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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...you're astute to know the answer......hydroxychloroquine was first approved for use in 1955 for malaria......and it came back on the scene coupled with zithromax as a potential Covid-19 treatment.....remember any prohibitive headlines from 1955 until now?....hmmm... no way it could be a TDS protest....hell if he advocated effin' Tylenol, imagine the MSM being all over that despite us having to virtually overdose daily to deal with them?......
  2. ...why would Comey think he has to chime in with the last word?......with today's revelations, wouldn't STFU be the better choice?......I missed the memo....
  3. ....elected with 78% of the vote in 2018 and bound to be reelected in 2020 in a landslide >80 % for his supreme efforts......go figure....
  4. ...LMAO......thanks Jim.......here's to sleepless nights......hearing "Bull" Durham's footsteps??........waiting for Sleepy Bob's reaction next........... Comey sounds off after move to drop Flynn case: 'DOJ has lost its way' By Brooke Singman | Fox News Former FBI Director James Comey lamented that the “DOJ has lost its way” as he expressed disappointment over the news that the Justice Department moved Thursday to drop the case against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn. “The DOJ has lost its way,” Comey tweeted just after the Justice Department filed the motion. “But, career people: please stay because America needs you.” Comey, who led the FBI at the time the bureau began investigating Flynn, said: “The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/comey-sounds-off-flynn-case
  5. ...agree....don't see Grenell taking a back seat and being upstaged by Fecal Shifty........
  6. ...look at the repertoire of "NYS Political Skanks"......Schneiderman, Weiner, Spitzer, Photo Op Chuckie, Carpetbagger Hillary, DiBlasio, Bruno, Silverman, Gilibrand (Daddy's sex cult affiliation) et al....yet Big Fredo's ratings are soaring and easily lead to 2022 re-election...perhaps Fredo as his Lieutenant Governor to perpetuate the stranglehold......Upstate and WNY is overridden by downstate......can't wait to get the hell out......
  7. ...."paging Adam Schiff...please pick up the white lobby phone and pack lightly......we have your orange unis ready..."......
  8. ...after them, demolition would be the ONLY option.......
  9. ...with the New York Times, of ALL publications declaring that NYC was the Covid-19 gateway to the US, should we assume that Cuomo had a reasonable preparedness plan in place with people living on top of each other for an even LESSER medical event like this to be more realistic?...naw, it's the Fed's fault.........
  10. ..I couldn't believe it bud, but that is how much of a staunch Dem she was......living in northern Virginia, she advertised herself as an expert follower of politics......TRANSLATION: I will forever be right and you will forever be wrong".......we used to tease my poor deceased uncle about letting his hearing aid batteries die and NOT telling her...."just keep nodding"....
  11. ...thinkin' the next stimulus package better includes huge chunk for Gitmo expansion.....hell I'd bet Southwest will offer one way direct flights.........waiting for the domino effect.....
  12. ….Stalag 17 and Governor Klink...….SMH...……... LA city council votes to name hotels that refuse to house homeless, may 'commandeer' them By Brie Stimson | Fox News The Los Angeles City Council Wednesday voted to identify hotels refusing to take in the homeless during the coronavirus pandemic and said they could possibly be “commandeered.” Only 1,582 people have been placed in hotels, far short of the city’s goal of housing 15,000, FOX 11 in Los Angeles reported. "Each hotel brings new hope, each room could save a life," Mayor Eric Garcetti said of Project Roomkey, according to KABC-TV. “If hotels are making a distinction among people classifying housed and unhoused differently in terms of accommodations that they’re going to be repaid for, that the city and county will pay for with reimbursements, then I think there’s a potential civil rights violation,” Councilman Mike Bonin said. “If the problems are on the hotel end, the public should know why, and then we should consider commandeering as they’ve talked about in other cities.” The council also plans to investigate if hotels refusing to house homeless have received tax breaks from the city recently. https://www.foxnews.com/us/la-city-council-votes-to-name-hotels-that-refuse-to-house-homeless-may-commandeer-them
  13. ...how the hell did you get out?......Covid-19 release?..........
  14. ...and China?....how about an influential $100 mil to Harvard and 2,000 students enrolled including Xi's daughter, to exploit our technology?.....Biden says they are "our friends" so I'm not believing China could EVER be that complicit.....
  15. ....sorry bro, but Russia is about as trustworthy as China......BOTH are vying for world power status, hoping our illustrious progressives continue to knock down the "world's big bully" to also ran status.....
  16. ...the list of "what should be" EASILY rivals the length of "War & Peace"......
  17. ...and you thought this clown got the message about "PORK being rationed"......10 BILLION for the Arts?..... House Dems drafting new 'multitrillion-dollar' coronavirus relief bill By Marisa Schultz | Fox News House Democrats are pushing forward with a massive fifth round of coronavirus relief legislation that could be their most far-reaching effort yet to address the economic fallout of the pandemic -- and come with another price tag in the trillions. While the House is still technically on recess, Democratic leadership and committee chairs have been drafting their legislative laundry lists for the relief package that could rival the cost of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act that passed in March, or exceed it. "We're looking at a multitrillion-dollar bill," one House Democratic aide told Fox News. While the text of the legislation may not be available until next week, it's clear the centerpiece of the House response will be funding for state and local governments. Their tax revenues have dried up during the pandemic and governors and mayors have warned they'll have to cut essential services and public workers, like police and firefighters, if the federal government doesn't help with their coronavirus expenses. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week telegraphed that just the aid alone to hard-hit states and local governments could reach nearly $1 trillion. She framed the legislation as targeted to help health care providers, first responders, postal workers and teachers. "It honors our heroes," Pelosi said of the effort. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-pushes-forward-with-massive-coronavirus-relief-bill
  18. ...here's the thinking (COUGH) of my relatives...keep in mind they are staunch dyed in the wool Dems, who think ever voting for a Republican is treason, who think CNN IS gospel et al....these people are way over the top....try some of these gems on for size.....a late aunt anguished over voting for Obama because, "I don't know if I can vote for a black man"....alternative: vote for Republican candidate and commit heresy.....guess who won?.....or another late aunt whose return address label said, "ALWAYS a Democrat"......"Ronald Reagan ruined my life"..OR... in the midst of 911, "George Bush is NOT my President"......her son, an accomplished lawyer, switched parties to the GOP...she NEVER spoke to him again before her death....with Biden as the Dem candidate, "he is the best for the country".......BUT if Biden was the GOP candidate with all of his current baggage, gaffes, accusations, etc., they'd collectively launch a tirade worse than Hiroshima.....hypocrites?...naw not a chance......think I've attended a family function in the last 12+ years?.....think again....
  19. ...mustaches, furry legs and armpits so noted.....Joe does have attracting charisma....
  20. ......perhaps a premature judgment, but how do we know he does not protect his brethren?.....some comments I've read say yes defensively.....agazin though, Mueller as the Independent(????) Counsel may be a BIGGER sham than the virus origin.....you mean to tell me that we should believe under his leadership, the FBI was "Mother Teresa squeaky clean" and that Comey (not defending him; he is the epitome of a manipulative political partisan hack) single handedly transformed "Sleepy Bob's Squeaky Clean FBI" into a cesspool overnight?.....
  21. ...EXACTLY....who knows who is watching, what they are watching and if lower level plebs, how they can use the info undetected for personal gain?.....when you have the likes of the FBI, CIA, DOJ et al all having a prominent place in "The Swamp", and who knows for how long, what happens when they ALL get a pass ala, "hey let's be friends...we meant no harm no foul....we promise to do better next time...."??............should we still pontificate worldwide that we are the "greatest democracy" protecting these foul entities?......
  22. ...I'm a bit confused.....if the development resulted from "your work at work", wouldn't your company retain intellectual property rights thus negating a personal patent application?...wouldn't the application then be in the name of the company?...thanks.....
  23. …...fair assessment......which makes the appointment of Mueller as "independent (COUGH) counsel" to investigate a matter with heavy FBI involvement an even BIGGER fraud...
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