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Everything posted by 1ManRaid

  1. Let's grab 250 yards and a second TD for Barkley, a third TD for McCoy to bring up his totals, and two more INTs. LET'S GOOOOO
  2. I know they're going to let up a bit, but comon let's hang 50 on the Jests.
  3. Finally a Bills receiver that got open.
  4. That was all planned just to let Haushka show off again.
  5. Curvin' Benjamin from that soft route. Curvin' Benjamin and the Covered Crew for the WR lot. Maybe the Coverage Sack Crew.
  6. BTW I'd like you to quote me "defending this team". I dispute factual inaccuracies, which dolts like you freak out about and call being a homer.
  7. Coming into today had a whopping 3.3 yards per carry. Ivory, that is. McCoy had 3.4.
  8. I have no idea what you are talking about. Nothing he said made your point for you. Are you 12 years old?
  9. I'm excited to see Barkley next week.
  10. It's only funny the first 5 or 6 times someone posts that per half.
  11. As much as I hate when people B word for Ivory to start, I really did enjoy that casual trucking of a defender at the sideline. Just knocked the guy flat, no big deal.
  12. And having to pay a 50% premium on free agents because no one will want to come here.
  13. It's not blind "defense the quarterback" to merely point out that KB running a ***** route, or a fluke tip from a stone handed receiver wasn't the QB's fault. They're not going "nooooo Peterman is DA BEST", it's just stating a fact when it wasn't his fault.
  14. Just no effort. I'd say he's phoning it in during the blowout, but I think that's just how he does it.
  15. And there are starving kids in Africa.
  16. Jesus Falcon Christ, Barry Sanders in his prime would "look old" with this O-line.
  17. Would never be a regular thing because a receiver will get the bright idea to...easily sidestep a blitz at the line and is wide open for a TD.
  18. Wow, you can predict "freak ints"? That's amazing. There was also a third option of the receiver doing his job and catching a ball hitting him dead center. QB makes a good throw, gets bashed for WR dropping it. O-line gets blown up, RB gets bashed for not taking it to the house. ETC ETC ETC this board is ridiculous.
  19. Considering your prediction was made at the end of the 1st quarter when it was 0-0, and you only got around to posting that after a fluke fumble recovery, I'm not exactly going to call you Nostradamus.
  20. For the record to all those crying to play Ivory more, he's notching 3.3 yards per carry this year behind the same O-line that is getting Shady 3.4 yards per carry. Get a flipping clue.
  21. Kind of getting old seeing 20 people go "OMG SHADY SUCKS" every time the trash O-line gets obliterated and Shady has to try to make something out of nothing. Like we get it, you don't like Shady.
  22. Considering we actually have a pretty good defense, I'd say that stat would be inflated by our offense not being able to stay on the field giving the D plenty of opportunity to see 3rd downs.
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