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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Have any of you been outside of the US/Canada? So sickening how sheltered some of you are. And, these people vote. It's called a discussion.
  2. Indoctrination is not the answer, it's the problem, some would argue.
  3. http://i.stuff.co.nz/national/10718902/Aotearoa-Muslim-is-proud-to-support-Isis May add another thin* layer.
  4. We're are all bigots, as we are all animals and it is in our nature. You sir, are a coward, and have no place thinking you're anything more than that.
  5. Usually when one groups attacks another. Are you daft? Ohh, "Tibs"...
  6. Honestly, this board has so little clue what the rest of the world is like. One reason why The_Dude is so blasted is because of his lack of ignorance, IMO. I doubt many of you have come out of the Ivory Tower you lived in, comparatively speaking. That said, I got you...
  7. Just be alert my dudes. This is just another domino in the line.
  8. I left it up to the mods to delete or not. It is news. Same video the news would show, with the same warning "graphic." "The people who get off on it will find it anyways." Is what you meant.
  9. Agree to disagree. Censorship is not the answer, IMO. There is a reason why freedom of the press is so important. Because, people want the truth. I also provided links to edited stories, for you and your "friends."
  10. I disagree. The truth is more important. Tragedy ought not be censored. It ought be learned from. People should be able to choose to see the world the way it is, or stay in their bubble of ignorance. No video was provided, just the means to see the truth. I understand your opinion, though.
  11. Seems he's been arrested. Also, seems there may be more than one shooter. There will likely be a terrorist attack in response. Islam on Christianity. (Just be weary, as religion transcends boarders) And, a manifesto... Full manifesto _ https://www.scribd.com/document/401945007/Brenton-Tarrant-Great-Replacement-Manifesto
  12. Very graphic first person shooter. You are warned. https://files.catbox.moe/bsckol.mp4 BEST***Full review, link to online posts, manefesto, video of shooting and capture: https://darkweb.tokyo If this is against the rules, please remove. I just thought since it would be shown on the news, a link to the actual shooting would be okay. https://apnews.com/ce9e1d267af149dab40e3e5391254530 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/14/world/asia/christchurch-nz-shooting.html More than one mosque Police urge to stay indoors https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2019/mar/15/christchurch-shooting-injuries-reported-as-police-respond-to-critical-incident-live
  13. I thought his bigotry against Christianity and white people would be why you hated him.
  14. Highest ratings, pulled ads. They need to list all the companies who pulled the ads, so I know where not to spend my money.
  15. Mueller is what is keeping the kids entertained, while the rest of the world is in a trade war.
  16. Again, it is an Internet message board. I always thought the Democrats wanted to have a "discussion." This just seems like propaganda, and everyone is aware. Why be so brazen about it? What are your goals? To be ridiculed and diminish your politics? 2020 Finger wagging was never how I went about getting others to understand my position. I like to beat them with reason. Sadly, I wonder what Tibs is IRL. He is just a very odd little guy, if I had to bet.
  17. Dude, you really lost a lot respect from me for changing the title. The way it happened was natural and ought to be recorded as a lesson. Much like the pictures of what the NAZIs did liberals need to be reminded what their hate and divisiveness does. Why do you think it is okay to teach violence against christian, white children? (https://statenews.com/article/2017/11/letter-its-not-okay-to-be-white) This stuff has become institutional in nature. By deleting the title you essentially are trying to cover up the liberal hate machine. The Democrats need to stop trying to perpetuate a fake race war to gain political power. (http://www.fakehatecrimes.org/)
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