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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. George Floyd, fired officer Derek Chauvin worked at same Minneapolis nightclub By Bernard Condon | Associated Press A white Minneapolis police officer and the black man he's charged with killing both worked as security guards at the same Latin nightclub as recently as last year, but its former owner says she's not sure if they knew each other. What she is certain of is how aggressive Officer Derek Chauvin became when the club hosted events that drew a mainly black clientele, responding to fights by taking out his mace and spraying the crowd, a tactic she told him was unjustified "overkill." "He would mace everyone instead of apprehending the people who were fighting," said Maya Santamaria, former owner of El Nuevo Rodeo club in Minneapolis. "He would call backup. The next thing you would know, there would five or six squad cars." https://www.foxnews.com/us/george-floyd-fired-officer-derek-chauvin-worked-at-same-minneapolis-nightclub
  2. ...stay strong my good friend......hopefully insurance covers the losses......look forward to your retirement.....
  3. ....well Quid Pro Joe DOES hire the best and the brightest.....SMH............ Biden campaign staffers donate to group that bails out jailed Minneapolis protesters: report By Dom Calicchio | Fox News At least 13 members of Joe Biden’s campaign staff have made donations to a group that helps Minneapolis protesters get out of jail on bail, according to a report. The staffers posted on Twitter that they contributed money to a group called the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which opposes the practice of making people who are arrested pay money to avoid pre-trial imprisonment, Reuters reported. Biden himself opposes cash bail, comparing it to a “modern day debtors prison,” campaign spokesman Andrew Bates told Reuters. But the campaign would not comment on whether the staffers’ donations were made in coordination with the former vice president’s campaign, the report said. Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on Monday, the Minnesota Freedom Fund raised about $20 million over four days, Forbes reported. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-campaign-staffers-donate-to-group-that-bails-out-jailed-minneapolis-protesters-report
  4. ...wonder if you need your receipt for returns??..........
  5. ...the other 3,746 showed their "Soros ID"........free pass............
  6. ...Rochester right now...WORK boots shoppers.....getting ready for Phase 2 re-opening...........
  7. ...why muddy the waters with FACTS?.......does this mean one's "racism card" is now void???...........
  8. ...playing "who let the dogs out" over the loudspeakers....love it...............
  9. ....got my popcorn ready............ Trump warns White House protesters would have been met by 'vicious dogs', 'ominous weapons' if they breached fence By Adam Shaw | Fox News President Trump on Saturday praised the Secret Service for its protection of the White House during protests in Washington D.C. on Friday night, calling them “very cool & very professional” -- and warned that any protesters who breached the fence would have met by "vicious dogs" and "ominous weapons." “Great job last night at the White House by the U.S. @SecretService. They were not only totally professional, but very cool,” Trump tweeted. He later accused the protesters of being "professionally managed" and said cryptically that "Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???" https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-secret-service-white-house-vicious-dogs-ominous-weapons
  10. ....and the irony of that was the alleged "good Samaritan" who filmed it was also eventually arrested...charged with felony murder and criminal contempt to commit false imprisonment TEN WEEKS LATER..........
  11. ....this clown is pathetic....bet he arrests the cops FIRST............. NYC mayor promises accountability after protest chaos WHECTV Created: May 30, 2020 12:11 PM NEW YORK (AP) - New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio promised Saturday that both protesters and police officers will be held accountable for acts of violence at a demonstration in Brooklyn that descended into chaos, and left people bloodied and vehicles burned. The protest, one of many around the country over the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minnesota, started peacefully in the late afternoon in Manhattan, but problems flared after several thousand people faced off with a force of officers on the streets around a sports arena. Speaking the morning after the protest, de Blasio, a Democrat, expressed solidarity with demonstrators upset about police brutality, but said there will be a full review of what went wrong. He said he was upset by videos of the confrontations “where protesters were handled very violently” by police and by reports that at least two elected officials were among the people sprayed with irritating chemicals by officers at the scene. https://www.whec.com/news/nyc-mayor-promises-accountability-after-protest-chaos/5745549/?cat=565
  12. ...Soros Travel & Toursim now booking...... Ex-NYPD lieutenant warns about 'paid agitators' during George Floyd riots By Sam Dorman | Fox News Former NYPD Lt. Darrin Porcher warned about paid demonstrators infiltrating ongoing protests and riots and emphasized the importance of communities working with law enforcement. "As a former NYPD lieutenant, I refer back to me being a practitioner in New York City and the many instances we had -- what we referred to as paid agitators," he told Fox News' Arthel Neville on Saturday. "These were people who were paid by specific groups to come in and quote, unquote, raise a level of anarchy -- throwing things, just creating somewhat of a miscreant society ... We knew who a lot these people were. because you would see them at one demonstration. Then a week later you would see the same demonstrator or agitator protesting all over again. They knew nothing nor cared anything about what the actual event was involved around." Porcher's comments came as President Trump warned that out-of-state rioters and outside groups were infiltrating demonstrations in Minneapolis, where many expressed outrage over George Floyd's death after a police encounter. https://www.foxnews.com/media/darrin-porcher-paid-agitators-george-floyd-riots
  13. ....Walmart on Chili Avenue now shut down due to gun fire and shattered windows........
  14. ....I would think there is a ton of prosecutorial legwork to do regarding the other three to get the charge(s) right.....complicit in some way?...of course........aiding & abetting?......accessory?......their inaction during the knee is obvious......but what was their action prior to?......we don't know yet.....
  15. ...EXACTLY.....it is spreading and only to get worse...........we have a peaceful (SO FAR) protest now in Rochester, again, so far........UPDATE: Walmart on Chili Avenue shut down due to gunshots and shattered glass doors...........
  16. ....not enough room....there is a Tesla on board though............
  17. ...they call it expedited attrition, not murder...........
  18. China, Iran mock US amid ongoing riots: 'I can't breathe' By Sam Dorman | Fox News China fired back at the United States' concerns with Hong Kong's freedom by pointing directly at the racial unrest that has exploded in America, simply tweeting, "I can't breathe". Tweets from Hua Chunying, a foreign ministry spokesperson, came as the U.S. struggles with nationwide riots that have erupted in response to George Floyd's death in Minneapolis. Her "I can't breathe" attack touched a nerve as both Floyd and Eric Garner -- both unarmed black men -- uttered that expression moments before they died, while facing what many believe was excessive force by police. State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortegus had castigated China for the way it treated Hong Kong protesters. "Freedom-loving people around the world must stand with the rule of law and hold to account the Chinese Communist Party, which has flagrantly broken its promises to the people of Hong Kong," Ortagus said. https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-mocks-us-cant-breathe
  19. ...when you listen to spew like this from a skank in charge of the nation's "shooting gallery", you know what you're up against.............. Chicago mayor tells Trump 'F-U' after tweet about Minneapolis looting By Louis Casiano | Fox News Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blasted President Trump and invoked an expletive Friday in response to his tweets after three days of protests in Minneapolis, Minn., when he called the protesters "THUGS" and tweeted that "when the looting starts, the shooting starts." “Donald Trump’s comment last night was profoundly dangerous,” Lightfoot said Friday during a news conference to discuss plans to reopen the city. “And we must stand firm in solidarity and say this is totally unacceptable no matter who is the speaker." “He wants to show failures on the part of Democratic local leaders, to throw red meat to his base," she added, according to WGN9. "His goal is to polarize, to destabilize local government and inflame racist urges. We can absolutely not let him prevail. And I will code what I really want to say to Donald Trump. It’s two words. It begins with F and it ends with U.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/chicago-mayor-f-u-trump-george-floyd-minneapolis-looting-tweet
  20. ...whoa!...he's far more multi-faceted than I ever gave him credit for!......thanks bro.....
  21. ...multiple cities are erupting......quell it NOW with military force......and that "force" should be whatever is necessary.........you decide.........
  22. ...not a damn thing but CONVENIENT CRUTCH....who was Trump during the 1964 riots in Rochester NY?.....who was Trump during the LA Rodney King debacle?.....and these azzclowns wanting to link Trump to the current incendiary situation have merit?.....yet the Obama Administration (?) gets a hard pass on their anti-law enforcement proclifitives?....um ok.........
  23. ...damn right......paid scum......why should GOOD FOLK regardless of race, creed, color or ethnicity be subjected to this?.....living their lives in fear?...BS.......bring in the military with a strong show of force and do whatever is necessary (YOU fill in the blanks)......
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