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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. .....they're powerful and in complete control.....they hit the Covid-19 PAUSE button, stopping the escalation to allow protests and riots.......hell, social distancing and masks were non-sequitor.....and now they hit the RESUME button with cases escalating, admonishments for failing to social distance or wear masks...omnipotent and truthful.......
  2. ...bet Tibs and Warren have 50 rooms reserved.............
  3. ....still mind boggling to me how the scientific community can EVER get to having a "reasonably accurate database (50, 60, 70%)" devoid of the rampant politicization to be able to reach substantive conclusions for future mitigation of Covid-19......sadly begin to think their work is in vain until a vaccine comes out....hope I'm wrong because there is some major, MAJOR work in progress by the scientific community.............thanks to their efforts.....
  4. ...you do realize their Penfield's middle school has been closed since March, right?...............
  5. ….and today's chapter to add to your day...………. Minnesota mayor calls for city to remove ‘chief’ from city job titles because it’s 'offensive' By Morgan Phillips | Fox News The mayor of Duluth, Minn. is pushing city council members to remove the word “chief” from city job titles, saying the term is offensive to Native Americans. Under the new measure, which the city council will take up Monday, Duluth's chief administrative officer would be called city administrator and chief financial officer would be called finance director, the Star Tribune reported. Duluth Mayor Emily Larson called on city council members to vote in approval “so that we have more inclusive leadership and less language that is rooted in hurt and offensive, intentional marginalization.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/duluth-minnesota-mayor-remove-chief-microaggresion
  6. ...don't you find it interesting that after the MSM approved "protests and riots" getting an obvious Covid-19 exemption, that we're back to SOLELY the number of cases?.....but...no mention of increased testing, symptomatic vs asymptotic, age categories, nursing homes, et al?.....how come with the potential of Ebola or SARS did we not see this type of daily scrutiny?....cannot be politically reporting driven (COUGH).............
  7. ...OR...this weekend with more protests and riots.......
  8. ...NYC did.......and Bill reminded us he's "probably the best mayor in America".....$252 grand WELL spent......as the murder rate rises.......re-election landslide cometh just like Big Fredo.....
  9. ...nothing against the holiday........but with him whining about $15 billion of red ink, he chooses to add to it now..................
  10. ...huh?...WHICH Friday?.....and what about one of his "executive orders" to extend???..........
  11. ...whoa....casting a negative light on Ebay or Amazon?....doubt that "shingle/license sales" aren't booming?...shame on you girl ............
  12. ...sad part about it is that with Canadian socialized medicine, you'll have to wait for much needed treatment.....and where the 'eff did I say or imply I was NOT sympathetic with the loss of people?.....hide your ignorance rather than display it.....I buried 5 in 16 months long before Covid-19 (2015-2017)......try that.....
  13. ...LMAO...still going strong with his 100+ pressers babble......thinking Nikon and Minolta will be major campaign contributors due to his love for the camera......trying to displace "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" with "Andrew Live In Your Living Room"......he's as bad as Photo Op Chuckie Schumer......allegedly, he has his staff critique every one of his pressers so he can be MORE fraudulent the next time...."this PSA is brought to you by NYS best politicians nationwide this country has every seen".....
  14. ...ahhh Bill........why not break down that number despite it being tragic?......how many thousands died because of positive patients being remanded to nursing homes?...Big Fredo's tally was 4,320+......OR....how many died with significant pre-existing conditions?....those with zero personal hygiene or minimal health regimen by personal choice?....lifestyle increased their vulnerability?.....naw, no way....or better yet refused to heed any advice relative to precautions?......and you expect legitimacy with your nonsensical drivel.....a woefully fraudulent assessment...congrats...........
  15. ...so why are you surprised?....there is no political capital in ethnic racism despite its world wide existence for thousands of years......think about an old marketing ploy...."the FIRST impression is the LASTING impression".......so visualize a Hasidic Jew versus a black person?...what's your first visual?......which sells FIRST as far as racism as far as political capital and cause?....
  16. ...straight from the mouth of the staunch ex-Clintonite.................. Joe Biden should stay in his basement: Terry McAuliffe By Mark Moore NEW YORK POST June 10, 2020 | 11:47am Terry McAuliffe, prominent Democrat and Joe Biden supporter, told a meeting of Virginia Democrats that the former vice president should remain in his Delaware home’s basement for the duration of the 2020 presidential campaign, according to a report on Wednesday. McAuliffe, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman in 2016, spoke via Zoom to a videoconference of the Norfolk City Democratic Committee. “People say all the time, ‘Oh, we got to get the vice president out of the basement,'” McAuliffe told the “monthly breakfast,” Fox News reported, citing a copy of the video it obtained. “He’s fine in the basement. Two people see him a day: his two body people. That’s it. Let Trump keep doing what Trump’s doing.” https://nypost.com/2020/06/10/joe-biden-should-stay-in-his-basement-terry-mcauliffe/
  17. ...like it....code for MSM "selective (COUGH)" reporting solely based on political capital.......we'll NEVER get to an accurate database period.....BUT...cases took the "protest/riot period" off but have now resumed increases with zero mention of those ramifications......that was known as the exempt "pause strain" I presume......masks and social distancing were waived with cause........
  18. ...uh oh....I can no longer find this in Websters.......did the libs have it removed as "non-sequitor"?......."truth" has also disappeared.....
  19. ....shouldn't you be nicer?...what if you have to hire him as your defense lawyer some day??...just askin'.........
  20. ...EXACTLY....didn't Obama get a $65 million dollar book deal?.....so the hawk Bolton with an ax to grind easily scores north of $10+ mil........
  21. ....right off the presses from Bezo's ALWAYS honest toy......hell I'd bet scientists and CDC have determined it is NOT a "protest or riot" strain...... Live updates: Nine states hit record highs for covid-19 cases as Pence calls fear of second wave ‘overblown’ Hannah Knowles, Miriam Berger, Hamza Shaban, Candace Buckner, Marisa Iati, Meryl Kornfield 1 day ago A host of states in the western and southern United States have seen coronavirus cases climb in recent days, raising fears of a new wave, as infections dwindle in other states that were initially hit harder. That trend continued in some states Wednesday. Oklahoma registered another record for single-day new cases, California set another record in its rolling average, while North Carolina’s average dropped by one case, breaking a streak of 15 new highs in a row. On Tuesday, nine states — Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina and Texas — had reported either new single-day highs or set a record for seven-day new case averages, according to a Washington Post analysis. At least 115,000 people in the United States have died of the coronavirus, and more than 2,139,000 cases have been reported. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/live-updates-nine-states-hit-record-highs-for-covid-19-cases-as-pence-calls-fear-of-second-wave-overblown/ar-BB15AD6Y?li=BBnb7Kz
  22. ..Big Fredo strikes again...whining about NYS being 15 BILLION in the red....so he signs a $450 million dollar deal to rehab the I-90 rest areas and now adds a THIRTEENTH holiday for state employees....probably has the phone off the hook in case Pegula calls for stadium money............. Cuomo to sign executive order making Juneteenth a holiday for state employees By Brooke Singman | Fox News New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he will sign an executive order Wednesday to make Juneteenth a holiday for New York State employees and will propose legislation to commemorate the day as an official state holiday next year. During his daily press conference, Cuomo recognized that Friday, June 19 is Juneteenth, the day “commemorating the emancipation of slavery in the United States.” “It is a day that we should all reflect upon,” Cuomo said. “It is a day that is especially relevant in this moment in history.” Cuomo announced that he would sign an executive order “today, recognizing Juneteenth as a holiday for state employees.” “I will be proposing legislation next year to make it an official state holiday,” Cuomo added. Cuomo’s announcement comes after Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced that he plans to also make Juneteenth an official holiday in his state, which was once the capital of the Confederacy. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-to-sign-executive-order-making-juneteenth-a-holiday-for-state-employees
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