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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...some folks here have the ability to engage in constructive dialogue, a give and take forum...agree versus disagree civilly.....yet there are others who claim their intellectual superiority to shield their blatant ignorance and inability for constructive dialogue.....guess where you fall??..........
  2. ...beginning to think Bill that the leaf you're smoking ain't the "maple leaf one".....WHOA Canada...........
  3. ...has to be a false PSA......I heard it here...........
  4. ...reparations my azz......governmental solution to every problem is throwing money at it and the "535" saying, "see what we did for you"?....and the SAME 535 can never or are NEVER asked to account for the waste , fraud and abuse that never reached the intended target......
  5. ...I'm going to float an unsubstantiated guess and it is NOT just applicable to black on black murders.....I think somewhere there is street supremacy and/or turf wars in play....a toddler murdered in Chicago as retribution for a mano a mano squabble?....can it get any lower?....bottom line is with some no matter of race, creed or ethnicity, depraved indifference to human life exists daily.......WORLDWIDE I may add..............
  6. ...well if we follow the (ILL) logic of some here, it is all the white man's fault......we have cast them into a life of despair with no way out, right?.....how come thousands upon thousands of black sports figures have risen to the top financially?......did they fight , practice and hone their skills to get to the top?.....how about the eloquent Thomas Sewell?....Condy Rice?...Powell?.....BET's Johnson?....there are many, many MANY societal African-Americans that have made it...wasn't black unemployment at a historic low of 3.5% pre Covid-19?.....isn't there a significant segment of whites with no drive or initiative to better themselves?.....it is a cultural mindset first before pointing the finger at the "lazy by race".....isn't that the initiative behind socialist thinking ala "gimme more for doing nothing", a/k/a wealth distribution?......Big Fredo spends $62+ BILLION annually on public assistance, second only to California...has it helped drive and initiative to elevate one's self?......your call.........
  7. ...LMAO....you'll be a great, great great grandmother before you EVER get that admission from this jokester.....grade school has been out of session FAR too long and parents let their children go rogue......
  8. ...now there's taking command....spritz everybody with Aqua Velva......they'll all smell nice...... Seattle bans tear gas for 30 days amid George Floyd protests By Morgan Phillips | Fox News Seattle’s mayor and police chief announced they’ve agreed to ban the use of tear gas to disperse protesters for 30 days amid ongoing demonstrations after the death of George Floyd. “After hearing concerns about the use of CS gas for crowd control purposes earlier this week ... we decided we were going to suspend its use for 30 days,” Police Chief Carmen Best said. The leaders suspended the gas until watchdog groups and oversight officials can fully review and recommend changes to policies and training for use of the chemical agent. Local health officials expressed concerns over use of tear gas and other respiratory irritants in light of the coronavirus pandemic. The ban only applies to tear gas-- not flash-bang grenades, pepper spray and other crowd-control techniques-- but Seattle’s female African American police chief said that “everything will be reviewed.” https://www.foxnews.com/us/seattle-bans-tear-gas-30-days-george-floyd-protests
  9. ...those issues are insurmountable......how come "killed by police" dominates yet zero mention of "police killed"?....guess they were all deserving.......77 YEAR OLD COP murdered in cold blood, the AFRICAN-AMERICAN citizen included?......sick...VERY sick.....
  10. ...WHOA Big Dawg!........this IS significant....EVERY one of them will vote for Quid Pro Joe......mail in ballots accepted.............
  11. ...why waste your breath with this clown?.....he's in the "always attack...never defend..mode"........it is a method of avoiding constructive dialogue......ironically it was a NIXON mantra (THE REPUBLICAN guy).......I believe we call it "creative avoidance".......
  12. ....I'm not here to defend their actions counselor......and I'm going to back away from law enforcement employment for a moment to look at a broader picture of employment....can one's psyche get zapped when you do not have the support of your superiors?.....first, it is incumbent upon your superiors to weed out those who do not follow company policies, decorum, manta et al....so if you are in the "accepted group" , does the lack of support lead you to ask, "what the hell am I doing this for?".....is your drive, initiative and dedication zapped?....
  13. ....so is throwing money at the problem has always been THE solution.......political capital to be had REGARDLESS OF PARTY......the "535" revel in their billions of funding.....waste, fraud and abuse?.....who cares?.....print more....Big Fredo and NYS dole out $62+ BILLION in public assistance annually, second only to California....and the societal (not financial) benefit has been what?......
  14. ....are you questioning the intent and integrity of the OP looking for a valid (COUGH) discussion?....thought his neutrality was legendary...........
  15. ...DC certainly misses Marion Barry.....
  16. ...he is as effective as his old man was......but the name sold the voters I presume.......hasn't Moonbeam Brown held 37 different political positions in Cali?.....recycling for Mother Earth....
  17. ......yes you are.....an individual flashing self aggrandizement but with zero substance....and now indicting Mayor Brown as complicit?......yes the AFRICAN-AMERICAN mayor......and yet you recklessly accuse of racism?.....Hypocrisy 101..............
  18. ......don't know about you, but I'm 67, have NEVER publicly protested, demonstrated or participated in violence.....raised a family, still pay my taxes, still go to work every day and tend to my business.....doesn't mean I ignore societal issues or undoings.....so being white has to make me guilty of something or everything I guess.....SMH......
  19. ...why not?..it's budgetary brilliance......let anarchy and lawlessness prevail.....let the Feds deploy the National Guard daily...it's on their nickel...if the states deploy, THEY pay..... ...he's on a roll today, isn't he?......and of course with ALL of the answers.....SMH.......
  20. ...if this is all about racism, how does this happen?..... Scores of minority-owned small businesses in Santa Monica turn to crowdfunding sites for help after being burned, looted and vandalized By Hollie McKay | Fox News In the aftermath of riots descending on Santa Monica on Sunday, more than 17 local businesses – damaged and looted inside the beachside enclave – have had to turn to the crowdfunding site GoFundMe for immediate assistance, their future existence in jeopardy. "Communities like Santa Monica, California were ideal for this round of protests and riots because they fit the agenda of 'bringing the pain to the affluent,'" Dennis Santiago, a Los Angeles-based Global Risk, and Financial Analyst told Fox News. "The area of the city looted and vandalized is a focal point of the liberal, easy-going, and diverse values tolerant ethos of that community. This belief set is what was brutally shattered by these events." While looters in many cities have pledged to focus on large franchises and companies for their thieving, much of what was decimated in Santa Monica was already struggling small businesses. https://www.foxnews.com/us/small-business-santa-monica-crowdfunding-help-looted
  21. ...modeling after Chicago would be a good start, right?....
  22. ....a "good apple" story.......they do exist.......... Houston cop seen comforting 5-year-old girl at George Floyd protest who asked: 'Are you gonna shoot us?' By Nick Givas | Fox News An unidentified Houston police officer was caught on tape comforting a small child on Tuesday, during a protest over the death of George Floyd. Simeon Bartee, the little girl's father who filmed the video, posted the footage to Twitter with a written message. "During the protest in Houston yesterday one of the police officers noticed my daughter crying," he tweeted on Wednesday. "She asked him 'Are you gonna shoot us' he got down on one knee wrapped his arm around her and responded." Bartee said his daughter Simone, 5, asked the officer if she and her family could protest and if the officers were going to shoot her. "We're here to protect you," the officer replied. "We're not here to hurt you at all. OK? You can protest, you can party -- you can do whatever you want. Just don't break nothing." When Bartee spoke with ABC's Houston affiliate KTRK about the encounter, he thanked the officer for his kindness and for giving him a glimpse of what good law enforcement can look like. https://www.foxnews.com/us/houston-cop-5-year-old-girl-at-george-floyd-protest
  23. ...a woefully sick lib response to turn over the reigns to anarchy.....they are inept in confronting the problem head on so they bail as usual......ICE resistance, sanctuary cities, homelessness, defecating in the streets/establishments, allow to steal $945 in goods ...elect the weak who have no ability to come up with constructive solutions....they just cave and bail....we're screwed....throw in funding illegal immigrants with taxpayer dollars, etc...
  24. ...well if they weed out their bad apple own and the Union supports the move, we could see things for the better....certainly it is a tough high pressure job and they have been loosely trained for the recent events, something that is thought to be a non-high priority occurrence....I think I'd be caught flat footed as far as my personal safety....
  25. ...defund police and depend on National Guard regular deployment to keep the peace....but the states pay for state based guard units.....oh well.....
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