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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Where there is smoke there is fire. The guy is lookong like a pedophile, even if it was decades ago. Just claims right now, but as more come forward and seem sincere...
  2. Honestly, I am not the biggest fan of Louis CK. I also usually take the side of the person accusing the rich and famous of crap like this. I think sex/domestic crimes are ignored and justified way too much because of they are rich and famous. I am aware stuff can get blown out of proportion (Brett Favre weiner texts = meh). Here, the guy did what he was supposed to do, outside of getting written consent. I mean it, I have gotten to the point where I just ask before I do anything, when I'm out with a lady. That said, Spacey can **** off and die. Going after minors should not be played down. It should be uniformly condemned as one of the worst crimes.
  3. The guy asked for consent to jack off in front of 3 (*4) different women. The instance where two women just laughed and did nothing as he undressed and jacked it, might be some sort of harassment. But, he did ask them for their consent. Honestly, if you're a groupie, invited up to a room for a nightcap, and the guy asks for consent to jack it in front of you, I think that is about as gentlemanly as you get considering the circumstance. Also, if jackin' it while talking on the phone is wrong, I don't want to be right.
  4. The USMC.... one guy somewhere said, "It is the most racist and the least racist organization on the face of the Earth." One can point to schools, arguing affirmative action was a positive injury... Like some guy did somewhere.
  5. Quick story. So, a gay friend of the family, who is honestly a good looking dude with connections and money (blah, blah, blah) tells the story of Charlie Sheen (some years before the AIDS reveal), offering him some thousands. The thousands were (edit) offered through a mutual porn star friend and it was for Charlie to give the guy a BJ. I remember harassing him about asking for more thousands, but he just kept claiming Sheen was an STD. Turned out he was right. Must be the "Adonis DNA."
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/mariah-carey-accused-of-sexual-harassment/amp/ Mariah Carey... If she were a guy....
  7. The Rams are going to make a play for him, and he will not get as much as he thinks he will, in FA.
  8. Honestly, I love the fact that we, as Americans, are allowed to own guns. If you really aren't sure about US gun laws, check out some of the Cartel videos. "Cold dead hands..." Hope the families find closure in the fact the scumbag has been removed from the human population pool. *This guy shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. I guess the USAF misfiled a paper which allowed him to buy? Idk...
  9. All the Woods/Watkins scoring was what made the Giants give up. 51 for the Rams, so far.
  10. They have played well for the Rams. Folks trying to downplay it are just bitter prunes. That said, Goff is way better than TT AND he passes to more than just 1 or 2 WRs a game.
  11. 1) Sex with boys is rape. 2) No, I don't need to redefine the term. The NY state (where the FIRST story happened) law did it for me. http://statelaws.findlaw.com/new-york-law/new-york-rape-laws.html 3) Do you think the NY party it was an isolated event? I think the number of pedophile accusers is up into the teens and includes forceful rape. 4) Man, it is flipping disturbing how many folks on the Internet defend thsee people. "Sac up little kid! Be a man and fight for your butt'ol..." 5) There is a place where the "implication" does become rape "rape." Just to let yall know...
  12. The team is really set up for BPA. But, the positions of need with positional value factored in would be: 1) DE 2) DT 3) QB 4) G 5) LB WR/CB would be up there if the current ones are not retained.
  13. This is why it happens. People kind of bought into the "process." And, when you lose against a weak Jets team, they get frustrated. Simply put, "expectations."
  14. That happened when the offense was beyond pathetic and it became clear they wouldn't do anything to help.
  15. The Jets constantly rushed 5 and stacked the box, who do you blame? He certainly deserves his share of the blame. That said, so do the OL, whoever keeps Tolbert around, and the playcaller.
  16. By getting 2 more wind this season to fulfill the prophecy.
  17. Who thought playoffs, already? Seriously, have you not been tricked enough? I won't think playoffs until they are in.
  18. He has a punchface, regardless. Steven Hawking also has a punchface, IMO. Yes, it is politically incorrect to say as much, but it is also a bit rude to treat him specially due to a handicap. His face would be punchable, regardless. Picture on the right is Hawking before God smote the **** out of him. Highly punchable. Picture on left is Nash, who God also smote, just not as badly as he did Hawking.
  19. I had to be around before Budweiser... The word "dilly" was, but was "dilly, dilly" ever used? https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/dilly
  20. Has anyone seen you two in the same place at the same time? Or, is this like a Batman and Robin thing?
  21. Man, that guy has one of the most punchable faces on the planet.
  22. No sheet... I always avoided Hollywood gossip stuff. I am amazed how little of a deal is made of it. Like, Cosby should probably have been locked up for life, but he was still rolling around until like 30 women came forward. Now, he just stays retired.
  23. Andy Dick fired over sexual harassment charges... Really not suprising considering what his current "character" has become. Piven also newly accused. He always seemed more like a Cosby predator, to me. Wouldn't doubt he has banged his share of passed out chicks. Hoffman sexual harassed, too. Kind of suprising. More folks coming out of the closet against Spacey. I'm sure liberals everywhere are more angry Frank Underwood is cancelled, than the fact that Spacey is a diddler.
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