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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...but it is such an inconsequential request, so why not just go with the flow?.....see if or if NOT....no harm...no foul IMO...
  2. ...hindsight is a beautiful thing especially when evaluating something like never before except for perhaps 1917......hopefully (yet doubtful) we can get to a reliable database that allows accurate assessment of the Covid-19 occurrence......with its obvious unknown status, measures were taken whether right, wrong, indifferent, woefully inept or over the top.....NOT much choice when sprung into "Crisis Management Mode" IMO.....FWIW, biggest problem I see is if we initially overreacted only to find out that Covid-19 is an annual occurrence......leaves us WIDE open to the "cry wolf syndrome".....stay tuned............
  3. ...admittedly, I'm WELL below your pay grade......but I do try.......
  4. ...quite the posting gem......his BBMB days were legendary....SMH......
  5. ....well Eric Holder said "no way in hell" is this true......I'm convinced then...........he's easily in the "top three of best AG's ever".......he was our "Mother Teresa"..... Fred Fleitz: Obamagate – How Obama administration apparently weaponized intel agencies for political attacks By Fred Fleitz | Fox News There is strong evidence that President Barack Obama’s administration improperly weaponized U.S. intelligence agencies in multiple and shocking ways against Donald Trump and other political enemies. It appears the Obama administration did this in a number of ways, including: fraudulently obtaining Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants to spy on American citizens; promoting the Democratic National Committee-funded dossier assembled by former British spy Christopher Steele that was filled with lies about Trump; politicizing intelligence analysis; leaking intelligence; and spying on political opponents and journalists. In the period when he was a presidential candidate and president-elect, Trump and his aides seemed to have been the major targets of this misuse of American intelligence for political purposes. But they were not the only targets. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/fred-fleitz-obamagate-how-obama-administration-apparently-weaponized-intel-agencies-for-political-attacks
  6. ...with a "friend" like Nancy "helping", who the hell needs enemies?.......maybe she should host an ice cream social to demonstrate her "friendship"...........
  7. ...interesting....."an employee" to me signifies a worker's compensation case first (wonder if a case was filed ?)and in NYS, an employee cannot sue the employer....however, an employee CAN bring a third party lawsuit against the employer via General Liability coverage.....and the presumptive challenge would be some type of negligence regarding "providing a safe workplace (OSHA involvement?)....in NYS, the workers compensation insurance company can and will lien any judgment from the General Liability lawsuit to recoup their expenses albeit medical, lost wages, etc.
  8. ...these are some interesting assessments I've read, but I'm probably doing a lousy job of interpretation..... NYC, the Covid-19 "gateway to the US: deaths: 14,000 Nursing Home deaths: 5,400 38.5% ...first, referring alleged recoveries to nursing homes was a death knell.....in an over concentrated populous of 9 million, I'm guessing there is a significant number of preexisting conditions due to poor, personal health management.....thus if your "almost everyone in America" assessment is correct, a significant number recovered in due time.... New York State vs NYC: total NYS deaths: 22,000 total NYC deaths: 14,000 ...hence 63% of the NYS deaths occurred in NYC........yet Upstate NY is locked down......a pertinent question is how many of the deaths in "other than NYC" were nursing home related because of Cuomo's nursing home policy?......if, IF the same 38.5 % is consistent, the "other than NYC deaths" of 7,000 contain the same 38.5% or 2,695 nursing home related deaths if my math is correct....here is a 40% assertion from Monroe County's health director (see below BOLD)... ...so the remaining 10 million NYS citizens outside of NYC (2019 statewide estimate was 19 million), account for 7,000 deaths (.0007 death rate); factor out nursing home related deaths (Cuomo policy infusion?) and the rate death rate is .00043........ 40% of hospital admissions in Monroe County coming from nursing homes, Mendoza says ...so has our Covid-19 reaction in NYS been precisely what is necessary, falls well short of desired action, or begins to appear as an "over the top reaction" regrading the impact on families/financial well being, job loss, impact on children with no formal schooling for weeks, mental health effects to include depression, domestic violence, suicides, major impact on the NYS economy, et al?.......has the approach been an all encompassing "balanced and reasonable?".....................
  9. ...MSM is gonna be PO'ed.............. Colorado amends coronavirus death count - says fewer have died of COVID-19 than previously thought By Robert Gearty | Fox News Colorado has made a stunning and significant change to the way it counts COVID-19 deaths that reduced the statewide figure from more than 1,000 to 878, according to a report. The change came after Colorado’s Department of Public Health admitted that its COVID-19 death toll was counting those who tested positive for the coronavirus but had died of other causes, Fox 31 Denver reported late Friday. The department now says 1,150 Coloradoans who died had COVID-19 but only 878 of those deaths were “due to” COVID-19. https://www.foxnews.com/us/colorado-lowers-coronavirus-death-count
  10. ...of course "corrupt" according to the "Tibs Gospel".....welcome to the real world in the private sector......we deal with personnel changes regularly.....in our company, three of us set corporate policy guidelines, BUT is is a living document, amenable to changes that enhance it......those that do not subscribe have to seek employment elsewhere.....yet your purview of the public sector should be "once you're in, you're in for your career", `a protected "Teflon Don lifer".......that was the "good 'ol boyz network" pre-Trump.......and that served and benefitted this nation HOW?......better yet, how about the elected "Teflon Dons" regardless of party affiliation as in 535 milk maids with term limits being non-sequitor?......you seriously want me to believe that Pelosi, Helms, Thurmond, Hollings, Bob Byrd, Nadler (HINT" examples from BOTH SIDES) benefitted this country FIRST or their own damn well being?......SMH........
  11. ...if and IF I read correctly recently, there was a component in the CARES Act that provided funding through the Medicare vehicle.....and it actually provides three times as much for a Covid-19 "reported death".....see link below to USA Today article...looks like money to be made for exaggerated numbers.... As US coronavirus death toll mounts, so does the belief by some that it is exaggerated By Robert Gearty | Fox News There’s a reason why some people believe government officials are exaggerating the number of COVID-19 fatalities. One problem is the hodgepodge way states tally those numbers, Fox News has found. Some states count presumed coronavirus deaths along with confirmed cases under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance issued last month. Other states don’t count those deaths. Deaths have been classified as a COVID-19 death even after a physician or loved ones reported otherwise. And those who died “with" COVID-19 have been included in the count with those who died “of" COVID-19. “I think a lot of clinicians are putting that condition (COVID-19) on death certificates when it might not be accurate because they died with coronavirus and not of coronavirus,” Macomb County, Mich., Chief Medical Examiner Daniel Spitz in an interview with the Ann Arbor News last month. “Are they entirely accurate? No,” Spitz said. “Are people dying of it? Absolutely. Are people dying of other things and coronavirus is maybe getting credit? Yeah, probably.” The doctor also told Fox News that he believes there are people who died of COVID-19, but weren't counted. Determining a COVID-19 death is based on each doctor's best clinical impression and that varies, he said. https://www.foxnews.com/us/as-u-s-coronavirus-death-toll-mounts-so-does-the-belief-it-is-exaggerated from USA Today.. Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators Michelle Rogers USA TODAY Network https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/
  12. ...1000% DEAD on........try to have a constructive dialogue......hatred, foment, animus and vitriol lead the way BEFORE even getting to the topic......look around these parts.....best that gang can do is "always attack....never defend..", NEVER offering an alternative......strangely, I remember reading a Nixon bio years ago and the author said Nixon's mantra was, yup, "always attack...never defend".......the thought of "respect", once part of our moral, social fiber, disappeared years ago......pretty sad..... ....found it...the author was Roger Stone... "Stone revels in his Watergate pedigree, noting almost apologetically that he was never accused of breaking any law. “The Democrats were weak, we were strong,” he told me. (Stone’s rules: “Attack, attack, attack—never defend” and “Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack.”) "
  13. ....Hap, is this "breakthrough" company something to be optimistic about?.................. California biopharmaceutical company claims coronavirus antibody breakthrough By Perry Chiaramonte | Fox News EXCLUSIVE — A California-based biopharmaceutical company claims to have discovered an antibody that could shield the human body from the coronavirus and flush it out of a person’s system within four days, Fox News has exclusively learned. Later Friday, Sorrento Therapeutics will announce their discovery of the STI-1499 antibody, which the San Diego company said can provide "100% inhibition" of COVID-19, adding that a treatment could be available months before a vaccine hits the market. "We want to emphasize there is a cure. There is a solution that works 100 percent," Dr. Henry Ji, founder and CEO of Sorrento Therapeutics, told Fox News. "If we have the neutralizing antibody in your body, you don't need the social distancing. You can open up a society without fear." https://www.foxnews.com/science/covid-cure-california-biopharmaceutical-coronavirus-antibody-breakthrough
  14. ...this should be good bro......probably exceeds his 343 page brief to adjudicate a client's parking ticket.......
  15. ....now that I finished this and my diploma is forthcoming from Amazon, I'll be willing to help out here....just sayin'...
  16. ...we as a Union construction contracting firm are FINALLY getting support from the National organization....as a defined NYS essential business, our operations continue (except for PA & NJ being totally shut down)......so apprentices and a similarly paid worker class of non-Union converts, did the math and found out they could make MORE money staying home.....hence we lost 35 workers (none Covid-19 infected; feared bringing it home to family) who took voluntary furloughs/layoffs....now the National is requiring these folks to return to respective local Unions and sign up as "available"....refuse work and we have a vehicle to protest their unemployment with Union National's support.....
  17. ...but isn't that the Dems' end game?......solely focus on deaths?......why are hospitals getting $39,000 for a death through Medicare Cares Act funding but only $13,000 for a non- Covid 19 death?.....so report the guy with a gunshot wound or the heart attack dude as Covid-19 and pick up an extra 52 grand?......so now add in that relic Pelosi's 3 TRILLION DOLLAR lunacy and there you have it.....Quid Pro Joe is the white knight candidate who would NEVER have these deaths on HIS watch or trillions of new debt on HIS watch....so once inaugurated and remanded to the West Wing Nursing Home, VP Kamala "The Thrillah" Harris fixes everything....uh oh.....
  18. ...something seems to be contradictory............ Phase 1 of reopening starts in Rochester area, but 'by no means are we out of the woods' Brian Sharp, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Published 9:47 a.m. ET May 15, 2020 | Updated 3:22 p.m. ET May 15, 2020 Monroe County had more active cases of the novel coronavirus and more residents hospitalized as it began a phased reopening Friday than at any point in the pandemic. The local numbers drove an uptick in hospitalizations for the nine-county Finger Lakes region. But while acknowledging "some surprises, if you will, in the last few days," Monroe County Public Health Commissioner Dr. Michael Mendoza said Friday that the data show no evidence of a surge. Regional numbers have declined overall, since peaking last month. The Monroe County curve has flattened. The number of patients in the ICU has remained steady. "By no means are we out of the woods," Mendoza said, adding: "We need to look at the next weeks and months, frankly, with a lot of pause, a lot of thoughtfulness." Gov. Andrew Cuomo has pointed to data as driving the decisions to begin reopening some manufacturing, construction and other businesses here and in select regions across the state. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2020/05/15/phase-1-reopening-ny-coronavirus-cases-hospitalizations-going-up/5191995002/ State, local beaches may open Friday before Memorial Day weekend WHECTV Updated: May 15, 2020 01:56 PM Created: May 15, 2020 11:54 AM ALBANY, N.Y. (WHEC) — State and local beaches and lakeshores may open Friday before Memorial Day weekend, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday. The governor stated that in order to open, each location must meet these minimum conditions: Mandating no more than 50% capacity, by ensuring controlled exits/ entrances, limiting parking. Prohibiting group contact activities, including sports (e.g. volleyball, football). Keeping areas of social gathering closed (e.g. designated picnic areas, playgrounds, pavilions, arcades and amusement rides). Enforcing social distancing measures for both employees and visitors. Requiring masks to be worn of all employees and visitors when social distancing is not possible. Closing concessions. Ensuring staff levels are adequate to achieve these measures and enforce crowd control. Cuomo also announced that while beaches run by cities, towns and counties may open on Friday, May 22, they can also decide to remain close. Locally, the City of Rochester has said that Durand-Eastman Beach and trails have always been open for passive recreation. Durand has not been open for swimming the past couple of years and "nothing is changing from the city's perspective."
  19. ..vote with her and face your constituents…...vote against her and face reprisals......popcorn time...………..
  20. ...years ago, there was a place in Brockport called "The Barge Inn"...….don't know the origin of "The Stumble Inn"...it just popped into my head......
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