Very valid argument.
  17. I am not an anti-vaxxer. I will state that anti-vaxxers have caused a diminution of the very real risks of vaccines. As a child I almost died from one vaccine, as my fever was in the 105s. Vaccines DO have risks, and those risks need to be taken seriously. My son is vaccinated. That said, if people can have fever spikes that kill them, perhaps Autism can be caused by the stuff. So, yes! My mind is still open on the possibility, therefore I will not say no. And, if I had to bet, I'd bet that there are probably some cases out there where it has happened. In sum, vaccinate your kids, but monitor them carefully for the next 48 hours or more, depending on the circumstances. Flame away...
  18. Fair enough, comrade... 8-P There are idiots on both sides, who like to sow the seeds of division. And, whenever the dumber idiots mess up, the other side tries to turn them into an example. I can agree. Mud takes away from progress and unlocking new achievements.
  19. Ashley Todd was some roastie in the middle of nowhere that the media ignored. She had no legislation created because of her silliness. Also, conservatives called BS on her. Your comparisons are weak. There is a list of various false flags from both sides, but the Democrats have gone insane since Trump with these things. That said, the sailor kissing a girl statue was likely a false flag, if I had to bet. Fake hate crime are common on the left and you little list is effectually comical when each instance is taken into consideration. Easily distinguished and sad. https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/18/hoax-hate-crimes-list/
  20. Has there ever been a time in US history where a racebaiter, of this proportion or any, has seen any punishment by the law?
  21. https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-cheers-on-covington-students-lawsuit-against-washington-post-go-get-them-nick/ Trump has spoken!!!
  22. I had not seen it. After looking at it, I'm inclined to agree with you, halfway. Specifically, I don't like the idea of them trying to act like Nick does not have any political beliefs. I do like the juvenile angle which provides them path of least resistance. "Nicholas has zero history of political activism or aggressiveness and did not exhibit any such conduct even when confronted with unbridled racist attacks by activist bullies at the National Mall." Wasn't he at an anti-abortion rally with a MAGA hat on? It might just be bait to play the juvenile angle, though. Not my style, but what do I know? Also, I'd specifically quote the Post and their reporting of this. Nothing wrong with citing the enemies work. "Apparently, Phillips, a phony war hero, was too intimidated by the unruly Hebrew Israelites to approach them, the true troublemakers, and instead chose to focus on a group of innocent children – a much safer endeavor for activist tactics of intimidation."
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