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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...I did NOT mean to imply that he was citing Moderna as THE solution......my apology......I would have been more accurate to say he was citing Moderna as ONE example of MANY companies working towards a vaccine....perhaps he could be optimistic about November......I'm pretty sure Fauci said awhile ago that potentially fighting a two headed monster as in the upcoming flu season WITH Covid-19 active as well could be a daunting task (paraphrased)....
  2. ...counting their exploited MILLIONS from those who only have faith as their last salvation......pastoral parasites......those eight skanks have more jets than Alligient Air.....
  3. ...none....the competition is now too fierce......regress and McBeane will tell you to get "rates from Mayflower"....this ain't Dopey Dickie Jauron's "Club Med"....
  4. ...uh oh Joe......he ain't buying your Sheila Jackson Lee quip about it "being in jest"....... Former NFL player Jack Brewer on Biden backlash over black voter comment: 'The mask is off' By Talia Kaplan | Fox News Former NFL player Jack Brewer said “the mask is off,” reacting on Sunday to former Vice President Joe Biden’s comment during an interview where he said that African-Americans unsure about whether to support him or President Trump "ain't black." “America can see the real Joe Biden, hopefully all of my African-American brothers and sisters,” Brewer told “Fox & Friends Weekend.” Brewer made the statements two days after Biden expressed regret during a call with black business leaders for his comment about African-American voters in an earlier interview. “I shouldn't have been so cavalier,” Biden said in a Friday afternoon phone call with the U.S. Black Chambers, addressing the controversy within seconds of the session starting. Biden made the comments to host Charlamagne tha God of “The Breakfast Club” radio show. The remarks instantly ignited a backlash from critics, the Trump campaign calling them “racist and dehumanizing.” https://www.foxnews.com/media/former-nfl-player-jack-brewer-on-biden-backlash-over-black-voters-comment
  5. ...RIP Tony Snow......and Juan Williams got fired by NPR.......'nuff said......
  6. ...hmmm...take your pick...flagrant foul, travel or double dribble.....OR even a triple header with this clown...SMH.........
  7. ...ever wonder how the edict to "wash your hands" may be a BRAND NEW phenomenon for some?.....yup a stupid thought.....
  8. ....LMAO.....today's picture of Moe, Larry, Curly & Shemp.......
  9. 17.2K people are talking about this The scenes underscored how some have interpreted the loosening of coronavirus restrictions ahead of the Memorial Day holiday as an invitation to return to a pre-pandemic version of normal. Amid varied and sometimes conflicting orders from state and local officials, people across the country have been left to decide on their own how strictly to follow the rules. The images elicited a barrage of criticism from people angered by the open disregard for the guidelines that public health experts have spent months promoting. “I don’t even know what to say anymore,” tweeted “The View” co-host Meghan McCain. Like most of the country, Missouri has allowed some businesses to reopen and rolled back pandemic-related bans on nonessential activities, even as researchers warn that the virus is still spreading at epidemic rates in Missouri and 23 other states. After Missouri’s stay-at-home order expired May 3, Gov. Mike Parson (R) said all businesses, including large venues, can open as long as seating is spaced out to enforce social distancing, meaning people must be able to remain six feet apart. Many businesses around the Lake of the Ozarks closed in the spring when the pandemic hit. But as the state moved to reopen, they allowed guests to rebook rooms. Several hotels and resorts told local media last week that they were fully booked. In videos shared widely on social media, people could be seen lined up outside the Backwater Jack’s bar and grill, waiting to enter the already packed venue. “Corona-free,” one man in line shouted in as the camera panned to him. The business did not immediately respond to a request for comment Sunday. Similar crowds were seen at other beaches and watering holes on the East Coast, including the Ocean City boardwalk and a beach on the reopened Jersey Shore. ...pics from Tib's pool party.......
  10. ....absolutely DEAD ON......so my fickle Cliff Notes question would be if, IF you thought universal care was a workable situation (PLENTY of worldwide examples relative to cost, success, failure, et al as guidance), wouldn't you convene an extensive panel of insurers, health care professionals/providers to come up with the semblance of a workable plan versus letting 535 mumbling minions craft the legislation?.....naw the providers and health care professionals will only offer profiteering.....our beloved 535 would do a MUCH better job.....SMH...Medicare is a governmental WINNER, right?...........
  11. ...exactly and respectfully as a non-believer......despite a Catholic upbringing and Cathloic HS, I lost my faith years ago....but for some, faith is ALL they have and in these extraordinary times, you take THAT away from them?....repulsive but the progressive way.......
  12. ...it was a crushing blow when he pulled out, but it solidified my decision to not bother voting............ Beto O’Rourke mocks Texas governor’s reopening message – then hears back from Crenshaw, Cruz By Dom Calicchio | Fox News Democrat Beto O’Rourke tried to get the upper hand late Friday, mocking the gradual reopening of the Texas economy from coronavirus shutdowns as “Dangerous, dumb and weak.” But at least two Texas Republicans weren’t having it. Rep. Dan Crenshaw and Sen. Ted Cruz each fired back at O’Rourke, the former congressman from El Paso who failed to unseat Cruz in 2018 and then ran an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic Party’s 2020 presidential nomination. “Is this the new Dem slogan?” Cruz snapped back. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/beto-orourke-mocks-texas-governors-reopening-message-then-hears-back-from-crenshaw-cruz
  13. .sorry...Sheila Jackson Lee told me his "comments were in jest".......she's ALWAYS right..........
  14. ..because the power mongering progressive libs despise religion....FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm not that smart so I have to ask.........how does going to an APPROVED drive-in movie differ from going to a drive-in religious service?.....no popcorn??.......
  15. ...yes...I read the EXTENSIVE coverage on CNN............crickets.....can't wait until I retire to GTFO of NYS......this clown getrs reelected in a landslide and signs up Fredo as his Lientenant Governor......even Preparation-H can't ease THAT pain...........
  16. ....LMAO...Obamacare?......it was HillaryCare with the Clinton's cardboard prop's name pasted on the front......I have 200+ employees of which 190 are Union employees and get their health care through the Union (I pay 100%) as a self-funded Plan with Excellus BCBS as their third party administrator......I maintain Excellus BCBS coverage for my remaining dozen or so which was "community rated (Rochester "community rated as a whole ala premiums versus claims dollars to establish a loss ratio)".....ObamacareLESS counted my Union employees in my employee count and I could no longer be community rated.....first year increase for my dozen non-Union employees was 35%.....I was already paying 60% of their premium but added $15,000 additional sponsorship annually to mitigate their out of pocket contribution...following year was 15% and I continued my additional sponsorship....
  17. ....OR.....what was wrong with "outdoor services in one's vehicle"?........think about how many people only have their faith to cling to......that the Joel Osteen's of the world exploit the hell out of......$75 mil/yr in revenues?.......
  18. ...LMAO....and you thought John Gotti was "The Teflon Don"?........this guy is slipperier than T-Fal..............
  19. ...and queue up her victory speech for her 14th term in a 2022 landslide......better yet, just insert the 8-track or cassette tape...rinse and repeat...........
  20. ...think Maxine gets reelected for her 16th term in a landslide (2020) or Jackson for her 14th term in 2022 in yet another landslide?.....naw not a chance......
  21. ....as Big Fredo plays the blame game with his nursing home deaths fiasco.......perfect campaign slogan for his presidential run........"honesty is NOT my best policy".....ask the 4,320+ (AP news research number) that died in nursing homes....... Cuomo attempts to deflect blame of deadly nursing home coronavirus debacle on to Trump By Marisa Schultz | Fox News New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Saturday doubled down on his state's now-scrapped nursing home policy that critics say contributed to thousands of coronavirus deaths and instead blamed the problem on President Trump and his administration. "New York followed the president's agencies' guidance," Cuomo said Saturday at his press conference. ".... What New York did was follow what the Republican Administration said to do. That's not my attempt to politicize it. It's my attempt to depoliticize it. So don't criticize the state for following the president's policy." The governor's office said New York's original nursing home policy was in line with a March 13 directive from the Trump Administration's Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that went out to all states on how to control infections in nursing homes. The guidance says "nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present." "Not could. Should," Melissa DeRosa, secretary to the governor and Cuomo's top aide, said at the Saturday press conference. "That is President Trump's CMS and CDC...There are over a dozen states that did the exact same thing." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-blames-trump-nursing-home-debacle-new-york-coronavirus
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