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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...here we go...………. BET co-founder calls for $14T in reparations for black Americans Johnson also weighed in on the "tragic situation" of George Floyd By Evie FordhamFOXBusiness BET co-founder Robert L. Johnson called for $14 trillion in reparations for every descendant of African American slaves as "atonement" on Monday following the death of George Floyd. "Is $14 trillion too much to ask for the atonement of 200 plus years of brutal slavery, de facto and de jure government-sponsored social and economic discrimination and the permanent emotional trauma inflicted upon black Americans by being forced to believe in a hypocritical and unfulfilled pledge that 'all men are created equal'?" Johnson said in a statement. https://www.foxbusiness.com/money/robert-johnson-reparations-bet-george-floyd
  2. ...I think you're being harsh.....she's classy and has Chicago under control...….. 82 shot, 22 fatally, over Chicago’s most violent weekend of 2020 More than half of the weekend’s victims were shot on Sunday as the city reeled from violent protests Saturday night that led to hundreds of arrests and the implementation of a curfew. By Sun-Times Wire Updated Jun 1, 2020, 10:09pm CDT …….and "classy"...……….. Chicago mayor tells Trump 'F-U' after tweet about Minneapolis looting By Louis Casiano | Fox News Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blasted President Trump and invoked an expletive Friday in response to his tweets after three days of protests in Minneapolis, Minn., when he called the protesters "THUGS" and tweeted that "when the looting starts, the shooting starts." “Donald Trump’s comment last night was profoundly dangerous,” Lightfoot said Friday during a news conference to discuss plans to reopen the city. “And we must stand firm in solidarity and say this is totally unacceptable no matter who is the speaker." “He wants to show failures on the part of Democratic local leaders, to throw red meat to his base," she added, according to WGN9. "His goal is to polarize, to destabilize local government and inflame racist urges. We can absolutely not let him prevail. And I will code what I really want to say to Donald Trump. It’s two words. It begins with F and it ends with U.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/chicago-mayor-f-u-trump-george-floyd-minneapolis-looting-tweet
  3. Imagine that, Governor. A U.S. president sees uncontrollable vandalism, arson, and looting going on in cities all across America and takes action to stop it. Cuomo points to the dispersing of “peaceful protestors” ahead of Trump’s visit to St. John’s church after “peaceful protestors” tried to burn it down to make his point. He says nothing about the fact that they’d planned to destroy it. Nor does he mention the violence and destruction that’s taken place throughout the country over the last week. Americans are unanimous in their opinion that what happened to George Floyd in police custody was an abomination. Frankly, I’m tired of having to say that. Every conservative has to preface their remarks about the riots by saying that, so we won’t be seen as racist. To hold all Americans responsible for the wrongful act of four Minneapolis police officers is outrageous. Actually, I misspoke. The left is only holding Trump supporters responsible for Floyd’s death. Because liberals are so enlightened and we are so vile and contemptible. ….."Cuomo tells CNN"......now there's a shocker......and our clown of an AG is going to sue him for using a law that was enacted in 1807?....and she's a lawyer?......great...…. "If President Trump were to call on them to help quell riots, he would likely do so under the Insurrection Act, which allows the president to call on the U.S. armed forces to assist in law enforcement in certain circumstances."
  4. ...the fickle segment of the electorate that says, "absolutely yes with no hesitation" scare the hell out of me......
  5. ...just like the BBMB Days....SMH............
  6. ...look who strikes again.....shocking............ CNN's Don Lemon says 'we are teetering on a dictatorship' following Trump's George Floyd address By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News CNN anchor Don Lemon offered a dire warning to the country following President Trump's Rose Garden address about the George Floyd protests. On Monday evening, the president expressed sympathy over the police-involved killing of George Floyd but also wielded the power of the military, vowing to deploy armed services if states don't have the riots under control. Lemon, who over the weekend demanded to hear from Trump after previously insisting that "nobody wants to hear" from him, indicated that he did not like what the president had to say. "This was a made-for-television moment," Lemon began. "And what I wanted to say after that and that I believed to be true and that I know to be true now is that earlier on that phone call ... when the president said, 'You are being weak, you have to show strength' ... those were the orders from the commander in chief." https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-don-lemon-we-are-teetering-on-a-dictatorship
  7. .....seriously??...um....ok.......SMH.......... PBS reporter faces backlash for telling Trump there's 'no evidence' that anarchists appeared at protests By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News PBS NewsHour White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor faced heavy backlash for insisting that there was "no evidence" that any activity that sparked from the George Floyd protests were the result of "anarchists." Protests have sparked across the country after last week's police-involved killing of 46-year-old Floyd in Minneapolis. However, riots also broke out that led to the destruction of property, looting, and assaults. On Sunday, President Trump urged Democratic mayors and governors to take stronger action against who he described were "anarchists" that have caused havoc in recent days. https://www.foxnews.com/media/pbs-yamiche-alcindor-trump-no-evidence-anarchists
  8. Trump says he is mobilizing 'heavily armed' military to stop protests 9 hrs ago In a dramatic escalation of a national crisis, National Guard troops were deployed near the White House Monday evening hours after President Donald Trump said he wanted a military show of force against violent protests gripping the country. Shortly after, Trump came to the White House Rose Garden to call himself the "law and order" president, saying "domestic terrorism" was to blame for the unrest. "As we speak, I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel, and law enforcement officers to stop the rioting, looting, vandalism, assaults, and the wanton destruction of property," he said. "We will end it now." He called on governors to use their National Guard military police units to "dominate the streets" and said he would deploy the active duty military if governors failed to use the National Guard more forcefully. He said he may invoke the 1807 Insurrection Act, which permits a president to deploy military inside the U.S. to deal with civil disorder. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/trump-says-he-is-mobilizing-heavily-armed-military-to-stop-protests/ar-BB14Tw7o?li=BBnb7Kz
  9. ...BFD...so they get issued appearance tickets for disorderly conduct et al and never show up.......issue arrest warrants?...seriously?...they know damn well they're home free.......no Covid-19 fear incarceration allowed.......
  10. ...I'd bet the "level of dirty" depth is well beyond "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea"...
  11. ...SERIOUSLY??...what is the political capital?...............
  12. ....a dumb old fart question....how come we neutralized ISIS on foreign soil but have allowed Antifa, white supremacy , anarchy, etc promulgate on our OWN DAMN SOIL?.....did I miss the memo?.......
  13. ....sad how for YEARS the battle cry was "we need a Washington outsider" to clean up the mess.....and how many clowns FROM BOTH SIDES fraudulently tried to run as an "outsider"?......so we FINALLY get one, rough around the edges (COUGH), brash, bold, obnoxious irascible, insulting et al who has exposed more corruption on his watch that I would have NEVER imagined in my 67 years, more than his predecessors COMBINED and STILL going (FULL DISCLOSURE: as a businessman for 44 years and still going, I absolutely LOATHE his business style)....he pierced the protective shield of the "good 'ol boyz network" quickly....and the network is upside down and inside out over it......the purported "bastions (COUGH) of our democracy" ala FBI, CIA, DOJ et al have been exposed to the "great corruption pandemic"....and you thought Covid-19 was a "problem".....
  14. ...who delivered the bricks?.....Habitat for Humanity I suppose......
  15. ...you should read my relatives' hissy fits on Facebook......this gang is THE ultimate dyed in the wool Dems bunch......we're talking CNN News is gospel and the most trusted source" types...I can' make this stuff up....a cousin who is a prominent DC attorney switched to Republican.......his late mother (my aunt) NEVER spoke to him again before her death.....their Trump vitriol and hatred is beyond reproach.....and....the recent events are all us white folks' fault......"obviously racists...masters of oppression and victimization....guilty of it for decades...." et al.....understand why I haven't been to a relatives' outing in DECADES?.....I had "Covid-19" before it was invented so I couldn't attend....SMH....
  16. ....nicely done and thank you for your dedication to serve....stay safe........
  17. ....oh joy....the skank looks like Michael Moore without the hat....SMH.... Chrissy Teigen pledges $200,000 to bail out protesters: 'I am committed' By Nate Day | Fox News Chrissy Teigen is lending a helping hand. Since the May 25 death of African-American Minneapolis, Minn. resident George Floyd, protests have spread across the nation, resulting in a high number of arrests. On Saturday afternoon, Teigen, 34, took to Twitter to announce her plan to donate $100,000 toward the bailouts of those arrested in the protests, jabbing President Donald Trump in the process. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/chrissy-teigen-200000-pay-bail-protesters
  18. uh oh.....sounds like an investigative job for "sleepy Bob"................ Susan Rice makes claim Russians could be behind violent George Floyd demonstrations By Gregg Re | Fox News Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice bizarrely suggested in a televised interview Sunday that the Russians could be behind the violent nationwide demonstrations following the in-custody death of George Floyd, although she offered no evidence for the incendiary claim. Rice's made the claim after top Democrats insisted for years that the White House had conspired with Russia, although Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence to support any conspiracy with Russia by any U.S. actor to influence the 2016 election. Her remarks also came amid efforts by Democrats to pin the blame on outside white supremacist agitators, even though data suggests the vast majority of arrested protesters in recent days are local. "To designate Antifa a terrorist organization, fine, but let's also focus on the right-wing terrorist organizations," Rice told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, referring to President Trump's decision earlier in the day to brand the left-wing militant group as a terrorist https://www.foxnews.com/politics/susan-rice-suggests-russians-behind-violent-george-floyd-demonstrations
  19. eradication works just fine for me...
  20. ...pacification or pussification?.....will preemptively apologize to the TBD younger set as an old school dinosaur.....but why the tough talk followed by NO action?....
  21. ...and provide "coopins".......hell this could be an "Alka-Seltzer breaking news" lead in.....this clown is the quintessential gas bubble......
  22. ...ABOUT DAMN TIME......now some shock and awe military police intervention to "eradicate" the problem...... Trump announces US to designate Antifa as terrorist organization following violent protests By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News President Trump announced Sunday that the U.S. government will designate the far-left group Antifa as a designated terrorist organization. This comes as Trump has blamed Antifa for riots taking place across the country in the aftermath George Floyd's death following an encounter in which was was pinned to the ground by Minneapolis police. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-announces-u-s-to-designate-antifa-as-terrorist-organization-following-violent-protests
  23. ...ah yes, our Big Fredo...slipperier than his old man could have ever thought to be......NYS other "Teflon Don".......only NYS official without an email address so nothing is in writing......how many taxpayer millions spent on his 6+ trips to Puerto Rico to emphasize with them how Trump screwed them out of hurricane relief.....92 BILLION wasn't enough and its accountability is unknown...or how many millions spent on suing Trump for his tax returns?.....perhaps we can ask the ESTATES of the 4,300+ that died in nursing homes because of his policy......better yet, I FINALLY got a haircut today but they were prohibited from a five second trim of my eyebrows......seriously?......he sure as hell sounds like a presidential candidate to me...
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