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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...the sadly laughable part is the the US caucasians are ALL guilty of racism...a greatly fallacy is that current US Caucasians owe current African-Americans despite none of EITHER being around for that chapter in history......and the narrow definition is skin color with ethnic racism being ignored......worldwide ethnic racism is a FAR bigger problem for centuries.....think maybe honing in on US skin color racism has MORE political capital to attract votes?...naw....no way in hell(COUGH)....
  2. ...I NEVER watch him.......the lipstick on his arse is HIS OWN......all I need to know......expect Maybeline to contribute to his re-election....NY Gub or Prez..............
  3. ...gonna have to make an EMERGENCY run for bourbon, Depends and popcorn......this should be a real "southpaw" gem.............
  4. ....Big Fredo has now passed the century mark of daily pressers......maybe Nikon donates $5 mil to his re-election campaign...............
  5. ...poster girl for sun stroke.............
  6. ...uh oh...Bezos will cancel your Amazon Prime account...........
  7. ...how touching....looks like Howard Dean for a reason......
  8. ...so why didn't Riley Ferguson make your list?......bet he's CRUSHED.........
  9. ...we are electrical contractors.....lead times PRE-COVID 19 for major electrical equipment (switch gear, transformers, generators, etc)were 12-20 weeks because of a strong economy.....now those lead times are 20-30 weeks and changing regularly.....I have a custom specialty trailer on order (Iowa) for one of our Divisions ...order was placed in Feb. 2020 with estimated ship date as mid-April 2020.....now they're saying possibly mid-July as they had to shut down....with farm implements being an essential manufacturing business, trailer company lost half of their work force as folks migrated.....I tried to order a Massey-Ferguson lawn tractor.....Massey says 8+ weeks, but they're actually manufactured in Japan which was 99% shut down.....realistically, it is 10-12 weeks......
  10. ...the "old days" of back 'n forth fun banter....today?.....you'd be in jail for something....
  11. ...so share your wisdom where the fault lies in the "blame game"......
  12. ....yes, truly remarkable....sacrificing their $600 weekly stay at home stipend for "duty and humanity (an old Three Stooges line)"......
  13. ...we as a company try to do our best with the best interest of our employees' health and safety as a top priority....we can't get caught up in the political hype as to whether it is or it isn't a hoax, overreaction etc.....I see here from your numerous posts from a scientific community perspective as to how things change regularly, whether for the good or with hesitancy as far as acceptance regarding trials, potential vaccines et al....how your community sorts out the haves and have nots is beyond me or our company.....in the interim, we have decided to err on the side of proactive precaution no matter what the cost is.....we are proud to do so and thankful for our financial wherewithal...
  14. ...isn't that the American governmental way regardless of aisle side?.....throw money at the problem and make us pay more......results don't mean jack....political capital is in legislation to fund billions more......waste, fraud, and abuse?...huh?......
  15. ...Bernie was a fraud........capitalism got him to where he is today financially, but you're supposed to ignore that......the SAME Vermont that brought us Howard Dean......wonder what "green" is cookin' in those Green Mountains anyway.................
  16. ...damn crackers are responsible for everything.......
  17. ...socialism more than communism IMO......level the financial playing field......rob from the driven capitalists and fork it over to undriven "gimme crowd"......their purported "fair share" for NOT doing a damn thing.......societal parasites.......
  18. ....the political capital for the MSM is waning.....protests and destruction with no masks or "social distancing" is now their focus.....
  19. ...the staunch ex-Clintonite wants Joe to stay "downstairs"??...... Terry McAuliffe recorded saying Dems prefer Biden stay 'in the basement' By Gregg Re | Fox News EXCLUSIVE: Top Joe Biden surrogate Terry McAuliffe told a videoconference meeting of Virginia Democrats over the weekend that the former vice president should remain in his basement -- where he has famously campaigned remotely during the coronavirus pandemic -- and that Democratic officials are broadly "preferring" that Biden stay out of the limelight. Fox News has obtained a video of McAuliffe's Norfolk comments, which came after Biden has made a series of gaffes in his already-limited public appearances as he social distanced from home -- including by declaring that African-Americans who support President Trump "ain’t black." "People say all the time, 'Oh, we got to get the vice president out of the basement,'" McAuliffe told the "monthly breakfast" of the Norfolk City Democratic Committee. "He's fine in the basement. Two people see him a day: his two body people. That's it. Let Trump keep doing what Trump's doing." McAuliffe served as campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential run. At the Zoom videoconference, he was introduced by a senior Norfolk Democrat, Charlie Stanton, who compared soldiers who participated in the D-Day landing to modern-day Antifa members. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/top-biden-surrogate-says-dems-preferring-that-former-vp-stay-in-the-basement
  20. ...Big Bacon Classic or spicy nuggets??.....just askin......
  21. ...we have $2,500 of disposable masks in inventory for our workers...and just spent $5,000 more on washable masks as well.....we spent $3,000 on touchless thermometers for field use and outfitted our job sites with complete cleanliness kits including MSDS spec sheets for tool sanitation etc......we are making every effort to ensure the safety our our workers no matter what the cost may be......and will do MORE if necessary.........
  22. ...so now "puddle jumping" is DiBlasio's new favored sport....... NYC's coronavirus nightmare: With no public bathrooms, the Big Apple is now 'the Big Toilet' By Kirsten Fleming | New York Post Working at a beer store on St. Mark’s Place, Brittany Spano, 27, has seen the Big Apple’s robust social life return, albeit in an abridged form. Drink windows selling to-go cocktails and beers have sprung up throughout the city, drawing in socially starved New Yorkers who have been in quarantine for three months. But this re-emergence has come with a stream of issues — mainly a steady flow of revelers freely peeing in public since most bathrooms remain closed. And now, with thousands of protesters taking to the streets each day, more people than ever are contributing to NYC’s No. 1 problem by whizzing in the wild. “Last night, my co-worker saw some guy just coming down the street and pulling down his pants [to urinate],” Spano tells The Post. “She was like, ‘Nah, not here, man.’ https://www.foxnews.com/us/nyc-coronavirus-pandemic-public-urination
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