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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I think they hold onto him as long as they can, but... I also don't think dealing him is an impossibility. I think, if the price is right, they will. Further, he may want out, and a shot at starting at some point between now and when his contract is up. Thus, the Bills may also want to get something for him instead of seeing him walk at the end of his contract.
  2. At this point, I am curious as to if any teams have inquired about Matt Barkley. He has looked pretty solid for us, thus far. I really wonder what the plan is for him.
  3. Gilmore was paid for. And, many of the Bills fans on here that said he was an average DB have got to see him given All-Pro status. I'm sure they will still argue he is average when he gets inducted into the HoF. I like pointing out ignorance.
  4. This is a thread about an event, not a player. Also, this would definitely make incarceratedbob a bit more legit in my mind.
  5. https://www.wtsp.com/article/sports/nfl/does-winning-in-the-nfl-preseason-matter-sort-of/67-592c3fa4-1546-4524-8965-3abfd80274db Ehh...
  6. Anthony Weiner probably got introduced to children on Epstien's Island.
  7. No, this is actually the thread where we come to post when we are smashed. Posting here sober is actually forbidden.
  8. Epstein is certainly a reason to storm the gates... I kind of feel violated by the fact he existed the way he did and nobody did a thing and he was then miraculously suicided. Honestly, wtf?
  9. This picture really says a lot about the arrogance of Epstein. This isn't weird. This is Epstein telling people he owned Clinton.
  10. I'm kind of with you. Are the Jets going after Clowney? If anything, I'd guess a WR.
  11. There have to be some upside to being a miserable, angry person. I for one find it comforting to B word and be angry; it makes me happy.
  12. HAHAHA... Thanks! Honestly, idk who won, but I am curious and now I'll never know, which is the true crime here. The fact that the thread was deleted made me question whether it even existed for a bit.
  13. SERIOUSLY, SCREW WHOEVER DELETED THE FIRST POST. I AM 99% SURE I WON THE POOL. Your have no idea how much gratification I would have gotten from being the winner of the Epstein Suicide Pool. I hope you die of dysentery.
  14. Well, that sucks. It sucks a lot. I am pretty sure I should have won. Dude, is there any way to petition SDS to review the archives and tell us who the winner was? This is for bragging rights; so, he'll surely know how important it is and comply...
  15. I could have sworn this topic was posted the day he was arrested and such. It was then there were numerous jokes about how long he would last before he was to be suicided. I can't find that shiz. I need to know if I won the date is suicide pool. Who deleted it? I am very displeased, because I think I might have won.
  16. Where does this tragic mistake rate in the history of tragic mistakes? Seriously, this fool was the diddler to the stars (those in power), and he was suicided in such Hollywood fashion. I guess Hollywood stories only come true if you're the diddle ranger for the powerful. This makes me hate the world just a little bit more than I did a few days ago.
  17. I'll day this. Vlad did pretty well for himself over the past 9 years in the NFL. He is the Nate Peterman of Guards.
  18. So, does the Epstein story stop here? I mean, what happens next? The fact he was suicided in such a way is beyond frightening. Really just a reminder of how powerless the 99% are.
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