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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...naw impossible....how many millions did Harvard accept in "look the other way bribes"?...............
  2. ....yet ANOTHER of Big Fredo's "NY Minute"......finally got a haircut today......BUT....they were prohibited from using the clipper on my eyebrows for a lengthy FIVE SECOND TRIM....yup he's presidential........
  3. ...well my friend, in this day and age, we have woefully relaxed jailing and bail reforms......so we issue an appearance ticket, the legal equivalent of a Charmin' sheet.....bench warrants for no show appearance tickets?...seriously?......how about Covid-19 prison releases?......how many Cali major sex offenders were arrested THE NEXT DAY?......we're on the precipice of being a third rate country of tolerated lawlessness.......the freakin Minneapolis Mayor handing out masks to looters?.....we're sinking...FAST.....
  4. ......military police deployed en masse.....shut them down and gut their existence......shock and awe time for me.......sick of "tough talk followed by pussification inaction"...
  5. ...this guy is the Emmett Kelly poster boy of Dem politics......somebody better tell Joe who Kelly was though........
  6. ...I'm guessing that the prosecutors have significant work ahead with charges for the other three (their racial background as in one Latino, one Asian and one African-American not withstanding but the ideal diversification) to bring probable and credible charges that can stick.....even if the kneeling cop is convicted of murder and the other three are not convicted, it would be twisted into more reasons for more riots and destruction.....THE perfect cover .....
  7. ...sounds like he's too young to remember the 1964 riots in Rochester which I remember vividly......us in the 'burbs (at least me as a kid)" wondered if "they" were coming out here to kill us.....
  8. ...bet they do NOT use rubber bullets either......
  9. ...are we really THAT stupid?........multiple shootings/stabbings in Rochester weekly......four or five large block parties broken up just this past week with cops subjected to rocks, bottles, etc....all must have been bused in because Mayor Lovely said, " these are NOT the actions (yesterday) of our Rochester community citizens".........SMH......
  10. ...this one may have to be moved to Guam.....and I'm sure the prosecutors will do their due diligence as to the tendencies of the Minnesota Appeals Court to protect against any loopholes......probably why they'll take their time with appropriate charges for the other three and I don't blame them.......... ....I'm thinking that is why the manslaughter charge was added specifically to give a jury an alternative choice...
  11. ...picking up my AR-15 NY legal pea shooter on Friday......my son built me one and KEPT IT......
  12. FULL DISCLOSURE:...I'm an old school dinosaur like crustacean at age 67.......but I loathe this chest thumping "tough talk" followed by the pussification of inaction....
  13. ...ABSOLUTELY CORRECT....there is a ton of prosecutorial legwork ahead for the "other three"......the "knee video" is obvious and he's been arrested......we see inaction on the other three but we have no idea as to what their actions may have been leading up to "the knee".....and what about the diversity of the "other three"?...someone posted here that they are an Asian, African-American and a Latino....better diversity?.......why rush to charges leaving loopholes for them getting off?...hell, look at the jogger murder in Georgia.....the alleged "good samaritan" who videoed everything was charged TEN WEEKS LATER with murder ( was not a shooter) as well as attempt to unlawfully imprison....with these damn Appeals Courts throwing stuff out on minute technicalities, I'd prefer doing "their damn best to have something thought to be ironclad" first....
  14. ....so what the hell are we waiting for?......the Antifa lawless insurgency should have been addressed LONG AGO.....
  15. ....yup....here we are back in the 60's some 50+ years later.......billions and billions spent yet we are back......some things will NEVER change........
  16. ....I'm getting increasingly frustrated as to why we rattle the sabre but don't pull the trigger (oh wait, bad choice of words)............ ...and Pelosi has Photo Op Chuckie over for an ice cream social.....crickets......this is perfect fuel for their TDS foment.......
  17. ...stop 'effin around and bring in the military police in a show of force for support, shock and awe style....
  18. ...I was going to travel to pray at Reverend Jackson's church, but I can't seem to find the joint.......
  19. ...NOT ONE DAMN THING.....it's "carpe diem"......perfect cover to update your wardrobe........or replace your aging flat screen....
  20. ...it is conceivable that perhaps, PERHAPS the action was a contributing factor but not the actual cause......maybe our TBD counselor Koko78 can weigh in, but I'm assuming the secondary manslaughter charge was brought for this very reason.....gives the jury options.....
  21. ...damn right......they'll be a pot of gold coming from Pelosi ala "Let's Be Friends Trillions"......."our ill fated society has victimized you far too long, so we now have to pay up"......hell even Leo Tyrell, a vociferous African American civil rights attorney shamed the Dems' inaction because "they don't want to lose the black vote"....preserve that vote and screw everybody else.....we are on the precipice of becoming a third rate country of lawlessness......
  22. ...he was a rogue cop with a mean, nasty racial streak........hindsight now says he should have been fired long ago with his history (see link below).....no "call for calm" from the avowed Reverends Al & Jesse??.......protesters and rioters??....."....anybody know the name of the dead guy we're looting for?"......... https://www.foxnews.com/us/george-floyd-fired-officer-derek-chauvin-worked-at-same-minneapolis-nightclub ...sad but DEAD ON.......Pelosi should be along shortly with her TRILLION dollar "Heal The Wounds" handout........
  23. ...back to the 60's some 50+ years later......some things never change despite BILLIONS spent....SMH......why the hell we haven't declared war on Antifa, labeled them domestic terrorists followed by systematic demolition is beyond me.....I'm all in on stopping this........shock and awe time.......deploy military police nationwide......Bradleys in the streets.....Humvees with 50 cals mounted (NO rubber bullets;)......and F-16's flying overhead......pile the "garbage" at the curb for Waste Management pickup on Monday.....
  24. ...yet they were quick to blame "outside agitators"......"these are not the actions of our community members".......so "outside agitators" were dispatched to MAJOR METRO areas like Rochester and Buffalo???....um....er....well....ok........
  25. ....keep in mind Leo is a pretty vociferous African-American civil rights attorney......was really shocking to see him come out with this.... Civil rights Atty. Leo Terrell: Dems not standing up against crime in Floyd protests because they're afraid to alienate black vote By Julia Musto | Fox News Democratic lawmakers are not standing up against criminal activity during protests against the death of George Floyd because they don't want to alienate black voters ahead of the November presidential election, American civil rights Attorney Leo Terrell asserted Friday evening. In an interview on "Hannity" with host Sean Hannity, the radio talk show host noted that while Floyd's death was a "tragedy" and there is a "universal acceptance" that his murder was wrong, those protesting his death in cities like New York and Minneapolis are using Floyd's death as an excuse to break the law. "I am disappointed, shocked that there has been no Democratic lawmaker in the last 72 hours who have focused on the criminal activities of these individuals who are not protesting," he stated. "These are criminals and they are breaking the law using the guise of caring about George Floyd." https://www.foxnews.com/media/leo-terrell-civil-rights-attorney-calls-for-end-to-riots-destruction
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