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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...any idea what Emmett's "booking fee" was?.......think the DC Circuit is basking in the glow of being shown up?......hmmm....
  2. ...he is the clueless puppet and the government would be run by committee while he's cared for in West Wing Nursing......gonna expose my ignorance but ask anyway......why the hell would gender or skin color be THE top priorities for a VP candidate who could potentially be elevated?....sure as hell is scary with the fickle segment of the electorate walking into the voting booth looking ONLY for the NOT TRUMP lever.....hell it could say Farakhan.....
  3. ....differing schools of thought....Treasury Secretary Mnuchin vs Kudlow..............Mnuchin said if your employer calls you back to work from unemployment as states re-open and you refuse, you're disqualified from the $600 stipend....Kudlow wants to consider a "back to work bonus" for returning......Mnuchin>Kudlow IMO......WSJ said 50% of people on unemployment are earning MORE staying home and we have to now pay them a bonus?....sorry Larry..............
  4. ...didn't you leave out "INCREASED SELF INFLICTED"......??....just askin..........
  5. ...and the surprise is WHAT?....special thanks to Rahm Emanuel, Obama, Governor Pritzker et al for your supreme leadership..... The Most Corrupt States In America [Infographic] Niall McCarthy FORBES Contributor Business Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics A new report from the University of Chicago has shed light on the U.S. cities and states with the most public-sector corruption. Co-authored by UIC professor and political advisor Dick Simpson, the report is based on an analysis of public corruption statistics released by the U.S. Department of Justice. Across all states and Federal Judicial Districts in the United States, there have been 19,634 public corruption convictions over the past ten years. In 2018 alone, 695 public official, federal employees and government contractors were convicted of public corruption. The research found that Chicago remains the most corrupt city in the United States with the Illinois-Northern Judicial District recording 1,750 public corruption convictions from 1976 to 2018. It was followed by Los Angeles with 1,547 and New York's Southern Judicial District with 1,360. The data also highlights the extent of the problem across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Illinois is the second-most corrupt state in the nation, according to the University of Illinois-Chicago. And corruption costs the state economy at least $550 million per year. But the size and scope of government corruption is nothing new for Illinoisans. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2020/02/19/the-most-corrupt-states-in-america-infographic/#3299aa2b2101
  6. ...and more often than not, they'll roll the dice and buck what authorities are telling them to do anyhow......
  7. ...they sure as hell need to be measured and well thought out before jumping unnecessarily......see how the gradual re-openings go by state first....the Memorial Day weekend in Rochester yielded heavy police presence at three block parties of 200+ people each with no much luck in dispersal......and NO social distancing or masks......and they broke up numerous fights at Lake Ontario Beach Park......Chicago's Memorial Day tally was 27 shot with 9 dead.....keep tightening the screws and these occurrences replicate.....
  8. ...hoodie making seamstresses are on OT I'd bet.............
  9. ...OMG..."Corn Rows Joe".......just ruined my LAST pair of Depends....dammit..............
  10. ...um...er....uh....well....oh.......ruminating........praises should be along ...shortly......but Big Fredo told me Trump is responsible for the 4,320+ NYC nursing home deaths because "I just followed the President's orders".....and you thought Gotti was "The Teflon Don"?......this guy is a a lock for the Dems in 2024 because, "honesty is NOT my best policy"......our NYS gem....
  11. ...yes, a blacklisted racist Arcade NY attorney does take some doing........congratulations!.....
  12. ...the "news" LONG ago meant Huntley, Brinkley, Cronkite, Edward R et al......RIP fellas and do NOT look up at how your once proud industry has been destroyed.....YOU built it...THEY destroyed it......how sad........
  13. ...I think you need to LOWER your expectations as far as fact or supportive opinion dialogue with this clown....seriously?........
  14. ...I'm confused....thought he was a Clinton cardboard cut out prop manufactured in Arkansas......propped up SOLELY by ex-Clintonites(epitome of Dr. Dirties) and vaunted into the national spotlight as a JUNIOR State Senator from THE most corrupt state in the country....sure glad that skin color and oratorical skills had absolutely NOTHING to do with it....he had credentials (??).....
  15. ...and so why do you focus on such minute details of responsible governance?......aren't you nitpicking??.........
  16. ...RIP Tony Snow.....Wallace and Juan Williams(NPR castoff) are a matched set.....
  17. ...but, BUT Gruesome Newsome says the Feds "have a moral obligation to the US citizens of California" to provide him with the requested $60+ billion bailout......think he meant IMMORAL to cover for his gross fiscal irresponsibility and MIS-management......looks like his SF Mayoral leadership (COUGH) left him ill-prepared....
  18. ....I'm quietly awaiting the launch of the 'TIBS NETWORK" for nothing but the truth,the whole truth so help me God, honesty and American way to guide us fickle that need an accurate news source.....
  19. ...indeed a special thanks to all of those who have served as well as families who have braved the loss of loved ones who have served......I'm humbled.....crazy places like this do NOT exist without their fighting spirit for our rights...Godspeed to all...........
  20. ....and?......Coulter and Hannity are hardly what I would say viable pundits......
  21. ...there's no sky in lockdown.......preventative protection..........
  22. .and I agree.......in defense, it is a pandemic of epic proportions, perhaps going back to 1917......at ALL government levels, I think we were under prepared for something 1/10 or even LESS for an occurrence like this....I'm an old school (REAL old) fan of being pro-active......and I think the need to be pro-active has been diminished over time because officials tout the ability to be "lightning strike reactive".....if, IF reporting (?) is accurate, medical stockpiles of varying types were very low, despite Feds appropriating billions for preparedness a few years ago.....and individual states blew money elsewhere (how does NYC fail miserably with even MINUSCULE preparedness despite population density of 9 million?).....why does the likes of Connecticut's Governor (yes a Dem and hats off) have a "rainy day fund" of $2.5 billion set up for the unforeseen?.....
  23. ....but, BUT what about POLITICAL capital?......how can you DEVALUE fear mongering?......saw a poll somewhere where respondents (?) said Trump was better for handling the economy but Biden was better handling the Covid-19 Pandemic.......figure THAT out.....
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