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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Ugh, she is so stupid it hurts. I hate how she writes. Such long winded bellows of nonsense.
  2. That's true. I honestly was surprised he didn't once things went sour for him regarding the story. I'm surprised he even did it so late in the game. It makes it even more of a subject by deleting it in shame.
  3. The mods should merge Tibs thread into this one... What a chickenshit for changing the title.
  4. The degree should only be half as available as it is. Same with a few others. But, if one wishes to gamble on themselves, so be it.
  5. And, this is just crap you see in the news. Imagine what all is really happening.
  6. Bills had trade in place. AB acted a fool on the tweet machine when he found out about the rumors. He insulted Buffalo. Beane said, "screw you, too, buddy."
  7. Why are you white males so angry? Jeeze, where do some of yall get off? Man, this lady is so bangable. The stupid stuff she says is so asinine, yet Americans eat it up. I need to absorb her powers. https://www.dailywire.com/news/44467/ocasio-cortez-state-america-garbage-reagan-pitted-ryan-saavedra
  8. Why are you white males so angry at women just because they're pretty? Jeeze, where do some of yall get off?
  9. She needs another photo shoot and radical agenda released soon.
  10. Idk, her punching this white male baby really has me falling in love with Brie Larson. AOC better do something drastic or she'll lose my support.
  11. You clean the stuff I drink out of, awesome! Whats worse than cleaning toilets in Corona? Living there. And, this is factually correct.
  12. Mission Viejo swine!!! JK. ***** everyone is from there.
  13. https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2019/02/26/army-apache-blackhawk-helicopters-la-hollywood/ POTUS negotiating with the Chinese/Russians in Vietnam. (Pakistan/India) Chinese/Russians negotiating with the VPOTUS in Columbia. (Venezuela) Kids are being distracted by Cohen on the Television. *Trudeau hearings for the sissies up north.*
  14. I'm in San Clemente. Did you look at the ocean, yesterday? Or, the sky, today? I have lived next to Camp Pendleton for years now, and this is an increase in activity. Apaches are headed to SD from Irwin, offshore drills at Las Pulgas, whatever the ***** they're doing in the Ocean with the boats and such. *That said, perhaps "serious activity" was a streeeeech. There is this, too...https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-tv-us-map-targets-vengeance-nuclear-strike-analysts-putin-arms-race/
  15. FYI there has been some serious activity (a lot more than usual) here in SoCal San Diego/Orange County area.
  16. This is all a distraction. It is stupid. Cohen did this on purpose. HAHA. I didn't pay any attention, as it has been stupid from the beginning.
  17. What sucks is that after CNN picked this up (72hour delay), the real news has been harder to find. Okay, does this have anything to do with the China trade war? China capitulated after the first terrorist attacks killed 40 Indians, right? I mean, these are how negotiations are won on a geopolitical level.
  18. I am not looking for a prediction, just what led to the EOF. It could just be simply the suicide guy, but I like to consider the possibility is all part of a bigger strategy/purpose. Like a dominoes purposefully set up and knocked down, Chess, etc. I agree. I just have a feeling that there is something most of us are missing here.
  19. I suppose China and Russia will support Pakistan, no? US and Euro will support India? This isn't even a proxy. Or, does this have any relation to the China/US trade war? Where are the "conspiracy" guys when you need em'? I can't see this whole picture.
  20. I'm sure they'll try both. Team India!
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