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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...because the anarchy and push for socialism has long been in the planning stages, only needing an incident to launch.....an incident was bound to happen in the vitriol of the US political climate....authority is at the top of their rebuke....rogue cops will always exist and need to be punished...perhaps a better screening process for applicants is needed..but that is not the sole source of our societal ills...we in business are all guilty of bad hires.......socialism levels the playing field of the capitalistic " go getters" to feed the millennial types who want more for doing less or even ANYTHING....and we're NOT even considering the current menu of public assistance...Big Fredo and NYS pays out 62+ BILLION annually.......income redistribution is precisely it.........
  2. ...sad part about the race discussion especially in the US is its main focus: skin color........allegedly "privileged whites (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean; I'm white but grew up in a struggling "make ends meet" environment); haven't BILLIONS been spent on race relations of color in the US?......why do the progressives think it is necessary to eliminate the country's cultural history, whether good, bad or indifferent?.....erase all aspects of the confederate side?......reparations jibberish?.....how the hell does ethnic/cultural racism get a pass?......why isn't that equally important?.....Jews vs Palestinians?...Germans vs Jews?....India vs Pakistan?......Russia vs break away provinces?.....isn't worldwide ethnic racism equally important and in existence for hundreds of years with NO KNOWN CURE?....didn't the US detain Japenese here during WW II?.....aren't Asian Americans being subjected to racism because of the "China Virus (damn right I call it that)?.....
  3. ...regardless of your political affiliation, regardless about how you feel personally about the Floyd matter that has been the incendiary spark, how many here have truthfully gone out in public for whatever reason (no need to fan flames here) due to recent events?....me personally?.....I abhor the police actions in MN that resulted in Floyd's death...Buffalo as well...but murders of law enforcement folks is just as heinous.....but do I have any desire to go out in public to protest?...hell no.....there are FAR too many out there with loose screws.......so I should go out to publicly voice my views and take the chance that the guy next to me is a wacko?.....not worth it to me...how about you?....
  4. ...unconfirmed rumors suggest the Covid-19 "toilet paper shortage" was caused by the MSM needing a medium on which to write their daily reports....new or used would probably work...
  5. ...PLENTY of terrible events to go around.....the Buffalo event....the Floyd event......over zealous cops abound, despite being under extraordinary pressure perform....NO excuse for Buffalo or MN, but the MN gang is in jail as the wheels of justice slowly evolve as they must to counteract appeals.BUT...there are MORE overzealous cops......could the screening/hiring process be woefully flawed?.. just a thought.....a friend of my son was gung ho about enlisting in the Marines because "I just want to go to Iraq and kill people"....bulked up like Lou Ferigno.....reported for enlistment and Marines sent him home....WAY too big......at the same time, the murders of law enforcement are acceptable?.....this is effed up retribution?.....77 year old black cop murdered?......is that ""Black Lives Matter"?......is the horrific black on black murders a part of "Black Lives Matter"?.....Chicago's clown Mayor opening her mouth from the nation's largest "weekly shooting gallery"?.....quite the mess......
  6. ...well if they refuse to evict, will she send in the National Guard for enforcement?...oh wait..............
  7. ...well for starters, a "poll" cited Biden was the favorite to handle the Covid-19 matter......and Trump the economy.....Dems were blindsided today by the jobs forecast numbers...their pretty simple recipe to counteract positive job news and people going back to work?-loot and destroy MORE businesses albeit white, black or ethnically owned to eliminate jobs potential.....so back to Covid-19.....death knell estimates offered absurd numbers.......MSM relied heavily on a major Hydroxychloroquine analysis that has now been redacted in its entirety as of yesterday, solely for political capital...."mea culpas" coming??...crickets.....no MSM coverage of successful re-openings in FL or GA.....the Lake of the Ozarks hissy fit has now revealed no new cases....
  8. ...how the hell does she think she can tell private businesses who they can or cannot rent rooms to?......DC has had some mayoral winners..."District of Columbia" sure fits...more drugs than the Columbian cartels......our nation's capital....sad....hats off to Marion Barry.....
  9. ...it's all part of the "vast right wing conspiracy"..........
  10. ...therein lies the problem.....with the entire "renowned" report being retracted, that should be the approach......but there is NO political capital in retracting or mea culpas.....
  11. ...so mea culpas are forthcoming (COUGH)??………….. Network newscasts skip major hydroxychloroquine report retractions, org says By Brian Flood | Fox News Evening newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC all ignored experts raising “serious scientific questions” about the data used for controversial research into the effectiveness of potential COVID-19 drug hydroxychloroquine, according to the conservative media watchdog group NewsBusters. “All three [networks] had used the study to chide President Trump for pushing the drug and taking it himself,” NewsBuster analyst Nicholas Fondacaro, who studied the coverage, wrote. A database by the Chicago company Surgisphere Corp. was used in an observational study of nearly 100,000 patients published on May 22 in the influential Lancet journal that tied the malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to a higher risk of death in hospitalized patients with the virus. The validity of the data, however, has been called into question. The Lancet first published an “expression of concern” with the study after “serious scientific questions” were brought to its attention. It then retracted the report altogether on Thursday. A separate paper, which also used the Surgisphere data, was also retracted from The New England Journal of Medicine. Earlier this week the NEJM issued an “expression of concern” regarding the study published May 1 that suggested widely used blood pressure medicines were not raising the risk of death for people with COVID-19. https://www.foxnews.com/media/network-newscasts-skip-hydroxychloroquine-report-retractions
  12. ….no MSM reports on the disastrous (COUGH) FL or GA re-openings?...…..how come?...……. Ex-New York Times reporter Alex Berenson: Unreported truths about COVID-19 and lockdowns By Alex Berenson | Fox News Editor’s note: This is adapted from an excerpt of Alex Berenson’s booklet “Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns” posted on his website alexberenson.com. Amazon initially refused to sell the booklet but then reversed its decision. Maybe the most important questions of all about the COVID-19 pandemic are: How lethal is the virus SARS-COV-2? Whom does it kill? Are the death counts accurate – and, if not, are they overstated or understated? Estimates for the lethality of the coronavirus have varied widely since January. Early Chinese data suggested the virus might have an “infection fatality rate” as high as 1.4 to 2 percent. A death rate in that range could mean the coronavirus might kill more than 6 million Americans, although even under the worst-case scenarios some people would not be exposed, and others might have natural immunity that would prevent them from being infected at all. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/unreported-truths-covid-19-lockdowns-alex-berenson
  13. ...it must be at least 72" to maintain social distancing from the guy helping you "appropriate" it, right??……..
  14. ....yet a line in the Buffalo News said he "tripped and fell"........(??)......
  15. ...MANY more to follow.....SMH.......... Neighborhood out of gas after Speedway on Lake Avenue closes following looting Mary Chao, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Published 9:53 a.m. ET June 4, 2020 | Updated 12:00 p.m. ET June 4, 2020 Cars pulling into the Speedway at 440 Lake Ave. for gas are finding only shattered glass and a boarded-up store and pumps. For 55 years, there has been a station at the site in this northwest city neighborhood. But after the looting on Saturday night into early Sunday morning, landlord David Pelusio said he received a call from Speedway LLC Tuesday that it plans to permanently shut down the station. A Speedway corporate spokesperson declined to comment when called. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2020/06/04/speedway-lake-avenue-rochester-closing-after-being-looted/3133184001/
  16. ...damn right....ALL of.the cops involved have now been charged with the main perp having charges upgraded......and look at the tendencies of the Blue States......sanctuary cities, defying ICE, funding illegal immigrants, homeless explosion, defecating in the streets or business being acceptable, larceny under $945 is ok et al.....think the wheels of the ONCE great country are coming off?......
  17. ...so if we're white, we are guilty of the whole mess, before, now and tomorrow I guess......exactly how are we "privileged"?....I came from a struggling WHITE background and my parents struggled to make ends meet with NO government help......and as far as the purported "Black Lives Matter", why is their focus solely on whites being the impediment?.....if "Black Lives Matter", why no effort to stop the heinous black on black murders?.....how do THOSE black lives NOT matter?.....guess I missed the memo....SMH............
  18. certainly agree......the first cop was charged after prosecutorial due diligence and the charges upgraded once the autopsy came out.....the other three have now been charged , again after prosecutorial due diligence to determine the proper charges......wheels of justice take time to come up with proper charges....and I'd bet the Minnesota prosecutors studied the tendencies of the Minnesota Court of Appeals because you know damn well that all four WILL appeal......sorry but the Antifa or whomever reactions ala protests, rioting , destruction, cop killing et al were expertly pre-planned in case an event like this happened.....and it did.....a spontaneous reaction?.......brick delivery?......um...er...well...uh...ok.....SMH.....
  19. ...do you think we will EVER get an accurate count?....under CARES ACT funding for Medicare, hospitals get $39K for reporting all deaths as Coovid-19 versus $13K...logic (COUGH) says increase in cases is directly tied to testing, but do you seriously expect a media report to segregate the asymptomatic cases for a more accurate tally?....um..ok...no political capital in that type of reporting......
  20. ...suggest you back off a bit.....now that BET's Robert Johnson (aka BILLIONAIRE BOB, racially suppressed no doubt) has proposed 14 TRILLION in reparations, Pelosi is burning the midnight oil drafting the legislation.....thinkin' maybe the "Covid-19 Johnson Reparations Bill"" would be an honorary neat title.........
  21. ...his speech queue cards are in for final approval by the Clinton Political Dynasty "puppeteers"......I'd bet he starts out by apologizing for widening the racial divide and throws J&J band-aids to the massive crowds to initiate the "healing process".....
  22. ...racism has been, is and forever will be indelibly ingrained...throw BILLIONS and BILLIONS of "feel good dollars" at the problem, but you'll NEVER change individual mindset......hatred is hatred....hell has the US "North vs the South" mindset disappeared?......um ok.....Yankees vs Rebels doesn't exist still?...um BIGGER ok....so that is yet another form ala racism of regional origin.....BUT....do not limit racism strictly to color.......how about ethnic racism?.......isn't that somewhat visibly obvious as well?......Asians, Middle Easterners, Latinos, Indian/Pakistanis, et al?.......why are the ETHNIC groups subjected to Ethnic Racism excluded?....weren't Japanese-Americans "rounded up" during WW2?......do a matrix of ethnic hatred and I'd bet the results would be startling, but color seems to be the only denominator...how come?......ethnic groups subjected to racism are of lesser importance?.....color racism promulgates the ease of paying "the card"....while ignoring others subjected to racism other than color....how sad........
  23. Troops from Upstate NY head to Washington DC WHECTV Created: June 03, 2020 05:10 AM WATERTOWN, N.Y. (WHEC) — Troops from Fort Drum in Upstate New York are heading to Washington D.C. The Department of Defense moved 1,600 soldiers to the D.C. area in response to the growing unrest and protests. Currently, News10NBC is working to find out how many of those soldiers are from Fort Drum. President Donald Trump said on Monday he'd use the military to stop the nationwide riots sparked by the death of George Floyd. https://www.whec.com/news/troops-from-upstate-ny-head-to-washington-dc/5749528/?cat=565
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