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Everything posted by 1ManRaid

  1. As my alcoholic dad liked to say, it's always 27:45 somewhere.
  2. Dude, Josh collects records like Pokémon cards. Shall we book a weekend in the conference room to go over the list? He also already has more gear being displayed in the HoF than most people already in the HoF.
  3. Stop dropping easy TD passes?
  4. People who are determined to be miserable will find any and all reasons to be miserable. I bet you're the guy all the coffee shop workers roll their eyes about when they see you walk in.
  5. Complaining about strong opponents is a quintessential "get good" moment. Top teams already get pitted against each other in the current scheduling algorithm, that's about as fair as it can get.
  6. It's wild you care so much to be embarrassed about a catchy bassy song that's easy to chant along with. Why does it need to have relevance to Buffalo? It's background noise.
  7. Ah, it's good ole "random thought thread" day. I thought I had it marked on my calendar...
  8. Lol are you kidding, Olympic villages (the "camps" the athletes stay in during the games) are the most debauched and hedonistic places this side of Caligula's birthday party. You sound like you'd be a nightmare manager to work under, because people are HUMAN and the stoic 100% of the time serious professional thing is NOT what most people function best with. You're exhibiting confirmation bias by citing the 2 QBs you believe lived that lifestyle (while hilariously getting the Olympic athletes wrong) and ignoring everyone who didn't. Counting the hits and ignoring the misses as they say.
  9. This was an automated ban the instant I posted it. I wasn't even given that warning alert that "what you're about to post may be bad yadda yadda". Worst part is when you try to appeal and explain the context, they only give you enough room to type like one small sentence.
  10. I'm glad embeds work because I'm waiting for my "violent speech" ban appeal on Twitter to go through lol. I was responding to people saying Josh leaning back a bit was proof of a fake slide, so I said "Do me a favor for science. Run full speed towards a brick wall and then try to suddenly stop or cut 90 degrees along the wall without leaning. Report back to me how many teeth you lose." Of course I'm not literally saying to run head first into a brick wall (my point is that you will naturally lean to stop), but their automated system took it as a threat or whatever lol.
  11. I believe the Music City Miracle was a legal lateral. I believe the second fumble in this game was out of bounds by touching his helmet. I have no problem calling out dirty hits by Bills players or bad ref calls that favored us. That was nothing close to being a fake slide, nevermind a blatant one.
  12. About the flopping, it's important to point out Allen only embellishes ACTUALLY ILLEGAL hits. He's not out there flopping if you look at him the wrong way. I see it like sure it's possible to depend on the police happening to notice that my store was robbed and do something about it, or I can call the police and bring it to their attention.
  13. Yeah I was going to say the QB is ruled down the instant he start his slide so it doesn't matter. And if the defender supposedly started his hit/left his feet "long before Allen slides", I have to point out that he would have been targeting Allen's knees. You should NEVER need to leave your feet to make a tackle anyways, it's just bad form. You lose any ability to let up or protect yourself/others once you go airborne.
  14. Take the couple weeks off, get right for the playoffs. That's what we signed you for.
  15. They are abusing a misinterpretation of the "repositioning" loophole. Supposedly, as long as the snap gets off before that rear foot lands down, you can't prove they weren't legally repositioning. Which is ridiculous because anyone with working eyes can tell that they aren't repositioning when they do that but they get the egregious benefit of the doubt.
  16. Cowgirls: "Haha, Parsons will take Allen down, and Bland will pick him off! You won't be able to pass on us!" Brady: "Your terms are acceptable." Cowgirls: "...what do you mean by that?" Brady: "..." Cowgirls: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!?"
  17. The problem is defenders always wanting the big HIT. Not tackle, not down by mere contact, they want the big punishing HIT. With the receiver diving like that, he's already going to the ground so all a big hit accomplishes is an attempt to jar the ball loose. Problem is a pass breakup by decapitation is easier than actually having to make a more skillful, less career shortening and less highlight reel making play.
  18. I used to hate the embellishments until I made that realization. There are few things in football that I hate more than late/unnecessary hits, like drilling a guy on the ground when even minimal contact with a pinky finger would count for the tackle. Pass rushers LOVE to push the envelope and test how late they can hit the QB after the ball is gone even it it's just a push, if only to "get in their head". Josh is just calling attention to late hits from boundary-testers, to get in their heads instead. Make them afraid of getting a technically valid (if "ticky-tack") penalty and maybe they'll stop going for those late hits or even subconsciously let up when going for a legal one.
  19. No, even if we win out and they lose out (to go into week 18 with 1 more win than them), week 18 is still for the division title due to tiebreakers. Because of their current lead, nothing that happens between now and week 18 secures the division title for us without playing week 18.
  20. Even Cleveland would have released a punter with those allegations. He wouldn't go back to the team that went out of their way to draft him, and tried to hold off on releasing him to wait for details to come out? The team got dragged through the mud for not cutting him sooner, so I think he'd understand and appreciate that the team resisted letting him go.
  21. My own curse was lifted too. I bought a nice zubaz shirt at the Bengals playoff game, and the Bills have lost literally every game when I've worn that shirt. Until last night.
  22. It's pointless to specifically ban him from being on the sideline because there's already rules that say he's not allowed there in the first place. The Eagles had just been getting a blind eye turned to it this long because they'd bish and whine about it if they weren't allowed to hang out with their buddy Fat Dom.
  23. No, it doesn't work like that. Guys get flagged for RTP when the ball is gone from the QB's hands all the time. It's a bang bang play that they have to call live, and the follow through on the hit is just as important as the initial contact. Where the ball technically is has zero relevance to the real world impact of the hit being initiated before the ball was lost and followed through on after. You can't land with your full body weight on a QB, period. Having the good fortune to end up with the ball in the process doesn't change what you did.
  24. The Bills winning the amount of games against the teams they did ended the drought. Why is that one random play the only thing that matters in the entire season? Why not any of the other game winning TDs from our offense or turnovers from our defense? Why not any of the other teams that beat the Ravens that season? They all count the same in the standings. If any of OUR game winning scores or stops didn't happen we don't make the playoffs. If any other team that beat the Ravens lost instead of won, we don't make the playoffs. If one of the teams the Ravens beat instead beat the Ravens, Dalton's heroics aren't even relevant because we're already in the playoffs anyways. Stop with the defeatist nonsense.
  25. Oh stop with this Dalton ended our streak nonsense. That's loser mentality, same as the diaper wearers who always say we "didn't deserve to win" our close games. Similar to when all someone sees is the 1 turnover in a 4 TD game. The rest of the game matters. The rest of the season matters. Dalton was a great story, but NO MORE RELEVANT to our season or success than any other play or game through our or anyone else in the AFC's season. We won as many games as we needed to win. Anything else is irrelevant because Dalton doesn't even get mentioned if we had a different result in ANY of our games. One additional win or loss and what someone else did for another team isn't even a blip on our radar.
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