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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Well, the only time he has been injured was in the pocket...
  2. Ehh, I've been to war. Plebs thinking they can call me on my patriotism are ignorant twats, IRL. Also, there was a time, not too long ago, where doing your own things during the Anthem was kosher, and people didnt have to worry about half breeds getting all puffy about 'Merica. You do you, though.
  3. Okay, that guy is a monster. I actually think #######s like him are likely to push me in the direction of sitting out the National Anthem like Shady did. No disrespect, no respect, just not gonna participate...
  4. What does Toledo have to do with wypipo supremes?
  5. Secret codes sent by Trump... supporting the wypipo who worship Hitler. This, however, is real. https://mobile.twitter.com/JasonOverstreet/status/1158591696931717120
  6. Yeah, the whole thing is tragic. The kid is a monster, plain and simple. The whole thing is sad.
  7. Pretty sure it is fak3... Though, I do remember Sarah Silverman claiming normal utility markings were the acts of white supremist hate symbols.
  8. As opposed to my best artwork...? (That can't be real)
  9. This shiz wouldn't happen if we had free WiFi, like the eurosexuals.
  10. And, the sides begin to rev3al themselves...
  11. Yeah, it is interesting how daft some Americans are regarding the truth about gun violence. I wonder how many people were murdered in The Windy City since the beginning of this month.
  12. Mommy will have you back, guys... It's not too late!!!
  13. In America, right now? Yes. As a matter practical application? No. Might makes right.
  14. After he leads us to a Superbowl win this year, yes...
  15. Is this the new reporter chick's account? Like, Rodak but with balls?
  16. My liberal friends think I'm too conservative. And, my conservative friends think I'm too liberal. I'm fine with it. I do think a livable wage is fair government regulation of the wealth of this country. People gotta eat, guys. Building a wall to help control wage abuse and the economy would also makes sense. Wait, I'm not blaming. I'm pointing out fact. Social security, retirements, and other pension like things all suffer from raising minimum wage. You guys seem to just think poor people will get replace by robots, but boomers will suffer with a $15 min wage. It would be a fairly significant amount of suffering, too.
  17. 1) I am far from a leftist. I just get annoyed when boomers get all high and mighty. Seriously, boomers lived in a world where America did have a better quality of life, relative to the rest of the world, than people do now. Why is it so hard to accept responsibility for failing future generations? Instead, bitching about "muh millenials" is so much easier. \/ \/ \/ "How dare people get paid a living wage, it might devalue our pensions and social security, which are currently destroying the economy and wealth of future generations!!!" <--- maybe the gif will help illustrate this situation for you. (Sam Beckett was not a boomer, fyi.) /\/\/\ Anyways, we all lift together, and the boomer generation's poop does stink.
  18. Poisoning the free samples at Costco would probably be more effective. A little collateral damage would help balance the equation... ^^Still complaining about raising minimum wage because it'd reduce the value of his free gubment checks... Seriously, the willful ignorance of the boomers is horrifying. Entitled, spoiled, lazy and selling our country away for the easy ride into their golden years. They are like some sort of monster from folklore that destroys a civilization. A plague of entitled, worthless, brats.
  19. Just the sins of the liberal fathers, right? We do the best with what we have, or what is left behind. Ultimately, it comes down to a failure to control the future, less a failure of the future to adapt.
  20. Totally down to waste parasitical scum so selfish for themselves that they burn their own children. I dont think there ever has been a more cowardly and selfish generation. The line of your people will forever be ashamed of what they created, perhaps that is why you hate future generations so much.
  21. My problem is that the cost of everything has gone up, and wages have not. The average quality of life in America has gone to sit for anyone who isn't a boomer. We need to start killing off the old people and take their lands. Only solution.
  22. I love you, OJ! Classic Nordberg gif to remember the times before the lies.
  23. Look at what they have already done to our sons... And, we allow it, even embrace it. Stand for it, even enforce it. That doesn't mean everyone else has... Tuning out, is a significant part of the problem.
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