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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I think his alcoholism embodied the Bills and their fans over the past 18 year playoff drought. If anyone should be put on the wall, it is that guy. He really was to Buffalo as Manziel was to Cleveland, an accurate representation of an era.
  2. I suppose breaking it down to something simple may help you understand why the majority of the country is against this form of protest. Pretend you're in Mexico watching a football game, and all the Mexicans stand for their Anthem. Would you do it too? You know, as a way to be RESPECTFUL to the Mexican tradition and country identity. Now if you decide to not show respect, and ignore the Anthem are you showing disrespect? Keep in mind it is possible to show disrespect through inaction. Perhaps, it is disrespectful to a degree. (One reason I really didn't mind Shady stretching during the Anthem) Now, let's take this to a new level and instead of some sort of inaction, you decide to dab during the Amthem, overtly mocking the tradition because you believe the Mexican Government is corrupt. Is the action disrespectful? Yes, it most certainly is the opposite of showing RESPECT, which would be to stand regular-like with your hat removed. I suppose none of the point matters unless you agree that you would probably stand in a foreign country, during their Anthem, to show respect. *Yes, things can be disrespectful even if you claim your intentions are good. Your position on that is absurd. I mean, is beating women for charity not disrespectful? Not to say this is that absurd, just your logic.
  3. NFL viewership is down like 11% from last year. Just saying, you shouldn't be so against their peaceful protest.
  4. I honestly think not all of them know. I have seen terms as general as "equality" and "systematic racism" being thrown around. Like being specific is that hard? Why can't they be specific? Because, they would be proven wrong too easily and exposed as the fools a lot of them are. I mean, "the current genocide in Burma" is an example of a specific "cause." "Equality" or "oppression of black people" without any specifics or proof is merely being vague enough to have absolutely no argument. "I stand for freedom" "I believe in civil rights" and stuff like that is good to stand for and all, but is far too vague to really be "discussed" or debated. Bottom line, Kaep said he was protesting a fudge-ton of things, one of which was the police. Problem with the whole police thing is that data shows he is full of poop, in many ways. I mean, there is evidence to show he is flat out wrong. If the protest was for a myriad of other things, which could be based on race, it would make sense. "Disproportionately born to poverty" is a good example of a legitimate issue. Who knows, perhaps the practicalityof that issue would be too difficult to "protest" since it is something these millionaires can and should do something about. I mean, there is a strong correlation between poverty and run-ins with the police.
  5. He was the only one who was brave this week. Now Tomlin gets to poop on the Army Vet because of some "protest" the subject of which the protesters are not even sure. Seriously, ask all 200 kneelers what they're squabbling about and youll get 300 different answers. The sum of the reasons being "equality for me but not for thee." Seriously, does anyone in this ITT even know what is being protested? I swear if you put every person commenting here into a room and asked them that question the answers would be more diverse than the NFL.
  6. I don't think the people "protesting" would do any better than Jimbo at articulating it. They are everywhere with the "cause."
  7. Hughes also picked the wrong time and place. Funny how folks are on one side or the other, here. Jimbo probably should have kept his mouth shut, and probably annoyed some fans. But, the Hughes retaliation rant will probably get him 15 yards worth of annoyed fans. They both should have kept it in house, and the folks playing sides are blinded by bias, IMO.
  8. It is really a huge rad these days to show disrespect for the National Anthem and the flag. I guess as long as they disrespect them "with good intentions" it is alright. It is sad so many people just give into peer pressure and act like being disrespectful is progressive. Americans always need a cause, and tend to have a desire to fight oppression, even if none exists. This is also sad. Couple the two, and some folks will say and do anything. I really do hope Pegula bans Kelly, as taking a long break from watching the NFL would save me both time and money.
  9. Ohh, I guess I agree, for the most part. I'm sure there is some minor implication. DeMarice Smith is an idiotic loudmouth (see, last CBA). So, I could see some possible implication he might have tried to create. I am trying to ignore the whole thing, as I find the whole issue to be polarizing and annoying, and worse so on social media. Talking about sheet online is 100% different than talking about it in person, and this subject is better to talk about in person.
  10. Because, the decision to go on strike has to be unanimous... Further, peer pressure and sheet. Even us adults are susceptible to it, to some degree. That said, I need to avoid this subject like cancer, as it pretty much is cancer, in online chat places. Opinions and buttholes, man.
  11. SMH... So, you think it'd be arguing against his memory of his friend if the NFL players were burning the flag and he wanted them fired? Private firing and government firing are two different things. Further, thinking they should be fired has nothing to do with the Constitution. Believing the government should jail them, or force the NFL to fire them is.
  12. Honestly, stretching is less disrespectful than kneeling, IMO. But, opinions are like buttholes...
  13. One answer is best for the country. The other answer is fair and American.
  14. I think the Falcons destroy the team, and somehow Peterman makes it onto the field. (Why I think game 4 is McDermott's plan.
  15. Writing is in the wall, IMO. Just curious to see when/if folks here think Taylor will be replaced. I say during/after game 4.
  16. Exactly, you can break people down into any type of grouping, but they still are people.
  17. Honestly, I would. Then again, I have seen tribal politics in a few of the cities I have lived in. The best story I remember is the tribal elders had a vote on purity needed to be in the tribe. They raised the threshold and started to kick people out of the tribe who were not pure enough. Kids were being locked out of the reservation schools, because all of a sudden they weren't pure enough anymore. I mean, less casino money going to those who were not pure enough really lined the elders' pockets...
  18. Straight black males are the white males of black people, fwiw. Honestly, everyone suffers different bullsheet. The real common denominator is socioeconomic, but feel free to use religion, race, ethnicity, country of origin etc. to try and make it up that socioeconomic ladder. SJW are just using the same capitalistic principles as racists do, in order to maintain some sort of socially constructed feeling of superiority. The really good ones make it up the ladder using the aforementioned divide and conquer philosophy.
  19. To be honest, these guys are as out of touch as the Hollywood shmucks... They live in a bubble and think they can connect to "common folk" by appealing to SJW causes. This guy gets it.
  20. Funny when people laughed at me for saying this. A pick in the 50s is where I am guessing it. 9ers, Cards, and Seahawks... 2 of those 3 are very weak, and the 3rd has no offense (McVay will destroy their defense). And, should have beat the Skins...
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