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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...so how is it that the perennial power mongering frauds have played us like a broken fiddle for years across multiple administrations ON BOTH SIDES?.....why did the "light just go off recently"?.....vying for world dominance with Russia for years......what woke us up (if so)??................
  2. ...good points and thanks......more current stuff and witnesses willing to come forward would strengthen the case.......
  3. ...."contact with" is defined by 15 minutes within 6 feet of a Covid-19 infected person....so we should believe 100,000 people DAILY nationwide are in that group?.....something ain't passing the smell test....... CDC guideline/definition: Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated. Data are limited to precisely define the “prolonged exposure” to determine “close contact”, however 15 minutes of close exposure can be used as an operational definition for contact investigation. Factors to consider when defining close contact include proximity, the duration of exposure (e.g., longer exposure time likely increases exposure risk), whether the individual has symptoms (e.g., coughing likely increases exposure risk) and whether either the case patient or contact were wearing an N95 respirator (which can efficiently block respiratory secretions from contaminating others and the environment). At this time, differential determination of close contact for those using fabric face coverings is not recommended.
  4. ...how 'bout the "Biden Beater"?.....him and his kid go first...............
  5. ...beyond or more current?......I'm guessing much would depend upon statute of limitations, but the attorneys bringing charges must know.....could see defense attorneys making a big deal about the age of initial charges to cast doubt.....
  6. ...charges are from 1994-1997......anybody see a problem for a jury to convict on something from 23-26 years ago?............
  7. ...well for some, stuck in middle school at 26 can be humiliating.......
  8. ...think they should hold off....there is a "resident" in dire need................. Delaware removes state's last whipping post on public grounds By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News The last whipping post left in the state of Delaware was removed from the grounds of a courthouse Wednesday after protesters decried the history of racial injustice the post symbolized. The state-owned post, which was used to flog people as punishment for their crimes until 1952, had been on display outside the Old Sussex County Courthouse for nearly three decades. It was excavated and removed from the premise and has been placed in storage with other historic artifacts. “Such relics of the past should be placed in museums to be preserved and protected for those who want to remember the cruel, inhuman, barbarous acts perpetrated on our citizens,” said Reba Hollingsworth, vice-chair of the Delaware Heritage Commission. To bolster cries for the post to be removed, historians have pointed to the fact that blacks were disproportionately persecuted and punished by whipping and other public humiliation methods. https://www.foxnews.com/us/delaware-removes-last-whipping-post-on-public-grounds
  9. ...yup...skin color and gender are the TOP qualifiers.......defines the "vote grab" nature of the Dems.....power is the SOLE GOAL......yet the fickle segment of the electorate buys in hook, line and sinker....SMH.......
  10. ...this young man (African-American) has it right.....a breath of fresh air to read.......... Gianno Caldwell slams anti-police narrative: 'Victims in Chicago are not screaming defund the police' Caldwell implores black communities to work with law enforcement to stop epidemic of violence By Matt London | Fox News Fox News political analyst and Chicago native Gianno Caldwell went off on the nationwide push to defund law enforcement, as the people of Chicago were struck by yet another violent and deadly weekend. "I am p****ed the hell off with what I am seeing in the city of Chicago," said Caldwell on "The Evening Edit" on Tuesday night. "The victims in Chicago are not screaming 'defund the police.' They're asking for more police," he told Fox Business host David Asman. "They're asking for responsible police in their communities because at this point they don't know if they are going to make it another week because their grandparent could be shot. Their nephew could be shot. Their 1-year-old brother or son could be shot." "Last weekend 65 people shot, 18 fatally, including a 1-year-old, a 10-year-old, and 17-year-old," he continued, ticking off the grim statistics. "Two weeks ago, 104 people shot, 15 killed, including a 3-year-old and four teens. On May 31st, 18 people were killed in a single Sunday." https://www.foxnews.com/media/chicago-gianno-caldwell-police-fox-nation
  11. .......PRIME medium for anything this clown writes......the lipstick on his arse is HIS own........
  12. ....I just pulled my real estate deal to move there............
  13. ...uh oh....feud in the Big Apple........MMA "grudge match"...Big Fredo vs Bumblin' Billy......winner gets the billion.... Cuomo ridicules New York City move to strip $1B in NYPD funding The money would be shifted from NYPD to other programs By Brooke Singman | Fox News New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo slammed the New York City Council’s move strip the New York Police Department of $1 billion in funding, questioning “what it means” and calling for concrete action. “I don’t know what it means,” Cuomo said during a press briefing Wednesday. “What does that mean? Does this mean I am less safe? Where did you take the billion dollars from? Does it mean I am more safe? Does it have any effect on police abuse? I don’t know what it means.” Cuomo’s comments came after the New York City Council passed a budget Tuesday night that shifted $1 billion from the New York Police Department to programs that assist youth and community development. Cuomo also took a veiled swipe at New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who confirmed Wednesday morning that the city would paint “Black Lives Matter” outside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan in the coming days. “We’re going to paint ‘Black Lives Matter’ on the street in front of Trump HQ. Great,” Cuomo said. “From day one, I said I stand with Black Lives Matter. From Day one, I said I stand with protesters. I said great what this nation has done standing up after Mr. Floyd’s murder…I’m sorry it took so long. Why couldn’t we have done it after Eric Garner six years ago? Or Rodney King 30 years ago? But now we’re here. Great.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-ridicules-new-york-city-move-to-strip-1-billion-in-nypd-funding
  14. ...the CovidLESS-19 "survivor" strikes again........ CNN's Cuomo accused of 'siding with the St. Louis mob' during heated interview with armed homeowner McCloskey said he was simply protecting his home By Brian Flood | Fox News CNN’s Chris Cuomo was accused of siding with the "mob" on Tuesday night during a contentious interview with Mark McCloskey, the man who went viral for brandishing a gun alongside his wife as the couple protected their home from protesters. The couple told police the protesters broke a gate to get onto the private street in St. Louis, and the pair say they only retrieved their firearms when they spotted “multiple” people who were already armed, police department records show. Cuomo began the interview by asking McCloskey what if feels like to have become the “face of political resistance to the Black Lives Matter movement.” McCloskey shot back that it was a “completely ridiculous” statement and said he was simply protecting his home. https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnns-chris-cuomo-accused-of-siding-with-the-st-louis-mob-during-heated-interview-with-viral-armed-husband
  15. or how about "Bullsh&5T Legitimatizes Means"......the true BLM folks are in the minority versus the parasites versus the goals and objectives of their majority....sadly I see many "Stop the Violence" causes launched here in Rochester with respected black clergy leading the charge....these are committed clergy folk from the black community who want the black on black violence to end.......yet they are ignored daily as reported shootings are the norm.....if THEIR leadership and pleas are ignored, now what??.......... .and I certainly agree.....we turned a blind eye to open society tolerance, allowing it to grow blindly to an injurious level, with plenty of blame for all 535 minions for not paying attention.....so here we are......
  16. ...let's tally up Trump numbers accurately......649,000 annual heart related deaths and 60,000+ flu related deaths annually.......so if my math is correct, we're at 836,272 deaths and counting......dead registered "voting" Democrats are at least three times that....
  17. but society's new approach is to cast the perpetrators as victims......."we as a society MUST HAVE done something wrong to make them act this way"........so the psychobabble makes society guilty until proven innocent.......SMH.....hang your head.......
  18. ....the longer grade school is out and Fisher Price WiFi promulgates with mommies not checking on their children, the LOWER this place sinks with flotilla derailing ANY type of reasonable debate/dissertation.....some of these newbees make Tibs and Gary look like "choir boyz"....did I just say THAT?........
  19. ...wasn't Big Fredo's rebuttal to nursing home deaths calling it "a shiny object"?......
  20. ..BLM is a sham and a fraud.......convenient cover for "opportunists"........if not, why no remorse for black on black carnage?.....wouldn't a "legitimate" cause fix that problem FIRST internally before expecting support and empathy externally?.....
  21. ...so why the hell would you contradict MSM and muddy the waters with FACTS?........shame, shame............and we'll have our usual 649,000 annual deaths related to heart disease with no mention......or annual tally of 60,000+ flu deaths........YAWN......
  22. ...what's even better is that Bumblin' Billy DeBlasio gets $252K as an inept Mayor.......SMH.............
  23. ...uh oh....what now happens to national Unions referral to "Brotherhoods" in their identity??.....what about my licensed "Master Electricians"?......"master" bedroom and "master" bathroom have been scrapped in Houston real estate.......and the Minneapolis Mayor (excuse for) has eliminated chief from "Fire Chief", "Police Chief" and "Chief Financial Officer" for starters?...just getting started......what do we do with self proclaimed "TBD Chief Posters"??.............
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