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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...a sad but damn accurate commentary.......this could take the lawful rebuke to a brand new level........and you thought Covid-19 was tough to contain......my exorbitant tax dollars well spent ....be back shortly.....going to shovel my driveway....WTF?...........
  2. ...EXACTLY....how does one expect to get people off the additional unemployment stipend of $600 per week?......thought I read a significant portion of unemployment claims are from restaurant workers...so why go back at 25 or 50% capacity and gamble on your tips when you're guaranteed $600 per week?......don't need to be a Jethro "gozinta" math wizard to figure that out....
  3. ...damn well spot on counselor......hate to think of the effects it may have on your profession as in "why bother"?.......foresee sadder days ahead as well as the once respected and belief in the government as well as the rule of law being equally applied ......
  4. ...thank you my friend.....EXACTLY the dialogue I was hoping for and you ringing in objectively was expected......good show!....
  5. ...Cuomo's NYC was the US gateway to Covid-19 and he was undeniably unprepared for something REMOTELY similar or a MINOR health phenomenon that pales in comparison with Covid-19 despite millions living on top of each other..ventilators?....PPE?......comprehensive plan for a health anomaly?.....he was busy making six taxpayer funded trips to PR to emphasize with them after the hurricane because the Fed's 92 BILLION screwed them......or spending taxpayer money to sue Trump for his tax returns....who gives a rat's azz Big Fredo?...is this governance?.......and the NY as well as NJ nursing homes blind eye also deserves praise?....yes honorable mention to Gov. Phil.........
  6. ...thanks bro....on my way NOW to get a brisket........sure beats watchin' another can of Sherwin Williams dry for excitement......
  7. ...just curious for some constructive dialogue....if not feasible, I will delete the post........regardless of your party affiliation and what you WANT to happen, what do you foresee happening?......criminal charges/indictments?........eventual prosecution or long drawn out legalese dodging?....." a big kiss and make up....let's be friends and let bygones be bygones because we promise it will never happen again"?......this DIRTY period of trying to overthrow a sitting President with the alleged bastians of this democracy (FBI, CIA, DOJ et al) make Watergate look like a lesser misdemeanor IF even that....perhaps a parking violation......if, IF the end result is a big nothing, what is your confidence level in this government?.....
  8. ...there IS great comfort though knowing you'll forever be covered...just sayin'...................
  9. ...LMAO...another Connecticut gem.......perfect match with Blumenthal.....RIP Lowell Weicker............
  10. ...Jesus....just got yelled at by some old bat at Wally's for going down the aisle the wrong way......"you should be concerned for my health and follow directions sir".....Happy Mothers(?) Day to a face similar to Chinese wet markets.........
  11. ....how long to smoke it Chef?....I have a pellet smoker (electric one for smaller stuff)...........
  12. ...laughable isn't it?......he was magna-*****-laude from Clinton University....'nuff said..............
  13. ..thought the Argos are his 3rd chance....NOT here.....
  14. ...thought the Steelers did but that didn't work out....perhaps the third time is the charm......
  15. ...LMAO...when I graduated, tuition, room and board was $4,850....now WELL north of 60 grand....FHA financing available.....
  16. ...he was the "front man" IMO......an unqualified junior senator, cardboard cutout prop for the Clinton Dynasty.....selected based on oratorical skills and skin color.......look at the ex-Clintonites that propped him up...talk about dirty laundry......he added 8 more years to the "dynasty" and had the pantsuit been elected and reelected, we're talking 24 years.....their skulduggery was an art form...perhaps we're currently at the point of what "goes around comes around"??...stay tuned....
  17. ...went to college in the North Country for 4 years......there are some unreal natural venues if you know the townspeople because most are unknown.....were some small lakes that were like a painted picture.......
  18. ...hate to be the Negative Nellie here.....my wife died tragically in June 2015 and my mother from cancer (age 91) in Feb 2017....so it's a melancholy day for my kids to mark year 5 without Mom.....and I don't even get to see them (last time was March 8)as they continue to feel more comfortable with social distancing....all the best to the TBD brethren and hope you make a day of it friends....
  19. ...you do realize he was a busboy at The Last Supper?...........and some dude named Moses had NOTHING to do with the Red Sea gig, right?......
  20. ….outright shocking...……... Obama knew details of wiretapped Flynn phone calls, surprising top DOJ official in meeting with Biden, declassified docs show By Gregg Re | Fox News President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn's intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government's motion to dismiss the Flynn case. Obama's unexpectedly intimate knowledge of the details of Flynn's calls, which the FBI acknowledged at the time were not criminal or even improper, raised eyebrows because of his own history with Flynn -- and because top FBI officials secretly discussed whether their goal was to "get [Flynn] fired" when they interviewed him in the White House on January 24, 2017. Obama personally had warned the Trump administration against hiring Flynn, and made clear he was "not a fan," according to multiple officials. Obama had fired Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014; Obama cited insubordination, while Flynn asserted he was pushed out for his aggressive stance on combating lslamic extremism. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obama-knew-details-of-wiretapped-flynn-phone-calls-surprising-top-doj-official-new-docs-show
  21. ...but he would have zero credibility in a "he said...she said.." battle now.....unless he squeals like a stuck pig............ ....the length of the list is scary if, IF he does his due diligence unimpeded.......
  22. ...true but I don't think I'd be comfortable with Durham looking over my shoulder.....BUT...when his report does come out, he'll be branded a political, partisan hack.....so how does the MSM reconcile that he was appointed to several high level cases by ERIC HOLDER, THE epitome of a US AG (COUGH), when Durham was a US attorney?......can't wait to see "the spin"......
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