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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Especially, when his excuse was "getting a haircut." I wonder what "haircut and a shave" is code for... *Also, relevant to the topic of this thread... (CNN and some fake news.) I need to buy a bumpstock or two. https://www.google.com/amp/www.theblaze.com/news/2017/10/07/cnn-mocked-with-hilarious-reaction-for-showing-rifle-with-grenade-launcher-while-talking-bump-stocks/amp/
  2. I think the most interesting thing in this thread is that it takes 2 hours to cut your hair.
  3. When the Defense is the worst in the league, I can understand his desire, as winning the game was really out of his hands.
  4. You do know white people can be Muslim, right? Seriously, the amount of people who don't know the difference between religion and race is asinine.
  5. After like 5 drops, he catches it!!!
  6. Romo with the fieldgoal range joke...
  7. Fat, young Santa calming Folk down. Damn, that is 9 points he cost the Bucs. Not to mention all the drops and missed passes to wide open WRs... This game is on the Bucs players.
  8. These announcers... Just short of getting on thier knees and giving Brady a BJ.
  9. Honestly, this Vegas shooting has some great conspiracies already. The one where the shooter was an FBI agent selling guns to ISIS is fun to watch folks clamor about. The alleged pics of this guy at anti-Trump rallies seems like weak evidence. But, there is definitely stuff the FBI is holding back, as they do early in most every investigation. At this point, it would be nice for those normalized FBI/White House leaks to occur. *Video of what is suppose to be his GF in LAX looked crazy, too. Her yelling "Boom" and "4 days America!". But, probably not her. Just conspiracy folks posting stuff on the interwebs. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x633igw
  10. Haha, next people are going to claim jet fuel melts steel beams.
  11. Judging by your usage of the word, you don't. Tell me, what is a "prediction" to you?
  12. I don't think you know what the word "prediction" means. We'll start with that and then get up to more complex things like "sports wagering."
  13. Do you know what "prediction" means? I mean, gambling lines can be argued as one of the most reputable predictors ever created.
  14. Yeah, I can't believe I had to come down this far to find someone with some sense. However, the Bills are underdogs, again, for this road game. Offense needs to step up. Bills being 3 point underdogs = trap game?
  15. This is what they are doing. Giving money to their friends by hiring them to made up positions within the "high-speed" rail "project." It is a slush fund to funnel money to special interests in the name of the greater good. It is what California does. When the project ends up costing 10-100 times it's projected budget, they will have shored up some nice coffers for the next couple decades woth of elections.
  16. People just make threads like this for the reaction/attention. Since it is already at the top, I thought it was worth the above notice.
  17. But, this is a case where she deserves it. People need to stop throwing around terms like "genocide" loosely ("Trump is so racist he genocides, amirite?"). Regardless of political aspirations, why throw poop at the people who are actively helping? Horrible mayor, seeking political points and acting insanely selfish when she really shpuldnt be. People allowing that type of attitude are endorsing an truly disgusting behavior. Trump was elected in part because he hits back and he hasn't stopped since being elected. Sometimes, it comes off as petty. However, in this case that mayor can suck a lemon. * What Trump said was the truth, as well.
  18. I wonder how much it will eventually end up costing. I mean, it is a scam in so many ways but the cost prediction v. actual cost might help people see how horrid the idea was. That said, the high-speed to Vegas will be neat, and a good project to compare to the LA/SF kerfuffle.
  19. This is what happens when people claim everything is racist or oppressive. Kaepernick Syndrome. Then again, Id like to see the vidya of him being taken down. Seriously, cops are dicks *10 when their is an active shooter. Arguably, rightfully so, though.
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