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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...Big Fredo and Bumblin' Billy strike again....... Cuomo, de Blasio wrong to limit worship services, condone mass protests: federal judge New York Gov. coronavirus orders unfairly targeted houses of worship, federal judge says. By Caleb Parke | Fox News A federal judge said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Letitia James, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio "exceeded" their executive limits by limiting worship services and condoning mass protests as the state continues to reopen from coronavirus restrictions. U.S. District Judge Gary L. Sharpe issued a preliminary injunction Friday on behalf of two Catholic priests -- Steven Soos and Nicholas Stamos -- and a trio of Orthodox Jewish congregants -- Elchanan Perr, Daniel Schonborn, and Mayer Mayerfeld -- in Brooklyn, represented by the Thomas More Society. They filed the suit in the Northern District of New York after mass protests and looting occurred in the Big Apple following George Floyd's police-related death in May. https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-york-coronavirus-reopen-plan-church-synagogue
  2. ...well Mr. BET thinks we should pay up anyway......"assuage your guilt"......SMH......... Robert Johnson's Big Idea: $14 trillion in slavery reparations to African-Americans 'I think that would be a huge emotional assuaging of guilt' By Marisa Schultz | Fox News Robert Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, says it's time America atones for slavery and systemic racism by paying African-Americans reparations to make them economically equal to white Americans. Johnson, the first black billionaire in the United States, has put a price tag on the debt America owes to African-Americans at $14 trillion. "Nobody talks about cash, but black people understand cash," Johnson told Fox News. Under his proposal, an estimated 40 million African-Americans would get $350,000 in direct cash payments over 30 years (costing the average taxpayer roughly $2,900 a year, according to his office). The $350,000 would signify the wealth disparity between African-Americans and white Americans. To say this is controversial is an understatement. Some Democratic lawmakers have warmed to the discussion, but often in the form of commissions and other partial measures. A Fox News poll last year found most Americans are opposed to cash reparations. And with the government already spending trillions on coronavirus relief and the national debt pushing past $26 trillion, concerns about the country's fiscal stability would pose an obvious hurdle. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/robert-johnsons-big-idea-14-trillion-slavery-reparations-payments-to-african-americans ...debt owed by taxpayers?.....who the hell did WE TODAY enslave?......dangerous stuff............. Q: Would this be a special reparations new tax that would fund this program? Johnson: Ultimately, it's a debt owed by the taxpayers. And reparations is a debt owed by the nation as a whole because all of the wealth that was taken from slaves. Free labor is a transfer of wealth.
  3. ...seals the deal for me...he now has my vote...... Biden says he would use federal power to require Americans to wear masks in public 'I would insist that everybody in public be wearing that mask,' he said. By Adam Shaw | Fox News Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Thursday that he would use federal power to require Americans to wear face masks in public -- a move that would mark a significant intervention by the federal government and could see considerable pushback from states. Biden made the comments in an interview with CBS affiliate KDKA, in which he spoke about what he thinks should be done to reopen the country from the coronavirus shutdown. He said that he wants to see greater use of masks. “The one thing we do know, these masks make a gigantic difference. I would insist that everybody in public be wearing that mask,” he said. “Anyone to reopen, it would have to make sure that they walked into a business that had masks.” The interviewer asked if he would use “federal leverage” to mandate mask-wearing, “Yes, I would from an executive standpoint, yes I would,” he said, to which the interviewer asked if he would then be mandating mask-wearing. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-federal-power-require-masks ...maybe ALF has fleas...……….
  4. ...well he was close....in other news, he is planning his move into 160 Pennsylvania Street................ Biden slammed after wrongly saying ‘we have over 120 million dead from COVID’ By Andrew O'Reilly | Fox News Republicans are slamming Joe Biden after the presumptive Democratic nominee made a verbal gaffe during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania and said 120 million people had died from the novel coronavirus. “People don’t have a job, people don’t know where to go, they don’t know what to do,” Biden said Thursday. “Now we have over 120 million dead from COVID.” As of Thursday, there have been more than 122,000 – not million -- coronavirus deaths in the United States, according to Johns Hopkins figures. While Biden appears to immediately catch himself after his gaffe -- the pool video of Biden’s comments cuts off after he made the remark – Republicans were quick to jump on the former vice president’s comment. “WHAT IS GOING ON WITH JOE BIDEN?” Steve Guest, the Republican National Committee’s rapid response director, tweeted out with a link to the clip. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-wrongly-says-we-have-over-120-million-dead-from-covid
  5. ...but as expected, Disney played the proverbial CYA by saying the plan was in place long ago before current events.....um ok............
  6. ...so have they taken a census of the "community" to determine racial makeup?....what happens if Caucasians are the majority?.......hmmm........
  7. ..Dr King?.....bet 2/3 of the "protesters" think he is some Emergency Room guy somewhere.......
  8. ...exactly...it was published somewhere that no one would have advance notice of garage stall assignments.....something ain't passing the smell test......maybe Sleepy Bob should investigate............
  9. ...lemme sort this out....Kamala in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave proper, Mayor Willie renting the Lincoln bedroom and Quid Pro Joe in the newly redecorated "West Wing Nursing Home"....am I close?..........
  10. ...well Section3 is a prominent attorney who should be willing to help out his brethren, right?.......
  11. ...if I were a sponsor ponying up $10-$15 mil annually, I may want to have my own installed......
  12. ...whew!!......glad I didn't make the list........looks like the "Who's Who of Fisher Price WiFi".............
  13. ...you'd love to read my relatives and their DAILY Facebook Trump diatribes.......DAILY.......imagine being THAT consumed......then again, they are all WAY left Dem lifers....contradict them and they go into attack mode.....haven't been to a relatives outing in 12+ years......told them I had Covid-19 BEFORE it was invented...............
  14. ...code for buying or bribing constituents as if MONEY is THE solution.....
  15. ...find it hard to believe that the garage area does not have significant security personnel as well as multiple cameras everywhere......million of dollars in equipment....
  16. ...not surprising....a cousin and his wife unfriended another cousin because he is a Trump supporter.....the wife called him a lunatic and said he was "unfit to be a father raising children in a radical household"......SMH.......
  17. ..won't be cutting the grass for a LONG time, but at least it will be well "fertilized"...………….. Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed not to call police in wake of Floyd death is already being tested by 300-strong homeless encampment By Danielle Wallace | Fox News A predominately white, progressive Minneapolis neighborhood that pledged not to call the police in the wake of the death of George Floyd is now dealing with a 300-strong homeless encampment in a local park, according to reports. Traffic has reportedly increased in the neighborhood around Powderhorn Park, as drug dealers seek to meet their clientele displaced during the civil unrest, rioting and looting following Floyd’s death at the end of May. At least one person overdosed inside the park and was brought out by an ambulance. Prostitution has also been reported in the area. Residents though have agreed to “check their privilege” and “protect people of color” by not involving law enforcement to report instances of property damage, according to the New York Times. https://www.foxnews.com/us/minneapolis-powderhorn-park-neighborhood-progressive-sworn-off-police-911-george-floyd
  18. ...sounds like they used registered Democrat voter lists for mailing...…………..
  19. ....whoa girl!.....you're doubting the upstanding, objective , law abiding and champion for our nation's laws as in AG Eric Holder's pledge to be above all and preeminent a legal scholar by the book?....you are in uncharted accusatory waters(COUGH)......
  20. ....if the shoe fits....you are a hoax......I could see you in plea deals for jaywalking clients settling for 20 years....have to admit you are amusing......hell I could even see you as lead dawg in parking ticket offenses.......third chair.....hi-chair....electric chair.........take your pick.....
  21. ...an old marketing ploy was "first impression is THE lasting impression" and pointed at visual.......you can take it from there, especially political capital..........
  22. fake lawyer.........hide your fraud versus displaying it.......Ebay may recall your shingle.............
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