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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...Dr Phil and Dr Ruth declined....and Kavorkian is DEAD.......so now what?......Dr Ferdie Pacheco?....oh wait...he's dead......
  2. ....Joe's favorite Inauguration Day picture......a portrait destined for Tib's mantle..........
  3. ...Jesus, we are really effed up.......the whole collusion thing was FBI, DOJ, CIA et al and yet Squeaky Clen Bob (COUGH) " gets chosen as independent counsel?......seriously?.....so Comey single handedly trashed the FBI culture overnight because it was "Mother Teresa like" on Bob's watch?.....and now Judge Emmett, who was assigned the matter after Flynn pleaded guilty but publicly said, "Flynn was a treasonous sellout" no invites amicus curiae briefs?......this should be some real good stuff......
  4. ...as twisted and complicit as they are, if he wins, they already have the "B Team" lined up to run the show while he's mumblin', grumblin', stumblin', bumblin' in the West Wing Nursing Home....stay tuned....
  5. put the team name on in velchro in case they move again......
  6. ....very fair assessment and certainly agree......sad that the likes of the Hardy kid could not get it together and ended up a statistic (RIP).....hitting the brights lights quickly coming from an impoverished background can blind them quickly.........
  7. ...sounds like Emmet got his check today.....the same judge who called Flynn a treasonous sell out.....this should be good...…... Judge's delay on resolving Flynn case stuns court watchers By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Judge Emmet Sullivan's decision to allow third parties to submit amicus curiae ("friend of the court") briefs in former national security adviser Michael Flynn's case after the Justice Department moved to dismiss it has struck legal experts as "unusual," if not "outrageous," while Flynn's own counsel argues that it should not be allowed in the first place. The DOJ agreed to drop the charges against Flynn last week, but Sullivan has to sign off on it in order for the case to go away. Sullivan's order Tuesday shows he is not ready to do this just yet. “This is an outrageous decision by a judge who’s now placed himself into that, you know, awful category of an activist who’s willing to set aside rules, set aside ethics, set aside precedent, and just go in a direction because he is politically motivated to do so," former Utah U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman told "Fox & Friends" Wednesday morning. Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell wrote in a court filing following Sullivan's order that there is no local rule allowing for amicus briefs in criminal cases. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judges-delay-on-resolving-flynn-case-stuns-court-watchers
  8. ...I think he's 21 years old and probably still growing....let him develop at his own pace with no set trainer schedule to definitely add weight.....if and a BIG IF, didn't OBD embark on a crusade to get McGahee to bulk up to 240?.....which I seem to remember was a flop.....
  9. ...still nothing on the World Chess Matches though......I'm low on cans of Benjamin Williams to watch dry....may switch to Glidden......dammit...........
  10. ..........'effed up?....naw........elected officials in action......but Big Fredo & DiBlasio next?...hmmm......... San Antonio City Council Passes Resolution Condemning Hate Speech, Use of the Term “Chinese Virus” Civil Society Local News-The Texan Daniel Friend May 8, 2020 The San Antonio City Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning the use of the term "Chinese virus," saying that it "encourages hate crimes and incidents against Asians." The San Antonio City Council unanimously passed a resolution introduced by Mayor Ron Nirenberg condemning hate speech toward Asian, Pacific Islander, and Jewish communities. “COVID-19 is a public health issue, not a racial, religious or ethnic one, and the deliberate use of terms such as ‘Chinese virus’ or ‘Kung Fu virus’ to describe COVID-19 only encourages hate crimes and incidents against Asians and further spreads misinformation at a time when communities should be working together to get through this crisis,” reads the resolution. At the city council meeting on Thursday when the resolution was introduced, only one member of the public commented on it. https://thetexan.news/san-antonio-city-council-passes-resolution-condemning-hate-speech-use-of-the-term-chinese-virus/
  11. ...I'm confused....would "absentee ballots" still include dead people as usual?......
  12. ....but you forgot that he could "help himself" to $945 in goods and NOT face arrest as well.......bet it was a Belichick "hoodie" anyhow..........
  13. .....understand economic devastation but it goes beyond the poor....large segment of population living from paycheck to paycheck as well.......and how about the debilitating effects on mental health, albeit depression, domestic violence, murders, suicides et al?.....
  14. ...honorable mention to Vermont for also bringing us Howard Dean....bet you thought the "green" in the Green Mountains was broccoli, right??...........
  15. ...LA County to stay at home until July.....Cali is $58 BILLION in the red....BUT.......not to worry...Pelosi's THREE TRILLION DOLLAR BILL includes $1 trillion for states.......so Grusome Newsome gets bailed out and does the Illinois Governor flake who is $41 BILLION in the red (includes an unfunded pension liability of $10 billion).....and Big Fredo is looking for $60 BILLION.....so let's reward the epitome of gross fiscal irresponsibility.....yet the Governor of Connecticut (yes a DEM) has a $2.5 billion dollar "rainy day fund" for the unforeseen.......
  16. ...can't see how Obama would be complicit.....I'm just going to wait for Eric Holder to ring in with the truth......
  17. Grenell declassifies names of Obama officials who ‘unmasked’ Flynn By Edmund DeMarche, Brooke Singman | Fox News Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has decided to declassify information about Obama administration officials who were behind the “unmasking” of Michael Flynn -- whose calls with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition were picked up in surveillance and later leaked -- and their names could soon be made public, a source confirmed. Fox News confirmed that a new round of documents is expected, in the wake of a document dump last week that renewed focus on the Russia investigation and specifically the treatment of Flynn. The unmasking concerns events between the November 2016 election and Inauguration Day 2017, Fox News is told. Another source familiar with the intelligence told Fox News that Grenell is moving to declassify several pieces of intelligence in stages, with this being one part of it. Asked if former President Barack Obama's name is on the list of officials involving in unmasking Flynn, the source would not say but stressed the list would make waves. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/grenell-declassifies-names-of-obama-officials-who-unmasked-flynn-report-says
  18. Mexico sheds light on note requesting answers over Obama era gun-running sting: report By David Aaro | Fox News The foreign minister of Mexico announced on Monday that he sent a diplomatic note to the U.S. requesting answers related to a gun-running sting that caused tension during the Obama administration, according to a report. In a video posted on Twitter, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard quoted Eric Holder, the former U.S. Attorney General, as saying Mexican authorities knew about the ill-fated 2009-2011 scheme known as "Fast and Furious." "The [Mexican] government requests that it be provided with all the information available regarding the 'Fast and Furious' operation," Ebrard said, according to Reuters. https://www.foxnews.com/world/mexico-requests-answers-obama-era-gun-running-sting
  19. ....putting politics aside and regardless of party in power at 1600 Pennsylvania, do we REALISTICALLY ever know where the money goes?....does our 535 parasitic brethren seriouly want to answer THAT question?......better yet, do they care?...... Feds spent nearly $100B on pandemic readiness, health security in decade leading up to coronavirus crisis By Tyler Olson | Fox News Over the past decade, the U.S. government spent nearly $100 billion on preparation for major health crises including pandemics, according to a 2018 paper on such funding -- though the coronavirus outbreak still had Washington and states across the country scrambling to muster supplies and respond when it hit. Numbers from a paper in the academic journal "Health Security" released in late 2018 indicate that the government spent between $10 billion and $12 billion each year from 2010 to 2018 across several agencies on programs that contribute to "biosecurity," the management of "pandemic influenza and emerging infectious diseases," and "multiple-hazard and general preparedness" programs that assist in readiness for and response to different types of health threats, including diseases like the coronavirus. COVID-19 seems to be the kind of problem the U.S. was preparing for, but a debate has raged in Washington over whether the money was spent effectively. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pandemic-preparedness-spending
  20. ....I'd sit in the cheap seats or lawn chairs as long as it DOES hit the fan.....this makes Watergate look like a parking ticket.......we are royally screwed if this gets swept under the rug.....Barr and Durham will be labeled "politcal Trump lackey hacks" for sure.....BUT......how do those pundits reconcile Durham being assigned high profile cases by THE one, THE only, upstanding and perhaps the nation's best ever AG, Eric Holder?.......stay tuned............
  21. ...have both an electric box and pellet smoker.......use electric for smaller stuff but the pellet unit is great for larger stuff..........
  22. ...RIP Tim Russert.......you were always a classy guy (..."go Buffalo.."..) and "Meet the Press" was watchable......do NOT look down because this skank Todd moderates "Meet the Mess" unchallenged......NBC acknowledges he edited an interview tape and "end of story"?......how sad...........
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