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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...what actually would be his benefit and political capital value to slow testing?.....hasn't he pounded in the fact that testing has dramatically increased?....I believe there have been articles that multiple testing sites are actually UNDERUTILIZED......how the hell does Fauci, Birx and the rest of the scientific community EVER reach a reliable database, albeit 60-75% to draw substantive conclusions going forward?.....then again, "substantive conclusions" would be contrary to the highly valued MSM and detrimental to their cause.........
  2. ...don't know the status of our electrical competitors.....we have multiple relationships on larger projects.....we could be prime to the Owner who may or may not have a Construction Manager...or a sub to a general contractor, etc.......thus requirements and the strictness of those requirements can vary......we are also on projects with other trades......so one of their employees could turn you in for non-compliance due to personal fear of Covid-19...... so we chose to adopt the highest compliance standard for all work to simpifly it..BTW,we have seen and heard some contractors adding a separate line item to their billing, "CHARGE FOR COVID-19 PPE COMPLIANCE", charging customers anywhere from $50-$100+ monthly to cover the cost of masks, etc....great way (COUGH) to nickle and dime your customers, alienating them over the long haul........
  3. JKLM’s predecessor company is East Resources Inc. (Pegula's original company sold to Shell in 2010 for $4.7 billion), which was formed in 1983 in Pittsburgh, PA. For 27 years, East Resources Inc. successfully operated in shallow and deep oil and gas formations in PA, WV and NY until 2010, when Royal Dutch Shell plc acquired East’s PA and NY assets. East Resources Inc. continued to operate in Ohio and West Virginia for approximately 3 years before those assets were sold to American Energy Partners LP. Soon after the sale of those assets, a core group of experienced staff reassembled to form JKLM Energy (Pegula's current company I believe).
  4. email DiBlasio....he'll have and will share the facts.....
  5. ..posted it before and will post it again NOT for recognition or tooting our company's horn......just a common sense approach to following Cuomo's Executive Orders and recommended steps by many as a NYS essential business that has operated throughout.....180 Union electricians in the field and 35 admin employees in the corporate office....have spent thousands on masks, thermometers , sanitizing stations, major paperwork charting kits for our field leaders, cleanliness kits with MSDS sheets to sanitizing tools, limited corporate accessibility et al.....through today June 22, we have not had ONE Covid-19 case.....did we spend thousands of dollars to comply as to ensure the health and safety of our employees?...damn right....labor is my major commodity.....could we have been the proverbial "tough guy" as in "screw this, we're going on as normal"?.....to prove what?.....we have been compliant in every way possible resulting in zero cases.....my gut tells me that there is a segment in this society that chooses the "screw this crap...tough guy " approach that adds to the cases, but with an unknown number of increases due to testing....the machos will always be the machos......probably some who have never washed their hands and won't start now........
  6. ..it is a really cool architectural city.....but the heinous weekly tally's of murders and wounded with NO regard for life is beyond my limited comprehension.....and it knows no bounds....toddlers murdered because parent didn't pay drug debt......can you better define sick?....
  7. ...points taken and definitely respected.....but I do not think it is fair to minimize their struggles, many of which still exist.....weren't Asian-Americans targeted because of Covid-19?....what governmental funding has taken place for those victims of ethnic racism (other than WW II Japanese-Americans detained which was the correct thing to do as far as $$)?.....and old marketing ploy is that "the first impression is the lasting impression" which is visual.......from a race perspective, that would be skin color albeit black or brown..so with racism of color going back to the 60's, the Fed's reaction REGARDLESS OF PARTY is to throw tons of money at the problem but with abysmal results.......but the political capital again ON BOTH SIDES is, " we spent billions trying to help you"...it is woefully naive to think there is not political capital voting base wise to keep inner cities as "gated communities"....and adding BILLIONS more to solidify that vote........the strong, driven entrepreneurs find a way to escape based on their talents.....pro sports is an example but there are many more.....former Congressman and OU football star JJ Watts wrote an eloquent piece (see link below).....watched a riveting interview of two African-Americans who pointed a sharp finger at the Dems in lock step with Teacher Unions about squashing charter schools to help those African-American youngsters escape the failing blight of inner city schools..... so yet again, POLITICAL interference due to $$$ leads the suppression.....the debate is endless........and more money is NOT the solution.... JC Watts: After lockdown and George Floyd death, this still holds true – No one is nonessential By J.C. Watts | Fox News In the wake of George Floyd’s tragic death, streets that were empty just a few weeks ago suddenly filled with thousands of people. The contrast was striking, and I think it’s trying to teach us something. As COVID-19 spread, we were told to stay at home and practice social distancing. Public gatherings were canceled and get-togethers with family and friends went virtual. Most surprising for me, though, was how quickly the term “nonessential” became commonplace. If your job wasn’t considered essential, well then – in a sense – neither were you. The result? Millions of Americans lost their jobs. Houses of worship stood empty. Bustling communities became ghost towns. Then, Derek Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes, ending his life. Just as TV footage of Bull Connor’s police dogs and fire hoses electrified our nation in 1963, the video of George Floyd’s death hit us all in the gut. And our response has revealed an important truth. No one is nonessential. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/after-lockdown-george-floyd-death-truth-no-one-nonessential-jc-watts
  8. ...Cliff Notes version answer.......will continue to go about my ways of treating people, yes PEOPLE, regardless of race, creed, color, orientation , sexual preference et al in the same manner as I HOPE to be treated.....and way does ethnic racism get a pass with visual skin color racism predominate?...political capital?....I am of Italian heritage and when trying to relocate my family to the South, headhunters said, so you're one of those Eye-Talians"....racist?.....or how about my deceased uncle, a prominent high school football star who was initially denied acceptance into the University of Rochester because of his Italian heritage?...eventually accepted...or my late aunt in Maryland who was denied a job in Maryland education system unless she dropped the vowel from her last name?......she refused but eventually became THE leading Maryland State System Educator.....and her daughter is now the Maryland's State Assistant In Charge (#2)of Special Education....so we're all of Italian heritage despite being EYE-Talians.......so we're caucasian guilty by your standards....
  9. ...FULL DISCLOSURE: hated his business acumen as one 44 years in business.....so for how many years has the electorate screamed for an outsider to clean up the Washington stench?.....and for how many years did insiders candidates fraudulently portray themselves as outsiders?....so we get a TRUE outsider who has turned the good 'ol boyz network upside down and love draining the swamp...BUT...there are MANY times when he just needs to STFU PERIOD.....and GTFO of social media......which I hate.....
  10. ...uh oh bro...Trudeau will NOT be a happy camper.....
  11. ...if we ever sign him, we'll call it the "Riley Burger"......sorry bro, couldn't resist......all in fun and jest......?
  12. ...OMG...this is MORE devastating than Lizzie dropping out of the presidential race.......I'm in mourning...........PPP bans are legendary..............
  13. ...he is as eloquent and brilliant as they come, still going strong at 89 years young.....he personifies what every African-American can become......an inspiration IMO.....
  14. ...LMAO....rolled out my toilet paper this morning and those were the names on the first seven sheets....coincidence??...........
  15. ...he has NUMEROUS infections............ ...well then you could put your time to CONSTRUCTIVE use.....there is a FIRST for everything...........
  16. ...official count is in progress.........stay tuned.........
  17. .....think it's time to fire Barr and bring back Holder to restore AG integrity....let's stop wasting time here.............
  18. ...the whole scope has eclipsed my limited comprehension as it fades after my 67 years.....I simply treat people regardless of race, creed, color origin or orientation in the manner that I hope to be treated.....why is THE focus BLM and why does "all lives matter" get shut down in a nanosecond?....how does ethnic racism, in existence worldwide for THOUSANDS of years and STILL going strong get buried?...no political capital?.....hypocritical?......guess I missed the memo...........
  19. ...well skee ball was closed for social distancing but the shooting gallery was NOT......pulling the trigger from 6'1" IS in compliance...........
  20. ....bet you couldn't predict which TBD posting elites would show up on this thread en masse?......hmmmmm..........
  21. ...you do realize that he JUST made it under the wire, right??...........
  22. ...or how about the Bill & Hillary book tour, the one that got CANCELLED?.....dropped ticket prices to ten bucks and still.....crickets...........they invented social distancing...
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