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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....pretty sure anything under a billion IS considered peaceful.............
  2. ....Leo Terrell, a prominent African American Civil Rights attorney has it right AGAIN.................. Leo Terrell slams DNC tweet tying Mount Rushmore to 'white supremacy' as 'the race card at its highest level' 'I am embarrassed to be a Democrat tonight,' civil rights attorney tells Fox News. By Charles Creitz | Fox News Civil rights attorney Leo Tyrrell told "Hannity" Friday that a now-deleted tweet from the Democratic National Committee that tried to link Mount Rushmore with "white supremacy" made him "embarrassed to be a Democrat." On Monday, the DNC's Twitter account @TheDemocrats posted the message: "Trump has disrespected Native communities time and again. He's attempted to limit their voting rights and blocked critical pandemic relief. Now he's holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore- a region once sacred to tribal communities." "[Mount Rushmore] is a great place for the president to celebrate our nation's birthday," Terrell told "Hannity" guest host Jason Chaffetz ahead of Trump's address at the national monument. "That tweet -- I want people to hear this," Terrell went on. "The Democratic Party calling this a 'white supremacy' meeting is the race card at its highest level and that came from the Democratic Party." https://www.foxnews.com/media/leo-terrell-dnc-mount-rushmore-white-supremacy
  3. ...probably know my Uncle Nunzio then............
  4. ...no but my late wife's side had a Native American component from French Canada.............
  5. ....quite the crock of crap.....self righteous beyond.....been following NFL football since 1962 and NEVER once did I associate "Redskins" to Native Americans nor twist it into something detrimental....but the overtly sensitive "politically correctness crowd" wants you undivided attention......are we this screwed up?....
  6. ....Cliff Notes question:....how do you ever expect to control the defiant, non-compliant societal segment that refuses to take even minimal, preventive steps?.....the macho, bravado, non-compliant, "anti authority non telling ME what to do gang" is in full bloom.....
  7. ....pretty simple change....call 'em the "Deadskins" just like their Owner and performance legacy under his tenure....problem solved..............
  8. ...I have to agree....rename the the "Deadskins".......let the name exemplify their Owner and accomplishments......
  9. ...depressing...."many" of your ilk is far worse than any Covid-19 spread.....
  10. and the lame Blue State leadership who did NOTHING now wants Federal dollars?.......seriously?.....send 'em 3 bags of Halite and tell him to go "pound it"...... Minnesota Gov. Walz asks Trump for disaster declaration after George Floyd riots trigger over $500M in damages By Michael Ruiz | Fox News Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has asked President Trump for a federal disaster declaration in his state due to “extensive fire damage” and other destruction in the unrest that followed George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody on Memorial Day. “We need to come together to ensure Minnesotans who were victims of this destruction have access to critical infrastructure they need so they can go to the grocery store, pick up their medication, and live their lives,” Walz said in a statement Thursday. “Together, we will rebuild.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/minnesota-gov-walz-trump-disaster-declaration-george-floyd-riots-500m-damages
  11. ...and the lame Blue State leadership who did NOTHING now wants Federal dollars?.......seriously?.....send 'em 3 bags of Halite and tell him to go "pound it"...... Minnesota Gov. Walz asks Trump for disaster declaration after George Floyd riots trigger over $500M in damages By Michael Ruiz | Fox News Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has asked President Trump for a federal disaster declaration in his state due to “extensive fire damage” and other destruction in the unrest that followed George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody on Memorial Day. “We need to come together to ensure Minnesotans who were victims of this destruction have access to critical infrastructure they need so they can go to the grocery store, pick up their medication, and live their lives,” Walz said in a statement Thursday. “Together, we will rebuild.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/minnesota-gov-walz-trump-disaster-declaration-george-floyd-riots-500m-damages
  12. just remember if we are left out, we take care of our own business......Sakrete endorses us..............
  13. ...great...."Fisher Price Wi Fi" is up and running today...........a perpetuated weekend of "verbal diarrhea" is upon us..........oh joy............
  14. ...SERIOUSLY?....."we've only just begun"................
  15. ....your seats are in the "Caucasian Demonetization" section.....or referred to as your car radio in the parking lot......
  16. ...yup...."Healthy snacks"......."Moonbeam & Gruseome Newsome Gummies" soon to be out.....multiple "fruit" flavors..................
  17. ...well 'fancy, wouldn't that be the move of honesty, integrity and to be held in the highest regard?......typical scurrilous LAMP......
  18. ...if voters (God help us from the fickle segment) that "qualifications" should be the top priority versus gender and race, we are in serious trouble especially if that person calls the shots with Bumblin' Joe in the "West Wing Nursing Home"......
  19. ...uh oh...WHO back tracks?...no "check is in the mail this week"......
  20. ...but what if President Kamala says "no"??...............just askin'...........
  21. ...got "Kool and the Gang" on speed dial??..............
  22. ...I agree...but to just throw new cases numbers out there for the feeding frenzy reeks of politicization.......and I'd bet it fuels the flames of the "anti crowd" as in ignoring any and all safeguard measures....remotely listening to those in some type of authority is DEAD in this country.............
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