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Everything posted by 1ManRaid

  1. 12 for 12 on targets to Brown, Beasley, and Duke. We'll be fine without Zay, barring injuries.
  3. I love how Jordan Phillips woke up today and realized he is a GROWN ASS MAN!
  4. Lee Smith...DID SOMETHING? No turnovers? Practice squad hero playing well? Am I on crazy pills or is this reality?
  5. Found the first Chicken Little.
  6. C'mon coach, Allen isn't 8 feet tall stop going for those long sneaks.
  7. Did he just say Chad Brown?
  8. To be fair you presented it directly, with no actual indication of sarcasm.
  9. I was out of town for the Pats game and left a Bills Backers Bar at halftime because of an overly obnoxious Pats fan the staff there wouldn't do anything about (she'd just glance his way, roll her eyes, then avoid our section to not have to deal with him). There were other Pats fan there who would politely cheer for their team but otherwise seemed to know their place, but this one guy was just over the top and was clearly just there to troll Bills fans. He was even harassing another guy there who was distraught over his father in law just recently dying in his arms (thankfully resuscitated after), as well as badgering him for eating vegetables? I was sat at the bar amongst several other Bills fans, and this tool went out of his way to stand right amongst us despite there being available seats, and then eagerly jumping in the seat of one of them right beside me who had to leave early to tend to family matters. He wasn't wearing Pats gear but would intentionally VERY loudly cheer Pats plays (louder than anyone else in the bar for either side), and would oddly B word constantly about how much he hates Brady. But it was clearly meant to provoke us like "GOD I hate Brady, he's good looking, has a hot wife, he's the greatest of all time, AND HAS SIX RINGS. And he's going to have SEVEN RINGS I mean who could like that guy?". I did manage to settle him down for a minute when he did the typical Pats fan "nah that's clearly not grounding cuz X" and I corrected him on the rule, which he tried to snarl back with "thanks BUDDY, but I know the rules" to which the other Bills fans backed me up on and made him settle down for a bit. But then he eventually got his courage back and again started loudly boasting about how when he was younger, he knew someone would "swing at him", but now that times have changed and he's older he doesn't have to worry about that anymore so he can do what he wants. More eye rolling from the bartender was the last straw for me so when halftime hit, I went and paid my tab and implied to her I was leaving because she wouldn't do anything about this guy. For what it's worth, I have chronic anxiety issues and wasn't about to prove him wrong about nobody swinging at him, as tempting as it was (which was clearly his goal). I don't care if this makes me look like a wuss, I was out of town and worn out from a long couple days, didn't feel like putting up with him any longer
  10. I still have and sometimes wear my old Moorman jersey, which I got back at my first live Bills game all those years ago. I was a fan of his when I was young and I won't stand for being shamed for it by elitist jerks. Saying that makes you sound like the forum equivalent of a diva WR or RB who is a cancer to the team, bringing everyone else down.
  11. Maybe because his valid opinion is relevant to the topic at hand? We could do without the gatekeeping and "only opinions that agree with me are valid" attitude. For the record, I also weigh in heavily in the WHO CARES and "not everyone has the money to blow on new jerseys every offseason" camps. Someone giving a single crap about what Bills jersey someone else wears is akin to questioning a female gamer on her gaming credentials, or grilling a superhero movie fan on their knowledge of comic lore. It's elitist nonsense.
  12. Sounds like a Titans or Pats fan in the house assuming a loss for us.
  13. This horse has been dead for over a year now. You're pounding mush and bone fragments at this point.
  14. Screw the rules, I say Fred Jackson. And Brian Moorman.
  15. Yeah I remember going "oh no, those numbers don't match" on both the block and following shank. With McD playing fast and loose with the time outs, you'd think he would call one to avert an imminent blocked punt.
  16. Maybe people who realize there are more players on the team than just the starting QB.
  17. Isn't that...my point...? You can have an endoscopic clean up on a joint or something and be back in a week. Has anyone reported yet what the actual surgery is? All I've seen so far is "having surgery, out for year". The vagueness of it so far is what is making me skeptical.
  18. The surgery doesn't have to be some big scary serious procedure. A minor clean up procedure technically qualifies as a surgery for the headlines. I'm not saying this is the case, but I wouldn't put it past Belicheat to say "Let's get you booked in for an endoscopic tune up so we can say you're injured and having season ending surgery". I mean just look at his injury report shenanigans and the meme of Brady being listed as "questionable" for 15 years straight.
  19. For someone asking about subjectivity, you really seem to get hung up on technical definitions and narrow interpretations when it suits you.
  20. You mean like that stuff we get from trees when you give them CO2 and light and water... It's relative and based on concentration.
  21. The bar for getting listed as a cancer agent in California is notoriously low. They rely heavily on "linked to" pseudoscience to come to the conclusion that almost EVERYTHING is a "cancer causing agent". It's a meme that petting kittens and being kind to the elderly is a cancer causing agent in California. Yet it's a valid one.
  22. "Scary thing is that" people react with knee jerk emotions to things that confirm their biases. It's correlation, not causation. People with addictive personalities just would have started with something else if weed didn't exist. That's like saying we should ban Tylenol because science men say 100% of heroin users have at some point also used Tylenol. Beware the intellectual scams that are the phrases "linked to" and "consistent with". You can find that posting on fan forums is "linked to" puppy murder if you twist some numbers and sprinkle in some weasel words. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-gateway-drug ...These findings are consistent with the idea of marijuana as a "gateway drug." However, the majority of people who use marijuana do not go on to use other, "harder" substances. Also, cross-sensitization is not unique to marijuana. Alcohol and nicotine also prime the brain for a heightened response to other drugs52 and are, like marijuana, also typically used before a person progresses to other, more harmful substances. It is important to note that other factors besides biological mechanisms, such as a person’s social environment, are also critical in a person’s risk for drug use. An alternative to the gateway-drug hypothesis is that people who are more vulnerable to drug-taking are simply more likely to start with readily available substances such as marijuana, tobacco, or alcohol, and their subsequent social interactions with others who use drugs increases their chances of trying other drugs. Further research is needed to explore this question.
  23. Except the originally quoted alien gif was from Men in Black, not Paul.
  24. That argument would be false. QB is a protected position and don't suddenly become a blocker just because they don't have the ball anymore. They have to then go out of their way to go ACTUALLY BLOCK for someone to become a blocker. Feel free to look up the actual rules. https://operations.nfl.com/the-rules/nfl-video-rulebook/defenseless-player/ https://operations.nfl.com/the-rules/nfl-video-rulebook/roughing-the-passer/ Take note of the parts about "clearly out of the play" and "when in doubt, call roughing", and then tell me again if you think any ref in the game wouldn't call a penalty on someone clotheslining a QB from behind who is out of the play and not attempting to block.
  25. I'm really curious where you "just found out" that false info and why you're so quick to believe things that aren't true.
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