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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...same mask Obama was wearing, right?..........
  2. ...I appreciate your insight and objective assessment....good show bro.....
  3. ...LMAO....shy about naming him WHAT?.........65 million dollar book deal and a Netflix bonanza?......hell, Wiillie Sutton and the "Great Train Robbery Gang" left a ton on the table compared to this shyster.......he could slip you outta your socks without touching your shoes....
  4. ....you cannot be serious.......do you really think compromise means meeting the needs of the people versus what is BEST SELF SERVING TO ME?.....I certainly hope that you do not think that WE takes precedent over a politician's ME....how can you diminish their primary function of personal aggrandizement and enrichment?.....good Lord, we're in trouble then.....
  5. ..begging to think John is actually Walter Brennan.....Grandpappy Amos from The Real McCoys.......the more he opens his mouth, the more indictable he gets...........
  6. ...haven't they displayed their blatant ineptitude to investigate ANYTHING?.....The House?......blinded by TDS........I'd say gift California to China and call Covid-19 reparations even.....
  7. ...neither do I......downstate is the nation'sCovid-19 gateway hotbed but that's where his support comes from as always.......WNY and upstate NYS are parasites (cough) feeding off of downstate (BIGGER cough) according to some pundits.....according to my NYSDOT and NYSTA buddies, he is the ONLY known NYS government official without an email address.....hence, NOTHING in writing......and I think that taping phone messages is illegal without full disclosure......so what does he fear??....interesting.........look at the political map of NYS.......NYC is Blue beyond belief while the rest of the whole damn state is red......well??.........
  8. What do you determine your ROI to be as opposed to those folks being in the office? We changed corporate policy effective May 4 to require attendance in the office for a full 40 hour paid week....prior we allowed folks to work remotely with the option of receiving 32 hours paid weekly or 40 hours if they needed to supplement their paycheck with 8 hours of PTO (there is a big productivity difference working remotely as well as necessary interaction with fellow employees being negated) ....BUT....we have retroactively reimbursed those who paid themselves 32 hour weekly with 8 hours weekly to make them whole or restored 8 hours of PTO weekly for those who took a short paycheck....as an aside, we paid out $300,000 in admin bonuses on March 13......yet the three of us at the executive level are made aware of groveling among a certain few because of returning to the May 4 "in the office" mandate......field personnel, delivery, courier, USPS personnel et al are still not allowed into admin offices....we spent $5,000 to have the building professionally sanitized and still maintain multiple sanitizing stations throughout......so what have us SOB's done wrong folks?...........
  9. ...ok so I'm going to "rinse and repeat" because I'm not smart enough to figure this out.....not sure how he has become the NYS media darling......with the population density in NYC coupled by the traveler influx worldwide, this city was WOEFULLY unprepared, NOT for Covid-19 which is an anomaly (unreasonable expectation IMO), but something "remotely similar" BUT on a far less percentage basis......with MILLIONS crammed in on top of each other, shouldn't there be some foresight as far as pro-active planning?.....even fundamental supplies were not available in NYS stockpiles which is incomprehensible.....so is the blame game valid?....
  10. ..potentially but they are much closer to their state's heartbeat versus the Feds.....the Feds' guidelines are under attack solely because of TDS, shocking right?......Covid-19 is baptism by fire at all levels with an event never seen except for perhaps 1917.....at the same time, it gives you a synopsis of elected officials and their ability in TRUE crisis management.....sad part is that those who fail will still be re-elected because it eliminates any thought process for the fickle segment in the electorate ......think Schifty does NOT get re-elected in a landslide as an example of just "pull the lever"?.....Strom Thurmond?...Jesse Helms?....Fritz Hollings?...Bob Byrd?...talk about "career politicians"...SMH.....
  11. ...thinkin' he should call Mayflower to move his Library to Gitmo....benefits? 1. Financial support for the beleaguered moving industry. 2. Library would be much closer to his new residence. Andrew McCarthy: Flynn case — Obama officials, FBI collaborated to invent ‘Russian collusion’ narrative By Andrew McCarthy | National Review The FBI coordinated very closely with the Obama White House on the investigation of Michael Flynn, while the Obama Justice Department was asleep at the switch. That is among the most revealing takeaways from Thursday’s decision by Attorney General Bill Barr to pull the plug on the prosecution of Flynn, who fleetingly served as President Trump’s first national security adviser. Flynn had been seeking to withdraw his guilty plea to a false-statements charge brought in late 2017 by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. While working on the Trump transition team in December 2016, Flynn spoke with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in conversations that were intercepted by our government (because Russian-government operatives, such as Kislyak, are routinely monitored by the FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies). Among the topics Flynn and Kislyak discussed was the imposition of sanctions against Russia, which President Obama had just announced. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/obama-officials-fbi-invent-russia-collusion-narrative-andrew-mccarthy
  12. ...terribly deflating news for some....SMH........... Georgia reports lowest number of COVID patients in a month By Nick Givas | Fox News Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp announced Saturday that the state had the lowest number of hospitalized coronavirus patients it has seen in just over a month. "Today marks the lowest number of COVID-19 positive patients currently hospitalized statewide (1,203) since hospitals began reporting this data on April 8th," Kemp tweeted. "Today also marks the lowest total of ventilators in use (897 with 1,945 available). We will win this fight together!" he added. Kemp moved forward with his plan to reopen the state late last month, despite initial opposition from President Trump. "Now, with favorable data and approval from state health officials, we are taking another measured step forward by opening shuttered businesses for limited operations. I know these hardworking Georgians will prioritize the safety of their employees and customers," Kemp previously tweeted. "Together, we will weather this storm and emerge stronger than ever." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/georgia-reports-lowest-number-covid-patients-in-a-month
  13. ...well he never met a camera he didn't like, right?.......and you thought Tesla got press......
  14. .....well he did get straight A's from Clinton University, right?......
  15. ...LOL.....took my son years ago to a college fair......walked by the Clarkson booth....recruiter was telling parents, " the Clarkson University campus is the safest in the country.......because NOBODY goes outside from November to March"...........still remember those -35 below zero nights...and I hate the cold now...go figure...........
  16. ...sounds like he's back tracking...... NY extends provisions on some coronavirus orders, but stay-at-home decision pending past May 15 Joseph Spector, New York State Team Published 2:20 p.m. ET May 9, 2020 | Updated 5:33 p.m. ET May 9, 2020 The article has been updated with clarification on the orders signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. ALBANY - New York has extended some executive orders due to the coronavirus in recent days, but still hasn't decided on how long it would extend the stay-at-home order, Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office said Saturday afternoon. Initially, two orders signed by Cuomo on Thursday and Friday seemed to indicate the governor had extended the order that limits New York's economy only to essential businesses from May 15 to June 6. And the governor's office initially confirmed the change to news outlets. But Cuomo's office clarified later in the day that only certain orders pertaining to coronavirus, such as eviction protections, have been extended into June. The "New York State on Pause" order is still set to expire May 15. "NY ON PAUSE was not extended to June 6," Cuomo's secretary Melissa DeRosa said in a statement. "Yesterday's Executive Order extended the underlying legal authority for the Emergency Order, but did not change the text of any of the directives in NY ON PAUSE and so the expiration date of May 15 still stands until further notice," she continued. "At that time, new guidance will be issued for regions based on the metrics outlined by Governor Cuomo earlier this week." The closure of businesses, regardless of the time frame set statewide, will remain unless regions of the state can meet seven criteria related to the coronavirus to reopen..
  17. ...oh I agree.....but the end game and result is the element of doubt.....so stay tuned.........
  18. ...not denying that at all...but there are studies where it with azithromycin were showing effective signs and as soon as Trump mentioned it, Then it became a MSM focal point of doubt and denial. So did medical contradict or was it the MSM solely displaying TDS? What say you?
  19. ...how come if you ask for constructive (good luck with that) as to who should be at 1600 Pennsylvania, especially in charge now with the Covid-19 phenomenon, the pundits fail to respond with their offerings regardless of party affiliation?....is their BEST to offer "attacking but never defending" the current leadership?.....pretty much expected though as the coward's way out of constructive, objective dialogue..as Dirty Harry said, "a man has got to know his limitations"......SMH.........
  20. ...yet all to be re-elected in typical due course......Grusome Newsome, Moonbeam Jerry for the 77th time wherever, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schiff, Boxer, etc......and you seriously want to feel remorse for the epitome of a deranged state?......
  21. ...so why was HCQ an acceptable treatment since 1955 with no newsworthy protests in 65 years until Trump advocated it?......naw no way to fault TDS........at least with the MSM, we know fecal material floats to the surface.....
  22. ...an eloquent, well thought out and accurate synopsis.....hope I'm dead wrong, but I still fear this historical scandal gets swept under the rug with hugs, kisses, mea culpas and assurances (COUGH) that it will never happen again.....enough of the US citizenry is already suspect about the Fed's dirty deeds, starting with overreaching surveillance of ordinary citizens and low level plebs with access to the info for whatever gain.....so how well should this be received?......don't forget, we advertise worldwide as the "world's greatest democracy".....KBG West?......oops...timeout...black limo just pulled into my driveway while typing.........
  23. ...PA shutdown ground our branch PA construction office to a halt.....a $5+ million/yr company segment employing 20+ employees including Union electricians.....a very high pay and benefits scale.....NJ shutdown shuttered our branch office of $2 mil/yr and furloughs for 6 Union electricians...yet our electrical construction services are deemed ESSENTIAL in NY......NO damn consistency........
  24. ...yup....just like Schiff who will get re-elected in a landslide because of his bravery, bravado, truth and justice in the American way.....the same fickle electorate responsible for Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, Grusome Newsome and the 87th recycled Jerry Moonbeam Brown......Kamala requested honorable mention for Willie Wonka Brown......this just in: Grusome projects a $53 BILLION deficit for California.......he just dialed 1-800-HEY-PREZ........
  25. ....yup...brought to you by Crimestoppers himself.....how come if you pose the question, irrespective of your political persuasion and erasing Trump from the picture, who would be the best choice to be at 1600 Pennsylvania for this phenomenon, there are NO responses here?......as typical in the "always attack...never defend" mode, all that's offered up is the TDS garbage...... Obama says coronavirus response has been a ‘chaotic disaster,' blames ‘selfish’ mindset By Adam Shaw | Fox News Former President Barack Obama on Friday said that the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been an “absolute chaotic disaster” and blamed it on a “selfish” and “tribal” mindset that has become operationalized in government. “This election that’s coming up on every level is so important because what we’re going to be battling is not just a particular individual or a political party. What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy — that has become a stronger impulse in American life,” he said. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obama-coronavirus-response-chaotic-disaster
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