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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. When the starter is TT... *I really don't understand the flippant way folks disregard the preseason. I get it, it is not the same as regular season. But, it does showcase skills and abilities against actual real time defenses. I mean, maybe the Saviorpete guy should see how many defenders he played against who are either starting or who have played an NFL game. And, those players were probably hungry in the preseason.
  2. Politics and Football don't mix. These days people turn to football to get away from the crap. Plus, the game has become slower than baseball.
  3. I'm not sure what I read. (Just the few pages on the middle article and I gave up) I guess your one of them lesbians, huh?
  4. This just illustrates what a joke this guy and his supporters are, IRL... I really hope he pays for wasting other's time, while he tries to stay relevant.
  5. Pat fan trolls really seem to have a lot of free time on their hands, lately. Please, crawl back into Brady's peehole.
  6. They can easily pick up a conditional 3rd. Look at our WRs, now. We basically got Gaines and moved our 3rd to the 2d.
  7. Reality= Taylor is held to a lower standard, not because he is black, but because he is on the Bills.
  8. SaviorEdwards is trying hard to create as many threads as he can to bash TT. Maybe there can be a SaviorEdwards/bench TT megathread.
  9. I think you're just that full of yourself/sheet. At least you sound like it.
  10. This is what happens when people try to see racism evwrywhere. They start finding it where none exists and start using (imaginary) racism for selfish reasons. What TT claims really cheapens claims involving actual racism. I have always like TT but this is crap, just like TT's play.
  11. Member liberal Hollywood celebrating Polanski? The guy who raped multiple women, including drugging and raping a 13 year old, in every possible hole? I member. Seriously, I guess guys like Kimmel aren't the moral compass for the US afterall.
  12. Why not just outlaw soda sales completely? This half ass **** is getting g old. Same with gasoline in California, I wish Jerry would just outlaw the stuff so the gas free utopia could begin...
  13. Reeeeeeeeee!!!!! At least he hasn't weaponized the IRS, Intelligence agencies, DOJ, etc. against the opposing political party. I mean, the lack of concern for this really bugs me.
  14. I am actually kind of jealous of your haircut and chill thing. Probably a relaxing and cathartic time. IDK, The lady who cuts my hair sometimes puts her boob on my face, when she leans in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. Maybe, the Bills could use 2 qbs, like some college teams do. Haha.
  16. Peterman makes more sense for this offense. Either TT or Dennison needs to change.
  17. Funny, this is the only voice of reason in this thread.
  18. Watkins, Mathews, and Clay... With Zay being rated like 2d worst WR in the league, I feel sorry for TT. That said, I still think Peterman might be the better option. Either that, or Dennison needs to change things up and adapt to the skills, or lack there of, of the available players.
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