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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. The guy is a troll who likes to hear himself talk. He says stuff that sounds smart but is completely irrelevant. Those are the worst kind of people, those that think they're smart and want the world to know. Hell, the world would probably be a better place w/o all the people involved in the Treyvon deal. But, they exist(ed) and we get to see people make idiots of themselves as they attempt to push people to become overly-emotional, in some sort of quest to elicit control over something in their life. Also, that is Tiberius' scat account.
  2. I have heard this a few times. How does he remind you of ol' Dickey?
  3. No, people just don't care what Obama did while in office. It is like he got a free pass to act like a 3rd world politician (corrupt to the bone). *Seriously, the race cards have been played, haha. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5000710/Wilson-hits-John-Kelly-barrels-charge.html
  4. Are there no limits to how low some will sink to try and get political points. The left, and those trying to take advantage of the dead, are some of the purest forms of scum possible. Yall (you know who you are) ought to be ashamed of yourselves, IRL. Seriously, I hope some of you reevaluate your political passions. http://thefederalist.com/2017/10/19/gold-star-father-john-kelly-blasts-congresswoman-politicizing-trump-phone-call/
  5. Honestly, message boards offer the best news and have a variety of opinions. Far superior to most news pieces.
  6. There is a difference between having working genitals mutilated for cosmetic reasons and being gay. I get there is a fad of accepting everything as normal, but when then does something become abnormal? I mean, if you want to cut off your penis and call yourself a unicorn, go for it. I'm just not sure the taxpayers should have to foot the bill. *came here to leave this article about the first tranny "playmate" http://m.eonline.com/news/888112/meet-ines-rau-playboy-s-first-transgender-playmate
  7. See, crud like this is huge. The PR corruption is b drowned out by the left yelling, "durrr Trump," as they try and make it into a "Katrina." The media is complicit in its the Democrats betrayal of the American people. Is complaining about Trump 24/7 really the most important thing? "2 scoops of ice cream, everybody! He has 2 scoops!!!" I mean, a traditional liberal would be attacking PR politicians and corruption, right now. They would be doing it with fire and passion. Sadly, the Pelosi-neoliberals are controlling the strategy, and that strategy is to attack Trump on everything remotely possible, even if it means ignoring more serious issues. The liberal media merely follows suit. Don't get me wrong, there is a conservative media, too. But, crud like PR should be talked about by both sides. Not just the conservative media.
  8. You're right in the sense that it take people to tune into this media for it to even matter. I mean, I have accidentally allowed myself to be exposed to "Hollywood news" and I find it detestable. But, it wouldn't be there unless some moron (the term is being very generous) wanted to watch it. Outside of Weinstein molesting half of Hollywood and nobody caring for decades, I really don't want to hear what any of those tards are doing. Also, if you think that the media doesn't have a problem you're in denial. I think the Internet has changed media more than some people are willing to let themselves believe. What leads is what sells, and what sells (see my rant on H-wood above), isn't always important. The above is really inarguable and doesn't really even scratch the surface of "bad media."
  9. I'm just not sure you see the irony of your post. May as well tell the OP that too, since he is belly-aching and started the whole belly-aching thread. Just saying, while we are on the topic, maybe you should stop belly-aching about what other people post.
  10. I find it annoying that the media is so focused on trolls and barely blinks at real hacking (looking at you China/India/Israel - Russia too, but I think they are basically the goat for the rest).
  11. I wonder how many trolls from other countries mess with US politicians/government. I mean, you'd have to me dense if you think this is just a Russian government thing. Also, did you ever notice how they say just "Russian" and not "Russian Government?" I mean, didn't some Russian DJs prank someone on Trump's staff? The Gucifier guy was a Ukrainian civilian. Etc.
  12. With an old, fat #2 RB, I wonder why the running game has been so lathargic... Maybe, they can trade Glenn to the Seabirds for fatman Lacy, in order to shore up the #3 spot.
  13. The difference being, I'm being an a-hole on purpose.
  14. No, I'm really a Pats fan and I just wanted to stop by to tell you I feel sorry for you. I mean, we lost a couple of games this year. Totes the same, brodowski. *I don't care if OP is a "friend." I call my friends out all the time when they act like a-holes. It is what good friends do. Would you want a friend to walk around looking like a tool or would you let them know they are acting like a tool?
  15. Still... Someone can be sincere and patronizing at the same time. Also, the Packers are like one of my top five hated teams. Rodgers and Matthews are the main reasons to hate them. 1 guy is a cheap shot artist and the other guy bitches for a flag every time he is touched. Hopefully they both die from anal warts. Top 5 hated Patriots (and their fans) Cowboys Seahawks (and their fans) Dolphins (and their fans) Packers (and any fan who likes Rodgers or Matthews)
  16. I have no problem with Brady Jr. getting hurt. Something about bitching for a flag after every time he gets hit made me sour on the guy. What is the point of this thread? "Brady Jr. got hurt, now we suck like you and I feel your pain..." Patronizing much?!
  17. Fair enough, I suppose that is what the PPP area is for. That said, I really don't see why ignoring the guy is so hard. I mean, at some point it takes two to tango.
  18. I didn't know the ire had grown to that point. What exactly has been done to make it that bad? I think I'm missing something. For the sake of my entertainment, I vote the later. SaviorPete 2020 Honestly, I'd like to live in that timeline. I really don't see a downside.
  19. I enjoy watching him piss off the status quo. Not that I agree with him. I just like the rebel rousing. SaviorPete 2020.
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