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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Dev may just really have a type... That said, Tom is right. A little diversity in our fantasies is the progressive thing to do. At least throw in a Rachel Maddow or AOC. Bestgore.com was a site that had some very horrible videos.
  2. Posting because I never knew something this funny happened. (Flag was on the towel throw)
  3. Waaaaay past the SoL on them, too. America owes Bills' fans reparations for not aborting Tom Brady.
  4. Wait, so you just have to put weiner in other guy to get free monies? What if wife identified as man? What if husband identified as woman? Part of me wants to see this happen, just to see how they all try and sort it out.
  5. Agreed. but, you'd think something may have come up... However, what should the Bills have gotten for him? http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000973199/article/bills-unlikely-to-trade-lesean-mccoy-to-eagles
  6. This is so annoying... Not his fault at all.* The O-line was a huge joke, regardless of what some of the apologists say. I agree. The Bills should have traded him to the highest bidder once they realized how horrid the O-line was going to be.
  7. Did they catch these ladies? If not, this was a pretty good crime. Maybe 50-100k cash...
  8. Thing is, I find it so funny how it is always a man's fault. Or, that they are the bad guy. Personal experience has exposed me to the higher power lvl see you NTs. They are evil spirited pigs, worse than the vast majority of men. This lady is (most likely) nothing more than an attention Horror, with a capital "H." I wish more women had the balls to be see you NTs to other women like this. Thus, cowardly animals. Sorry, had to rant^^
  9. I'm so ***** over this metoo crap. Women need to start policing other women and stop playing both sides of the same card. Cowardly animals.
  10. Well, Japanese PM Abe was in Tehran and the topic was peace with the US/Iran relationship, when the Japanese ships were attacked. You do have a point about Israel, but it is undeniable they have an interest in the region and have means, motive, and oppertunity to use tactics to deter peace between other middle east countries and the US. I myself wonder if this is related to China/Russia in any way. Seems like a stretch, but China is so much more of a player than the media and eggheads will admit, and Russia hasn't really been talked about here. Idk, they're always a player on the board. Happy the passport thing was a gag. *I am apparently overworked and have zero tolerance for others showing even an ounce of being human, let alone sarcasm. Have you ever dreaded work on Monday right after getting home on a Friday?
  11. He got asked to give a bold prediction, and gave one. Honestly, it wasn't even that bold. Shady will lose his #1 rb role this season. There I made a bolder one. I mean, if you're asked to make a bold statement are you then dammed if you do and dammed if you don't?
  12. He was asked to make a bold prediction, and said Cody does not start week 1. The fact some fans are beyond belief about that, is baffling to me.
  13. Really? A passport was left at the scene? That is comically convenient. Honestly, that makes me believe Iran had no part in this. Japan is not so sure, either... https://japantoday.com/category/national/japan-demands-more-u.s.-proof-that-iran-attacked-tankers
  14. I agree. With one year left on his contract, with AD not wanting to stay with NO...
  15. The look of pure ecstasy... Also, UK AMBASSADOR now summoned ...
  16. There are definitely a lot of issues with the story... (all sides) Pretty bold to attack a Japanese ship while the main mullah is chatting with Abe about progress in Tehran. Some Game of Thrones type of shiz. But, then to deny it and put up a billboard claiming responsibility? Idk, crazy like a fox? Regardless, Bolton has an erection.
  17. Honestly, I don't know what to believe anymore. https://japantoday.com/category/national/Ship-operator-says-sailors-saw-'flying-objects'-just-before-attack So, this happened to a Japanese tanker while Abe was in Tehran? https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/latest-uk-maritime-group-warns-incident-oman-sea-63680064
  18. Is this racist now? Ugh, you ***** millenials and the demons who brought you into the world. *They have tried to take the saying away, wtf?! I am disappoint. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/09/19/224183763/is-it-racist-to-call-a-spade-a-spade
  19. Meanwhile the boomers and zoomers are ***** them over, while coasting into Social Security and Medicare worthlessness, gouging property prices as they sell to foreigners, and bitching the whole time... I'm not a millenial, but I can call a spade a spade.
  20. Yes, and so would certain fans of every team. Source? I am one of those fans, sometimes. I'd cheer even more if certain referees were pulverized.
  21. Ehh, perhaps our country should be good for her citizens.
  22. I my mind it depends on what Trent brings and for how long. An Eric Wood type of player is more valuable in my mind. Leadership on the line is yuge!
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