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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...glad to hear you and the Mrs are safe and living your lives..........I have relatives all over Florida as in Orlando, Melbourne, Bradenton etc........all are safe and doing well...
  2. ...LMAO!!...can you imagine the MSM feeding frenzy about "Token Tim and his Female Cohort"?....could be a five year shortage on popcorn......maybe Popcorn Futures are worthwhile??....
  3. ..'fancy, you're a Floridian, is your concern growing as the Florida numbers reportedly grow?.......any insight on the increase in numbers?......
  4. ...or hire Smollet as your publicist........just sayin'..............
  5. ...hell he should come to NYS and run for office...downstate will elect ANYTHING........welcome "NYC Mayor Kimmel"...............
  6. ...back peddling??.....can't be........ Bubba Wallace 'relieved' rope in garage wasn't noose targeted at him, acknowledges 'embarrassment' By Nick Givas | Fox News NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace tweeted out a statement on Wednesday about the supposed noose found in his garage, saying that he's "relieved" to know it wasn't meant for him, but embarrassed by the mixup after the FBI ended its hate crime investigation. "It's been an emotional few days. First off, I want to say how relieved I am that the investigation revealed that this wasn't what we feared it was," he wrote. "I want to thank my team, NASCAR and the FBI for acting swiftly and treating this as a real threat. "I think we'll gladly take a little embarrassment over what the alternatives could have been," Wallace continued. "Make no mistake, though some will try, this should not detract from the show of unity we had on Monday, and the progress we've made as a sport to be a more welcoming environment for all." The FBI determined that the noose found in Wallace's garage at Talladega Superspeedway on Sunday had been there since at least last year, according to the bureau. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney Jay E. Town on Tuesday said the investigation had concluded and that no federal crime had been committed. This came after the entire NASCAR family showed support for Wallace following the discovery of the rope, with all his fellow drivers and their crews standing behind him before the Geico 500 on Monday. https://www.foxnews.com/auto/bubba-wallace-relieved-rope-in-garage-wasnt-noose-targeted-at-him-acknowledges-embarrassment
  7. ...how this skank rose from only making Sunday football prognostications to where he is today is WELL beyond me.....
  8. ....so if Haley is #2 for the sake of discussion, who is the lead dawg on the ticket?.......is Pence totally out of the equation?......
  9. ...Miranda Lambert does NOT approve of your message..................
  10. I'm going to wait for Holder's Op-Ed piece to get the real scoop.......probably one of the best AG's in US history..................
  11. ...if, IF I remember correctly, it was reported that NYS Covid-19 deaths resulted from 40-50% with pre-existing conditions.......excluding the 4,320 nursing home deaths which Big Fredo referred to as a "shiny object".....looking at CDC reports of 649,000 cardiac related deaths ANNUALLY, that seems to validate "40-50% with pre-existing conditions" assertion just from one category alone......
  12. ...how often does a snake shed its skin?.....and this one will get re-elected in a 2022 NYS landslide unless he eyes 1600 Pennsylvania......
  13. ....with the way good 'ol Emmett tried to upstage the DC US Court of Appeals, knowing they had precedent, I'm surprised there was a dissenting vote....
  14. ...another one of our downstate gems......43 years in politics and STILL the same putz....SMH.....
  15. …….sorry Big Fredo isn't done yet...………. With Legislature idle, Cuomo changed 262 laws in 55 days Cuomo invokes executive powers during pandemic to changes to hundreds of laws and regulations Brendan J. Lyons May 2, 2020Updated: May 2, 2020 6 p.m. ALBANY — In the two months since Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo declared a state of emergency on March 7, he has invoked the powers of his office to issue more than 25 executive orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The expansive orders have made hundreds of temporary but sweeping changes to state laws, including shutting down schools and businesses, as well as altering state regulations that govern public health, hospitals, nursing homes, elections, open meetings, court proceedings, purchasing procedures and child care. Some of the decisions have also raised constitutional questions, including Cuomo's March 20 order that directed New Yorkers to engage in mandatory "social distancing." It's unclear if that measure or others like it — which have been widely followed — could be legally enforced. https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/With-Legislature-idle-Cuomo-changed-262-laws-in-15240581.php
  16. ..correct me if I'm wrong because I'm getting sick of following this ad nauseam.....has there been a factual breakdown of the increase in cases that defines the percentage of asymptomatics?....probably NO political capital in that.......or how about case increases in areas saturated by protesters?......naw, that would be a MSM "dirty little secret"..... ...I ruin a perfectly good pair of Depends reading his daily in depth, accurate and objective assessments......he is today's Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In......hell he's are now Artie's "very interesting"........
  17. ...my FIRST and ONLY inclination is to search you out......ALWAYS strike gold................
  18. ...the lethal and unsubstantiated accusations in the "comments" section of various news sites are mad scary.....one I saw that was mind boggling..." a has been driver wanting the spotlight, so he pulls a Smollet II".....WOW.........
  19. ...save masks for those in need and just put a bag (PLASTIC preferred) over her head.......
  20. ...it can't be and should not be.....take every necessary precaution to get kids back into a strict, learning environment ASAP...and I am NOT demeaning the yeoman efforts of some parents for their regimented home schooling....these kids also need to be back in their social interaction environment.....remember celebrating getting out of school late June and dreading going back in early September?......hell, school has been out since March and look at the effect it has had on some TBD middle school posters......they worry me....
  21. ...certainly the individual's prerogative to join in this....but at age 75, considering the volatility of the situation, cops on edge being threatened/challenged, can one's protest be more important than sacrificing personal safety ?......removing cops from the equation for a second, what is a surge or push of protesters knocked him down for not being able to keep up?.....regardless of MY opinions, I'm not putting myself at risk at age 67 for whatever to purported value is in being there.....probably just me............
  22. ...where the hell is REVEREND Farakhan in all of this?....I'm deeply concerned............
  23. ...arm them with squirt guns.......Seattle is/WAS a beautiful city...was there in '98 for a major software conference.......seafood, open market, fine Washington State wines.....now?.....Waste Management probably bailed out..........
  24. ...so with statues of abolitionists being destroyed, toppled and defaced, sounds like these fraudulent "protesters with a cause (COUGH)" failed History 101.....as if they could care.....
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