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Everything posted by 1ManRaid

  1. He may very well have made the first down line, but the refs made damn sure there was no doubt about it. Trying to get the "Brady Effect" by association. I think the NHL has a penalty for diving, they should maybe do a similar penalty for the Brady-style bitching for an unwarranted penalty. Extension of unsportsmanlike conduct.
  2. I was more annoyed at the spot they gave Patriots on a run about 4 minutes into the fourth quarter. He appeared to be stopped just maybe inches short of the first down, but they spotted the ball a full yard past where ANY part of his body reached, beyond the first down. You could literally drive a shopping cart through the path between where the furthest part of his form (never mind the ball) reached and where they spotted it for the first down.
  3. Allen gonna run for 75 yards on this drive.
  4. Looked like a hold on Milano there too, in fact it appears to be what had him turned around to get hit like that.
  5. He short-armed that INT like Clay did on the game winning TD last week.
  6. Eh, he's a rookie in a meaningless game, won't happen next season.
  7. I don't think it would work out well for him, they call penalties for flopping/diving there.
  8. Too bad I can't take part as a Canadian.
  9. Sorry, but human bodies aren't built like that. You know they track the running speeds of players these days, don't you? The fastest players in the league are topping out at 22 mph, so are you claiming the normal top speed for a human is only 17 mph and they are activating some special superhuman ability available only to a select few NFL players to burst to 22 mph? I think I would have heard of this mutant ability by now. Running at one speed and then changing speeds to throw off a defender or to catch up to an overthrown ball WHEN NOT ALREADY AT TOP SPEED is not some special "it factor", every receiver does it. Some players are just faster or have the stamina to maintain their top speed longer than others. Lol seriously if you have to use quotations and vague nebulous terms like it factor, another gear/overdrive, and natural phenomenon then you're just talking out of your ass and don't have an actual point. There is no evidence of these players suddenly bursting an extra 5 mph downfield, they are just accelerating faster than average, to a higher than average top speed than the defender. A magic ability like that would actually be more useful to hit gaps at the LOS and get open in the first place. May be what the other guy I quoted was actually seeing, rather than some magic nitro button.
  10. When I saw "Bills cut Kelvin Benjamin and..." I was sure the next words would be "alligator-armed Charles Clay."
  11. Freaking short-armed it. Can we just dump Benjamin and Clay now?!?
  12. Freaking short-armed it. Can we just dump Benjamin and Clay now?!?
  13. I hope and wouldn't be surprised if this joke award actually fires him up more with a big confidence boost. CANTALOUPE TRAIN COMING THROUGH CHOO CHOOOOO GET OUTTA THE WAY
  14. What the hell could he be basing his appeal on? "They started it"? There's no defense to coming off the bench and running all the way across the field to throw punches.
  15. Not to mention the non holding call for a safety, calling a fumble when he had both knees and an elbow down, and just declaring a Jag touchdown whenever they got close to the goal line despite clearly being down short. Heck everyone was so desperate to give the Jags points that they actually had them at 15 points instead of 14 on the broadcast for a couple minutes.
  16. The botched safety call, the "fumble" while clearly down, where is the trifecta going to come in?
  17. You don't challenge on a turnover.
  18. So in other words they pumped in crowd noise.
  19. Reminder that this thread was dead for 10 days before that random Beane/Mahomes comment.
  20. Random thread necro is random.
  21. Wow, so many ignorant people refusing to accept that you don't have to be a perennial Pro Bowler to teach someone how to be a good QB. Like for example, if someone just doesn't have the natural physical abilities to be great, how does that keep them from being able to use their mental abilities to help someone who DOES have the physical abilities? Do they think every coach was a legendary former player at every position on the field? By their logic only the best players can qualify to teach. Barkley is the arguably more talented primary backup, Anderson is the mentor and Barkley's backup for when Allen gets hurt again. Do we want to have to hire someone off the street again? Why dump Anderson just to add another 3rd string player who won't make any impact?
  22. Yeah, what was I thinking? We won't get anywhere close to 250 yards. That would require a whole 14 more yards from this point.
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