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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I accidentally saw part of a clip where the cartel was filleting a man. Rich people love exploiting the illegals. I'm honestly surprised the wealthy have not had Trump assassinated yet. Stopping illegal aliens is Kennedy level crossing the line.
  2. This guy has nothing on the 'Cogs. I don't think he would be a wise trade. Younger is better for the core of the team under McBeane.
  3. The Republicans must start punishing those who exploit the illegal aliens, and punishing them hard.
  4. What about that guy caught jacking by some old lady in the parking lot at a grocery store? Some may argue OJ, but it happened for a reason. I love you OJ.
  5. Then why do yall so easily mock a guy who lost his shiz when he lost his pops? Is it the comfort of the keyboard? I think repression of our instinct and emotions has made us weak. Being more in touch with the animals we are is a virtue. Society isn't always right. I mean, it is one thing to say and another thing to do. Better to live one day a lion than 1000 days a sheep. Laugh all you want, Last post here. Flame on... Just remember I was right the first time, and I'm right this time, too.
  6. It's funny bc when you type "soy boy" into Google your avatar shows up...
  7. I like how you people ignore the fact I said it was wrong, but that I understood. The world violates people of all walks of life, and I am just really an average guy who has been to war and seen the way the world is outside of the bubble. Going unhinged when a loved one passes is as good of an excuse as any to go unhinged.
  8. Was it wrong? Sure. Do I understand it? Definitely. My mom was murdered. I am still detached from the rest of the world and will forever be. Part of me will forever look at all people as worthless pieces of shiz whose still beating heart I would love to eat in front of them. It's a feeling, of course I won't do it, but that feeling is so real. I get Richie flipping out, and love him for it. Being violated by the world really can bring some interesting emotions out of us. Like, that guy in Seven who was just left there to whither away tortured for the rest of his natural life. Yall just don't get the warrior spirit. Sad, really.
  9. This is a prime example of the lack of worldly awareness in America. Relics of the dead are not uncommon. Especially, given different familial relationships. You guys are daft cowards and probably really never experienced real tragedy. Stay in your bubbles. Bottom line, Richie was signed and yall were wrong then, just like yall are wrong now. Too much Soi in your diets. I be right, and yall be soi. Making money off the idiots that are convinced they want to be women, 'merica. See above.
  10. Nope, they are not normal. But, they are normal. This country is full of so much ****, it sickens me every day I walk outside and look at it. Seriously, believe in something. So many cowards out there.
  11. What is "insane?" This country has a serious problem with appearance sensitivity. Why is wanting to cut off your dead dad's head insane? He was mourning. This country has turned into a bunch of women. And, cowardly women at that. Dude had a break after his father got sick and died. And, the Twitter cucks are trying to ***** him for it. Shame on them.
  12. Yeah, that was the joke. BOOO!!! CAPS ARE AWESOME. I WISH THE FRUITBOOTERS WHO DECIDED THAT THEY WERE BAD GOT FORCED TO TYPE IN CAPS FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES... He was no saint, but there are literally Pittsburgh Stealer QBs out there who rape women.
  13. Because there WAS a reason Shady handed him the ball to spike after he set the franchise record... Hey, I like Beans but he made a mistake on Richie, IMHO. The vast majority of the people on this board mocked me for even suggesting Richie be re-signed. Look, I get the guy's issues. Not all of us are as put together as the rest of us. It does not mean we are bad people which should be disallowed from being part of a successful team (especially, when we make that team better). I wish Richie the best and still believe Beane made a mistake by treating him the way he did.
  14. What QB did we have in 2017? Honestly, it was so bad I forgot. I am not even going to try and remember. I do think JA would have been better had we kept Richie. What was the QB situation like in 2017? Not Josh Allen. Also, Richie was a good pass blocker, wth are you guys smoking? Imagine JA if we actually had a run game. Do you guys even football?
  15. One year Franchise Record... Next year ghost of Shady... Not rocket science, guys... See above.
  16. Except for the fact Richie made the team better. Seriously... This was a WTF by Beane. In case YOU cant read that says franchise record and Shady gave the ball to Richie. The year when Richie was gone, So was Shady, basically. Before: Franchise record. After: Ghost of Shady. I liked it BEFORE BEANE fudged things up. TEAM WAS BETTER WITH RICHIE, AND BEANE FUDGED UP, PERIOD. JA WAS HURT BECAUSE OF IT.
  17. Douchey thing to do to a probowler, and then to leave him hanging when he obviously regretted it. Just because it is legal doesn't make it right. Beane fudged up and we saw it in the o-line play last year, which was a joke. Beane made a joke, among a lot of the good things Mcdermott has done. Like, why should we all forget? Did they make the playoffs last year or something? No, JA got injured behind a joke.
  18. Why? We all cope in our own ways? I wanted a relic when my mom died. Yall were some hassles... I called Trump winning in the beginning, too. Bold... Life only rewards the bold. My one and only ban stemmed from my defense of Richie. I beaming and the crummy mod need to eat a boot.
  19. Some of us were right on with this. Where is my locked thread? Eat it, all you doubting plebs. The team makes him better and he makes his team better. It has just started, though. Seriously, I am going to tune in just to watch this. At least for a few games.
  20. Wait, where is that mod (the mod who sucks - forgot his name) and that weird dude who would post nonstop (cornerblitz26 who also suck) that shutdown my ":sign Richie" thread because it would "never happen." I got banned for my response to their malarkey. (deserved the ban from the normal mod that does not suck - I admit - worth it to call out cornerblitz26) Off the rails, huh?
  21. Umm, yeah. Transfer to a Compton HS for graduation... This is my new company's purpose. To relocate HS seniors to the ghettos of LA for graduation. Haha. Wtf is going on with the world? This sex strike since aborion laws started kicking back the infanticide laws is crazy, too.
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