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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...NEVER will my friend......years ago, we had a City of Rochester maintenance contract.......as their June 30 fiscal year end approached, they scrambled to manufacture necessary (COUGH) projects to use up (HINT: piss away) their current year's budget....we were "instructed (COUGH)" to replace perfectly functioning equipment that we had installed perhaps 1-3 years prior....unused budget in municipal accounting means a budget cut in future years.....I stopped our Project Managers from ever submitting bids for the contract forever.....I can't subscribe to this crap.......
  2. ...a smart guy like you looking for a simple answer?....hell you can easily squeeze in 36 today before that happens....FORE!.............
  3. ...SERIOUSLY?....I prefer waking up on Saturday with diarrhea versus his fecal droppings.....
  4. ...if you and I are faced with personal budgetary cuts due to interrupted income stream, we learn to DO MORE WITH LESS....the government's answer?.....raise taxes, fees, et al......AND STILL have budget gaps.......does it make sense that Bumblin' Billy DiBlasio make a 100 grand MORE than Big Fredo?......would YOU pay a subordinate a 100 grand more?...or better yet.....2,080 regular hours annually plus 3,600 hours OT =5,680 hours worked or 109.23 hours WEEKLY...........UM OK............. 3,600 hours in OT? One New York state worker earned an extra $231,000 in 2019 Joseph Spector New York State Team-Feb 20, 2020 ALBANY, N.Y. – And you think you spend a lot of time in the office. One state worker logged 3,600 hours of overtime last year – an additional 69 hours a week – that brought her $231,000 in overtime payments alone. The worker, Denise Williams, a security training assistant at the Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center in Manhattan, ended up making nearly $322,000 in earnings in 2019, including the most in overtime of any state worker in New York, records showed. It was the second year in a row she topped the overtime earners list, the records obtained by the USA TODAY Network New York through a Freedom of Information request showed. In 2018, Williams registered 3,560 hours of overtime, leading to $200,000 in overtime alone. She could not be reached for comment Thursday at the center.
  5. ...he can do so under the 1807 Insurrection Act...last President to do so was Eisenhower in 1957......I'm guessing that military and political advisors are fighting hard AGAINST Trump......at the same time, NEVER in my life time did I expect to see a major US city "under siege" as with Seattle......NEVER......as the Mayor and Gub Inslee sit back....
  6. ....do they need Gatorade and cigs??...just askin'...........
  7. ....armament reduced to squirt guns should save a bundle......Bumblin' Billy strikes again...SMH.......
  8. ...we as electrical contractors are deemed an essential business under NYS guidelines, operating throughout this......180 electricians in the field......35 people in administration at our corporate office.....have taken every mandated as well as recommended precaution...and not ONE Covid-19 case (knock on wood)....what did we do wrong?.........
  9. New York City Council backs proposal to slash $1 billion from NYPD budget By Peter Aitken | Fox News New York City Council leaders have issued a joint statement declaring their intent to back proposals slashing $1 billion from the NYPD budget. Speaker Corey Johnson, Majority Leader Laurie Cumbo, Finance Committee Chair Daniel Dromm and Public Safety Committee Chair Donovan Richards, among others, said they support a plan to “get to $1 billion in cuts to New York City’s police spending in the Fiscal 2021 budget.” The NYPD has a proposed budget of $6 billion, which Mayor Bill de Blasio has pledged to cut in response to citywide protests after initially backing the department. The loss of $1 billion in funding would limit the scope and function of the police, but the City Council believes it shows a clear commitment towards reform. “There is no doubt that this is an ambitious goal, but it is one that the time we are in calls for – both here in New York City and nationwide,” read the statement, posted on the council's website. “This is possible," the statement said, noting anticipated savings by "reducing uniform headcount through attrition, cutting overtime, shifting responsibilities away from the NYPD, finding efficiencies" and more. https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-york-cut-billion-nypd-budget
  10. .still in business for my 44th year, I was never really impressed with his business style.......HOWEVER........residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., his brash, bold, pugnacious, condescending, irascible, "ain't taking no S&%T, et al style is EXACTLY what the staid, stale and HIGHLY corrupt "good 'ol boys political fraternity" has needed FOR YEARS....breached, upside down, inside out and on their ugly heads.....for how many YEARS has the battle cry been, "we need a Washington outsider to clean up the mess"??.....and for how many YEARS have Washington INSIDERS fraudulently proclaimed their candidacy as a "Washington outsider"?.......so we FINALLY get a REAL Washington Outsider who has flushed up more graft, corruption, fraud etc than if EVERY damn septic system in the US overflowed (and more to come).....but, BUT, "this is not what we meant"......too 'effin bad....deal with it.....and did he launch MAGA to gain the exorbitant presidential salary, free digs at 1600 Pennsylvania, his own Library and book deal?....obviously a fraud to care about our country like the scurrilous progressives who want to beat the "world's bully" down to third rate status....Elect Joe......
  11. ...normal retribution in the Chicago Shooting Gallery.......another fraudulent clueless mayor ("eff Trump" was her quote)with special thanks to Rahm's leadership and Jr Senator Obama along with the other 1,700+ political corruption convictions in Illinois, the nation's most corrupt state.....
  12. ...THE phrase that I absolutely loathe.......caustic, indignant, arrogant and as demeaning as one can get as if spoken from a position of superiority.....just effin' hate it.....
  13. ...TIME OUT....you're a bit too harsh...there are some that MUST rely solely on "the script"...they have NO ability to think on their own...look at the leash marks on their necks....
  14. ...can't get Joe into office soon enough......please hurry.... thank God....WHO gets to let him know and WHO writes his acceptance speech?.....just curious........ Trump rails against Biden, 'Radical Left Democrats' over movement to defund police By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News President Trump railed against former Vice President Joe Biden and “radical” Democrats Sunday morning over a recent push to weaken law enforcement in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Days after the death of Floyd, the Minneapolis man who died while in police custody after an officer kneeled on his neck, Black Lives Matter said they “call for a national defunding of police,” and notable Democratic voices have echoed the sentiment. “Sleepy Joe Biden and the Radical Left Democrats want to ‘DEFUND THE POLICE,’” Trump tweeted Sunday morning. “I want great and well paid LAW ENFORCEMENT. I want LAW & ORDER!” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-rails-against-biden-radical-left-democrats-over-movement-to-defund-police
  15. ...LMAO....the kind, caring and thoughtful Mayor that handed out masks to rioters in the spirit of Covid-19 protectionism.......guaranteed landslide re-election....the "land of 10,000 fakes"..............
  16. ...wonder if Excellus BCBS can deny coverage for social ignorance?.......paging Cellino & Barnes...........
  17. ...there has been, is and will always be rogue cops as in any position of authority......I have many cop friends and have met some of their colleagues.......with the omnipotent chip on their shoulder as in "don't you know I'm a cop"?......and I've had no problem insulting their perceived "omnipotence"......a little 5'2" muscle bound twerp gave me crap at my cop buddy's St Jude fundraiser.....told him to get a step ladder 'cause I couldn't see him.....think he wanted to shoot me?.....just keep arresting the bad ones and prosecute....BTW, could we re-sort the thread title to read "COPS KILLED" and see if THAT makes a damn bit of difference to some here?......any empathy for their spouses, children, siblings, family members etc?...naw they deserved it....effed up??.....
  18. ....LMAO....aren't labels convenient?......or cards?......can't engage in constructive dialogue, so you throw out labels or "play the card".......fits my relatives PERFECTLY......they love to bait, goad, demean or all of that good stuff......avoid them like the plague......."are you coming to the family gathering?".....CRICKETS here.............my late aunt was THE staunchest Dem on the planet.......her son was a well accomplished DC attorney....he switched parties to Republican and she never spoke to him again before her death...I can't make this stuff up folks.......
  19. ...blasphemy!...impossible!...no effin' way!....those "in the know(NO)" here told me otherwise........
  20. ...cannot be better stated......I prefer "claim to care about manipulating" better......."we are your friend...we feel your pain......we're here to help....."
  21. ...not even sure if MURDER would fit their definition of a crime..............hell they'd want to psychoanalyze the perp's background to see if he was a societal victim in some way....somebody ELSE is at fault..........
  22. ...bad BAD choice of words here..............
  23. ...the poster boy for relaxed mental hygiene.......
  24. ...please don't tip your hi-chair over in protest.....
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