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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Seth Riched? Or, is that when they kill em' in the wild?
  2. What's the over/under date on him getting "suicided?"
  3. Man, I unloaded most of my AMD at $20. Thanks, for the reminder.
  4. I know, but I can hear it in his voice with regard to these ladies. He is almost completely money driven, and usually hides his true feelings well. Not so much, last time I had a chance to listen to him. And, in a car. Your point?
  5. And, Beane is smart, which is why a TE will not be taken that high.
  6. Yeah, I'm sensing the same thing. I listen to Handel in the morning, sometimes. I have seen him change a bit since these ladies have been mandated to attack Israel and Jewish lobbies.
  7. Petco and Petsmarts are usually oddly safe. I guess people there are so used to cleaning up after their pets, they just clean up for themselves automatically. But, Chicago? Is this secret potty area safe?
  8. I wonder how many Jewish people will be pushed to the right, as a result of the Democratic party shifting to and anti-Israel stance (arguably antisemitic).
  9. You remind me of me, before I saw more of his posts. There are (more) capable liberals in which to debate. You're wasting your time with Little Timmy.
  10. Go be a boring stick somewhere else. I want to see the Oakland Trumps win the SuperBowl, after the Bills of course. I thought shiz like that went without saying.
  11. Like the Big Ben Statue? Team AB. I want the Raiders to be the dirtiest team in the league, talk mega shiz on everyone, disrespect the league and Oakland, and win the SuperBowl. I want that timeline.
  12. Gotta wait 1 week before you can make fun of the dead...
  13. Easy. Not my favorite, but certainly one with the most realistic chance of being real. OJ and his murders had a special connection to these FBI acts, in case nobody here wasn't aware. Screw cigarette smoking man...
  14. So far Gruden has been stocking up picks. Unless there is someone I'm not aware of, why would Gruden buck his own trend and give up picks? Inb4 mccarron. Mccarron was a 5th. The 5th is not the same as the first 3 rounds.
  15. Buffalo is bad, but, there are the other 8 games and the fact that not all the home games are played in bad weather. Bottom line, the ST play was abhorrent last year.
  16. Fair enough. The whole Darr having averaged 39.8 over his years with the Dolphins and watching that drop by 3.5 yards in Buffalo is sad. I think Bojo is the right move for next season. You don't get anywhere in the NFL using retreads, usually.
  17. Why did you combine the two? Also, Darr netted 36.3 with the Bills in 2018, while netting 39.8 in his two years with the Dolphins. Quite frankly, the punter is not the entire problem on ST. With a proper ST, and some time to develop a bit, the kid will be a probowler. That is how bad I think our ST is.
  18. I get that feeling, too. But, he is just a punter. Outside of placeholder (lol), punter has to be the most stressfree position.
  19. I swear this lady found a pair of pants that has like -50 INT and +50 MND.
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