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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....I'm liking the Hell's Angels MMA grudge match much better....it has a ring of permanence to it.....choose your winner...........
  2. ..perhaps bringing back Moonbeam to fix the Newsome ills is the answer.....
  3. ....WHOA!....WAIT!........Nadless said "Antifa is imaginary".......has to be fake news........
  4. ....Tibs thought he was a Seattle protester......go easy...............
  5. ...there is NO political in minutia......unexplained cases have more horsepower, fanning the fear flames.....I have 210 employees in a NYS described "essential business", with 180 electricians in the field....we have taken every precaution and have complied with mandated as well as recommended compliance steps, spending $17,500+ to date......RESULT through yesterday: not ONE Covid-19 case.....there is and will always be a segment of society as in "defiant, non-compliant, macho/bravado, won't get me" intelligent set..........
  6. ...actually, the PPP consensus is that we are awaiting yours...........you are our very own "Jim Jones" leader...............
  7. ...oh joy...this should go far......check is in the mail........ ...."UN experts call on the international community to act collectively and decisively...."
  8. ...go wash your hands.......FIRST time for everything...............
  9. ...this was HillaryCare from day 1.......the dynasty put their puppet's name on it for his long list (COUGH) of accomplishments.......an abysmal failure developed by 535 minions with no health care system experience.....
  10. ...Gruesome Newsome failed as SF mayor, so give him credit for his ongoing track record as Governor................
  11. ...unfortunately when it comes to more spending and regardless of party in power, increasing national debt for the alleged "good of the country" is non-sequitor" IMO........
  12. Year 1. TBD Hatred & Vitroil-Obstruct to stall the country's business Year 2. See #1 Year 3. See #1 and # 2 yet we perennially re-elect them for their "accomplishments (the other side shares guilt for similar re-elections) because the country "comes first, all partisanship aside(COUGH)?.........yet we peddle this as the world's greatest democracy?......should we put aside the bastions of the world's "greatest democracy" aside as in the politicization/rampant corruption of FBI, DOJ , CIA, et al?........uh oh.....we're NOT Mr. Clean, are we??........
  13. ...it's actually to be part of his 6th grade curriculum once school resumes....he's a gem, a Fisher-Price Wifi Gem............good Lord........
  14. ...exactly.....look how many come into unexpected wealth and are eventually broke.......and I have no statistics nor am I qualified to assert racial or ethnic breakdown.....it is actually a dichotomy......many try to manage their new found wealth on their own and fail......others turn to "financial advisors (COUGH)" and get ripped off either from outright theft or poor investment recommendations.....new found wealth becomes a perfect pool for predatory scams......
  15. .....it is political entrapment......the Dems will propose it with NO reduction, the House will pass it and if the Senate vetoes it, they're the bad guys.....political capital in HIGH unemployment numbers.......but 535 really DO care about the country......oh boy..........
  16. ...as he rightfully should.......huge problem with Federal employees thinking they are protected lifers.....leaking and politicizing their position(s) has been an accepted "privilege" for years with no ramifications.....for those in the private sector, how or what would be the reactions of a rogue employee leaking company info publicly?.....I'll withhold my view....
  17. ....how long has it existed albeit based on skin color or more appropriately based on ethnicity (worldwide in thousands of years and STILL going) or even geography (aka STILL rednecks vs the Yankees) in the US?.....what is your proposed "magic cure" for utopian peace and harmony?.........
  18. ...never...NEVER......and probably no Dem would because of the money the Unions provide......have read several articles recently written by AFRICAN-AMERICAN educators who deplore teacher Unions for their fight against Charter Schools......citing Charter Schools as being a critical avenue for aspiring African-American students to escape the abysmal failures of city public school systems....BILLIONS more poured in with lesser results.......denying the aspiring the freedom of choice is repulsive............
  19. ...appearance ticket release by 4PM as worst case.....DA dropped charges more likely......stay tuned........
  20. ...but the $600 stipend is due to expire July 31 and the House will fight to extend it.....WSJ said 50% on unemployment make more staying home than working, thus killing any impetus to return to work...Treasury Secretary said if you refuse to return to work, your $600 stipend is cancelled.....we have operations in NY, PA and NJ...the only state that has requested reporting of individuals refusing to return to work when called back is PA......Big Fredo would never ask....besides the ultra modern, technologically efficient NYS Unemployment system was exposed for using MS-DOS.....us crusty old folks remember it well....youngins'?...it was the new slideruler.........
  21. ....perfect question for the Dems......if dead people are "absent", do they then qualify for an "absentee ballot"??......just askin'...............
  22. ...nope...think it is spray soap.........deadly fearful............
  23. ....I'm guessing that he wanted to do something either by ordering Federal National Guard deployments or following up with his threats to use military police, but was quickly talked out of it by advisors, military/DOD, etc......the states are empowered and have state based National Guards units.....so it may have been a good strategy to sit back and watch their elected officials perform under CRISIS MANAGEMENT......and the major liberal cities were an abysmal disaster......zero leadership, decisiveness, maintenance of law and order, property destruction gone wild with minimal arrests.....BUT....all was peaceful protesting by MSM standards (COUGH)........bet ALL of those "officials" get re-elected in landslides..........
  24. ...uh oh...Arkancide could be mobilizing............stay tuned................. "In December 2019, Nader was charged in U.S. federal court with violating campaign finance laws by allegedly also using over three and half million dollars to reach out to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign for the U.S. Presidency, through a front."
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