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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...anybody know if as a caucasian I am referred to as a "cracker" or honky" , I should just grin and bear it?.....probably because I'm one of those white privileged, right?.....
  2. ...LMAO...if SF is enlightening, we're screwed........how is Cali doing with Gov Gruesome Newsome, the former SF Mayor?......some things never change......
  3. ...Goodwill doesn't offer Gatorade, cigs, hand sanitizer or port-a-potties......now what?......does Uber Eats CHAZ deliver??.........
  4. ...learn?....aren't we caucasians too stupid, insensitive, privileged and guilty of something if not everything?....aren't we the proponent of societal victimization?...damn we're no good period.....
  5. ...we as electrical contractors are deemed an essential business under NYS guidelines, operating throughout this......180 electricians in the field......35 people in administration at our corporate office.....have taken every mandated as well as recommended precaution...and not ONE Covid-19 case (knock on wood)....what did we do wrong?.........
  6. ...sad when differing views can disenfranchise families...BUT...it does happen....my kids remind me all of the time how effed up our family relatives are.......my wife, parents and only younger brother died years ago, so it's only me and my kids...so we make the best of each other......AND....never discuss politics......I take my daughter, son and daughter-in-law on vacation annually to wherever they want to go in the world to promote our togetherness.......AND.....thank my lucky stars on bended knee that I am able to do so.....STILL working at age 67 and no end in sight.....
  7. ...her return address label said, ALWAYS a Democrat"....I called her in the midst of 911 to see if her kids were safe (working in DC).....she had to tell me "George Bush is NOT my President" first and foremost.....her late sister (my aunt), another dyed in the wool Dem, anguished over Obama as the Presidential candidate because "I don't know if I can bring myself to vote for a black man".....THE CONUNDRUM?....vote for a black man or commit heresy and vote for a Republican.....guess which way she voted?.....ever considering a split ticket based on candidates was treasonous......again, I CANNOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP....even my late mother referred to Ronald Reagan as a "lousy B rate actor" when he was elected....
  8. ...would you DARE to admit it?......we could be talkin' camel invitro here.....just a thought.......
  9. ...if my relatives do not like what you say (99.999% of the time), they IMMEDIATELY launch into "attack mode"......condescending., arrogant "put down" mode because you're socially stupid......CNN is their "gospel of truth"......they are THE epitome of INtolerance.....it is "their way or NOTHING".....you are an intellectual POS...."woefully inferior"......
  10. ...her daughter (widow) got a bigger chunk of the estate and he really didn't need it anyhow...I pity my poor late uncle, enduring 60 years of marriage.....should have let his hearing batteries die and just keep nodding......
  11. ...it is a capitalistic turf war......eliminate the competition, so all is good and acceptable.....but if you're caucasian, you're guilty for promoting capitalism......
  12. ...LMAO!!!.....wouldn't surprise me.......hell they could adopt him as a PERFECT fit.......posted it before, but worth repeating to add to your "Sunday humor"......a late aunt was way left of "WAY left".....continually lamented how Ronald Reagan "ruined her life".....her son, a prominent DC attorney switched parties to GOP.......she never talked to him again before her death......I KID YOU NOT.....
  13. ...r u the low hanging fruit?...........
  14. ....isn't failure to social distance a felony?..............
  15. ...my "way left" Dem relatives are in a prolonged "Trump Tizzy" and I love it.....flooding FB......guess I'm supposed to feel bad for being blacklisted from relatives gatherings...YAWN....so here is today's "daily dose" to humor you.....the wife of a cousin ripped a conservative cousin up big time...said he was a lunatic for his views and was probably an unfit father for raising his children in such a "radical" household.......her and her husband unfriended him immediately....BTW, her husband (my cousin) is a condescending, arrogant "woody"......make a comment and his standard answer is, "let me explain this for you"......I CAN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP folks.....
  16. ...and why would you expect anything LESS?.....look how quickly Big Fredo signed an executive order here in NYS about police reform.....never met a camera he didn't like...unfortunately, there are 4,320 "former" nursing home residents who can't read his exec order.....
  17. ...you'd be hard pressed to find a better example of leadership in the US PERIOD............ New York City Council backs proposal to slash $1 billion from NYPD budget By Peter Aitken | Fox News New York City Council leaders have issued a joint statement declaring their intent to back proposals slashing $1 billion from the NYPD budget. Speaker Corey Johnson, Majority Leader Laurie Cumbo, Finance Committee Chair Daniel Dromm and Public Safety Committee Chair Donovan Richards, among others, said they support a plan to “get to $1 billion in cuts to New York City’s police spending in the Fiscal 2021 budget.” The NYPD has a proposed budget of $6 billion, which Mayor Bill de Blasio has pledged to cut in response to citywide protests after initially backing the department. The loss of $1 billion in funding would limit the scope and function of the police, but the City Council believes it shows a clear commitment towards reform. “There is no doubt that this is an ambitious goal, but it is one that the time we are in calls for – both here in New York City and nationwide,” read the statement, posted on the council's website. “This is possible," the statement said, noting anticipated savings by "reducing uniform headcount through attrition, cutting overtime, shifting responsibilities away from the NYPD, finding efficiencies" and more. https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-york-cut-billion-nypd-budget
  18. ...so enclosed space means you're snuffed out?......if not, the Orkin Man is looking for pest elimination work....what should I tell him??..........
  19. ...GOOD CALL MY FRIEND.....the $600 is now a deterrent versus work inducement.......extend the July 31 expiration (Pelousy is busy drafting legislation) and we sink deeper.....could that be the Dems' goal?...naw...NEVER......
  20. LMAO...where's Ventura now that MN is the "land of 10,000 fakes"?................
  21. ...but if he held a protest riot or BLM engagement, that works, right?......can we say hypocrite??.....
  22. ...my son has a a landscaping maintenance and hardscape design business.....needs two full-time workers age 18 or more.....applicants' first question is, "can you pay me under the table?".......stay home at a minimum of the $600 gravy train stipend is a deterrent for "back to work"...Treasury Secretary said, "if you refuse work, you're off the train"......enforcement?...NOT......easy to falisfy "efforts(COUGH)" looking for work....$600 stipend allegedly expires July 31 but stay tuned for extension.....
  23. ...it will take awhile......busy cleaning up after your usual drivel.......
  24. ...and he did his best to widen the racial divide.......call me a bigot, racist et al (could care less; take even MORE shots because of my Italian-American ancestry), but his "supporters (define them as you like)" saw an opportunity to gain unencumbered.....
  25. ...it's astonishing to me that the big pink eraser of the "Cancel Culture" is gaining momentum....ENOUGH problems today and in the future without wasting time going azz backwards.......we are sinking lower to new depths and the bottom is NOT in sight...SMH............
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