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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...what happened to him and Gary whatchamacallit, Zevron or some other crap?......banned?...............
  2. ...LMAO....55 year old third hand drudge investigation......despite this nation being so effed up presently and going forward, plenty of time to go back 55 years......ok.....
  3. ....WHOA 'fancy!.......you opened Pandora's Box even wider....what about checkers, ala "red vs "black"?......Snyder is in deep doo about "red".......BTW, what happens to the Kansas City CHIEFS?.........
  4. ...corn kernels are the dead giveaway......can't hide them..........
  5. ...evidence you say?...for WHAT?.........he's guilty until proven innocent...and if, IF that happens the judge and jury were paid GOP shills....... ...c'mon counselor, show your skills.......that is rock solid, conclusive evidence in a Trump matter.....GUILTY............
  6. ...force fed CNN for 100 straight days and he is STILL alive??………... Tourist rescued after being stranded in airport for more than 100 days due to coronavirus travel restrictions Roman Trofimov was traveling from Bangkok on March 20 when he got stranded in the Philippines By Alexandra Deabler | Fox News A tourist has reportedly been rescued after being stranded in an airport for more than 100 days due to coronavirus travel restrictions, which saw him unable to return home. Roman Trofimov of Estonia was traveling from Bangkok on March 20 on an AirAsia flight when he landed at Manila airport in the Philippines, The Sun reported. Once he arrived, however, he learned he would be unable to leave the departures area as the Philippines were not issuing visas for arrivals due to coronavirus restrictions. The airline was also reportedly not allowed to take him back to Thailand because of the pandemic. Since March 20, Trofimov had been stuck in the departures zone of the airport, sleeping on the ground and allegedly surviving on snacks at the airport or food donated to him by airport staff. https://www.foxnews.com/travel/tourist-rescued-stranded-airport-100-days-coronavirus-travel
  7. ...are you NOT surprised that the OP, a "master of current events" would start a thread about something that happened 55 years ago?...…..
  8. ...quite busy serving her constituents............$$$$$............. Ilhan Omar has paid $878G to new husband’s consulting firm, data show: report "It should not be allowed," a former White House ethics lawyer says of the business arrangement By Dom Calicchio | Fox News When U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar got remarried in March following her divorce, the Minnesota Democrat tied the knot with a man who was a member of her political consulting team. Now, campaign data show Omar has paid Tim Mynett’s consulting firm a total of more than $878,000 since 2018 – including $189,000 just weeks after the couple announced they were husband and wife, the New York Post reported. In the first quarter of this year, Mynett’s E Street Group has received more than $292,000 from Omar’s campaign for digital advertising, fundraising consulting and research services, the Star Tribune of Minneapolis reported in April, citing data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Payments for 2019 totaled more than $500,000, the Star Tribune reported. Omar’s campaign is her husband’s firm’s biggest client by far, Open Secrets data suggest – with E Street Group receiving about one-third of all the Democrat’s campaign cash, the Washington Examiner reported. The arrangement is possible because of a 1960s federal anti-nepotism statute that prohibits members of Congress from hiring relatives for government jobs – but does not block family members from doing campaign work, a former chief ethics lawyer from the administration of former President George W. Bush told The New York Post. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ilhan-omar-has-paid-878g-to-new-husbands-consulting-firm-data-show-report
  9. Berkeley students planning fraudulent course to circumvent ICE rules, avoid deportations Students claim at least one faculty member is on board By Gregg Re, Edmund DeMarche | Fox News Hundreds of students at the University of California, Berkeley are discussing a plan to create an in-person course solely to circumvent new U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) regulations that could result in the deportations of international students on F-1 visas -- and they say at least one faculty member is on board, Fox News has learned. The plan, which could run afoul of immigration law if enacted in its current form, was hatched hours after ICE announced Monday that foreign students in the country are required to take some in-person instruction or they will not be allowed to legally remain in the country. "berkeley students are creating a 1-unit, in-person, student-run class to help international students avoid deportation due to the new ICE regulations," a Berkeley Urban Studies student wrote in a now-deleted tweet, which has been archived by Google. "love my school sometimes." The tweet was shared more than 25,000 times before it was taken down. It linked to a longer Facebook post stating that a member of the Berkeley community had "found a faculty member who will sponser [sic] this." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/berkeley-officials-say-theyre-planning-fraudulent-courses-to-circumvent-ice-rules-that-could-lead-to-student-deportations
  10. ...why not make it a "historical" tribute and call it "BBMB Reborn"??............
  11. ...didn't Big Fredo blow it off (nursing home deaths in particular) as a "shiny object"?.......probably check his 99th consecutive daily briefing......he hates cameras......
  12. ...priceless isn't it?......"always attack and never defend".........Nixon made an art form of it and Tibsy is following a REPUBLICAN'S mantra......gotta love it.....
  13. '''all of this worn out yap about Russia......how 'bout this from Quid Pro Joe's "friends"?...... FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China Most Americans have likely had their information stolen already, Wray says By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-director-wray-says-half-of-bureaus-5000-counterintelligence-cases-are-related-to-china
  14. ...the "Citrus Queen" strikes again................SMH.......... CNN's Don Lemon scolds Terry Crews, says Black Lives Matter is about police brutality, not Black-on-Black violence Crews has come under fire for tweeting that he wants to 'unite people' regardless of race, creed or ideology By Brian Flood | Fox News CNN host Don Lemon lectured actor Terry Crews on Monday night about the meaning of the Black Lives Matter movement, insisting during an intense conversation that it’s about police brutality and has nothing to do with Black-on-Black gun violence. Crews has come under fire for recent tweets noting that he wants to “unite people” regardless of race, creed or ideology, saying he doesn’t want the Black Lives Matter [BLM] movement to morph into “Black Lives Better.” Crews told Lemon that he was issuing a warning that BLM might be going too far, as leaders have made demands and threatened violence if they don’t get what they want. https://www.foxnews.com/media/don-lemon-terry-crews-black-lives-matter
  15. ...this is pretty reassuring......but don't despair.......Joe said "they are our friends".................. FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China Most Americans have likely had their information stolen already, Wray says By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday warned Americans that the Chinese government’s theft of American information is taking place on so large a scale, suspected incidents make up nearly half of his bureau’s counterintelligence cases. Speaking at an event hosted by the Hudson Institute in Washington, Wray said that Chinese thefts amount to “one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history,” and that the American people are the victims. “Of the nearly 5,000 active FBI counterintelligence cases currently under way across the country, almost half are related to China,” Wray said. “And at this very moment, China is working to compromise American health care organizations, pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions conducting essential COVID-19 research.” In fact, Wray said that most Americans have already been affected. “If you’re an American adult, it is more likely than not that China has stolen your personal data,” he said. As an example, Wray noted that in 2014 Chinese hackers stole more than 21 million records from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fbi-director-wray-says-half-of-bureaus-5000-counterintelligence-cases-are-related-to-china
  16. ...pretty damn shocking to me.....him moving off his "for years platform" is an unanticipated transition, BUT refreshing..............
  17. ...um...er....well....uh....ok.....you win...BUT....what about returns???....lost my "receipt"..........
  18. ..it is a wholesale fraud.......identify and correct the movement's shortcomings and admissions of deficiencies......then present your BLM platform if, IF you expect to gain any legitimacy of support....TO DATE?...MASSIVE failure...a shield for "cash and carry" like the 60's.........babies, toddlers, et al being murdered and you want support while this "cause" demonstrates depraved and indifference to human life?.....what should we tell the MILLIONS who grabbed their boot strings to fight their way out and have become highly successful societal contributors?......should we demean them for their ongoing successes?.....sorry, but BLM is a sad entity that degrades the alleged group they support.......prominent African-American Civil Rights Attorney Leo Tyrell said he is "embarrassed to be a Democrat".......he has been a vociferous diehard Dem for years but never expected this from him.....
  19. ...and we've waiting impatiently for your DAILY "Trump diatribe"......better late than never.......
  20. ...I actually call them my Pampers to advertise "my youth"......
  21. ...LMAO!!....just ruined my last pair of Depends...on my way to Walgreen's.....dammit...............
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