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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Ehh, the Bills should have won on that last play. Some of this is on the players, regardless of him deciding to saving a T/O when he probably shouldn't have.
  2. The Bills do have a good run defense. They collapsed at the end of last year, but before then it was a different story.
  3. This is what I was wondering. Where did this all of a sudden come from?
  4. Coaching advantage is for us. Talent advantage on the other hand...
  5. Yeah, it is like this everywhere. Fairly obvious answer to a childish question.
  6. If they see a guy in the draft... Stawp, hating the big daddy... Bills need so muchore first.
  7. What about the folks who were mocked for saying Clay will be the #1 WR?
  8. Rams are tearing the sheet out of the Colts, atm...
  9. Why do the fans with a lower football IQ hate Gilmore so much?
  10. The defense did look bad, even when Hightower was out there. Gilmore actually shut his guy down. Whoever he was covering, for the entire game. He was one of the few bright spots on the Pats' D, outside of a missed tackle, which is/always has been a weaker part of his game. Ohh well, if think Gilmore sucks makes you happy...
  11. Yeah, the circlejerk against Gilmore is strong here. Or, folks have no clue wtf they are talking about. How about a little bit of both?
  12. The mental gymnasts here are amazing. I am just going to tune in more and more to see posts like this. I wish there was a Homer Olympics, because I think we'd field a great team. The way they explain everything, it is a win, no matter what! Bills lose, we cut some fat and got picks for the future. So many problems with this... We added a lot of fat. I mean, Webb can play ST, but that is all he can play at an NFL level. Honestly, I'd rather have a competitive RB #2 than a Taiwan (another "ST stud", just not an NFL calibre RB). The ST better be the best in the league with how much they are making excuses for their poor decisions. We needed to suck really bad and get a FQB in the draft! We have not done this since Losman. Many problems with this too... Like the failure rate. Bills get 7 wins. They'll claim we improved as a team, since all the talent is gone and we got some wins. Still ignoring the geriatric state of the Bills. Seriously, I doubt the Bills lose to the Jets, but hearing "we are finally tanking properly" and "this is what the franchise needs to do" would totally be worth it. Also, cannot wait until Tolbert turns into dust after his first game. I guess, he was a good ST player, too?
  13. I'm just going to say, "facts" after every post, and the post will majikally become facts! Facts!
  14. There are those who thought Whaley was a good GM with a bad HC.
  15. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-game-highlights/0ap2000000122575/Webb-struggles-vs-Packers That "Joe Webb?" Some of yall are smoking the good stuff. Honestly, trading TT and McCoy for some picks and having that guy start would still not be a "tank" for some of you.
  16. That one int and the rest of how he played makes sense, now. Didn't even think about it like that.
  17. This is where I'm at. He just made catches I saw other Bills' WRs drop. I wonder how many people defending this are just apologizing for McBeane. Hopefully, he stays and gets put on the field. Enjoy the 200 yards in the air per game this season, with Clay being the #2 in receiving yards.
  18. Almost exactly how I feel. McBeane seems to be the type of guy who won't admit his mistakes. They'll make a mistake on a guy and stick with the guy, regardless. Also, the trading players just to make everything appear to be "them" makes no sense, but it seems like that is what they're doing. Will they see success(playoffs)? When Brady is gone, is the correct answer. On the bright side, we know that Brandon is not in control, anymore.
  19. Betting websites have it at 6, which is reasonable. I'm gonna go over, bc why not? 7 wins!
  20. Kelso and Paup... Stars, but not legendary. You mean the guy in the HOF?
  21. Should have held onto him so we could have used him when McBeane Getz fired and we switch back to the 3-4...
  22. Juron gave TO the key to the city? We didn't pay Boldin?
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