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Everything posted by 1ManRaid

  2. How about stops on ANY series?
  3. I'll just run it back 38-9 for the Bills. At least the 9 part hit last time, we're just warming up.
  4. No, it doesn't work like that. The 2 point conversion was exactly why they made the choice they did, so of course if you throw out the entire reason they did what they did it will seem senseless. The Giants hadn't scored a TD since the Bronze Age, and already demonstrated poor clock management and an inability to punch it in from inside the 5 during the first half. They gambled field advantage to try to force that TD challenged team to have to punch it in ON CONSECUTIVE PLAYS. Any team at any time can bust out a fluke long TD, so they wanted to protect against a fluke TD that would be an automatic loss regardless of it being from 60 or 75-90 yards out. Top defenses get burned on single play sometimes. But good luck beating that top defense twice in a row.
  5. Q - What do you call the person with the lowest grade from medical school? A - Doctor. Good teams find a way to win, sometimes even when at their worst. Fortunately the refs weren't completely against us like they have been in recent years to tip the scales to an L. We were in the same kind of "bad but should have won" game a couple years ago against the Jags where the refs blatantly tipped the favor towards the then-bad Jags, resulting in a loss that "didn't deserve to win anyways". Would you be happier if we lost vs the Giants? Some people clearly would be...
  6. I am awarding myself an honorable mention point for at least nailing the Giants scoring 9 points lol.
  7. Josh had never failed a sneak until Tennessee turf gave out under his foot. Then Morse snapped the ball into his own thigh against the Vikings. By homer law you give it to our home boy Josh.
  8. The insider being Fournette himself? What part about it makes no sense? It sounds plausible to me. Also cheaper. We don't have cap, gotta promote from within.
  9. How is he at running out of shotgun?
  10. Same as when the sky was falling after losing to the Steelers in preseason. We got "shredded" by a team that did the bulk of their damage on 2 plays in short order, and Jack all the rest of the game.
  11. I guess you missed the part where we tied a record for winning by 28+, including against "bad" teams.
  12. I volunteer this generous soul to donate a nut in my stead.
  13. Oh God thanks for reminding me about shotgun inside the 1. We have possibly the best QB sneaker in history and I don't remember the last time a sneak was called.
  14. I would literally give my left nut to never see another freaking shotgun draw.
  15. Refs are just REFUSING to call blatant holds by the Giants.
  16. 38-9 Actually making me specify the Bills to win. Sigh.
  17. Like we haven't been getting slammed for a couple years now about Milano being "dirty". Miami fans are literally celebrating his injury.
  18. That's the popular misconception. With the penalty, would have been 60 yards, hardly a chipshot. Anything could have happened from that point including TFLs or even a sack/fumble.
  19. Other than the blatant tripping that handed the Jets the win? The one the player got fined for but no penalty (the story of our team's life)?
  20. That's why this was the one game in the first half of the season that worried me, aside from always flukey week 1 of course. Absolutely criminal to have our "home" game be in this situation. League needs to make a rule that the home team in London has no worse of a travel situation than the road team. We should have faced them last week where we have the same travel, then they can be the home team the second week with the advantage of facing a jetlagged team.
  21. Is this another "We should have 53 All Pros on our roster" thread? Cuz multiple injuries in short order to a single position group tend to have the effect of forcing some less than desirable performers onto the field.
  22. Should have been illegal shift/formation on that extra point try. They all just ran up to the line and instantly snapped it without being set for a full second.
  23. And yet he has the confidence in his English to post his own threads, and respond directly to people who post in his threads. Second language isn't an excuse to ignore forum rules to post random nonsense threads and abandon those threads after creation. Personally if I wasn't confident in my second language, I wouldn't be drawing attention to myself like that.
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