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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....shocking that the best you could come up with is plagiarizing Pelosi......seems to be a Dem disease....ask Whoa Joe......pathetic.....................
  2. ....another fine start to a typical Rochester weekend.......but, BUT the Mayor said during the violent protests that "these are outsiders and NOT members of our community"......everyone arrested so far is from Rochester....so who does she blame last night on?.....SMH..... 6 people hospitalized after shooting on North Clinton Ave WHECTV Updated: July 11, 2020 07:07 AM Created: July 11, 2020 06:51 AM ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Six people were transported to the hospital on Saturday after a shooting on the city's north side. The Rochester Police Department responded to the area of North Clinton Avenue and Kelly Street around 1:30 a.m. for a report of a fight. Upon arrival officers, heard numerous gunshots to the south of their location. Officers ran in that direction and found a large group of people. Officers located two people who were shot at least once near the area park on North Clinton Avenue. The two victims were transported to an area hospital for treatment. Four additional victims arrived at a local hospital by private vehicles. Police say they are all Rochester residents between the ages of 24 and 33. https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/6-hospitalized-after-shooting-on-north-clinton-ave/5789063/?cat=565 2 injured, 1 in critical condition in Rochester stabbing WHECTV Updated: July 11, 2020 07:03 AM Created: July 11, 2020 06:20 AM ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Two people are injured, including one who is in critical condition after a stabbing in Rochester, according to police. The Rochester Police Department responded to Stratford Park around 10 p.m. on Friday for a report of a stabbing. At the same time, two men with stabbed wounds arrived at St. Mary's Care Center by a private vehicle. Police found a 29-year-old man and a 30-year-old man with at least one stabbed wound. The two men were transported from St. Mary's Care Center to an area hospital for treatment. The 29-year-old man is in critical condition. https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/2-injured-1-in-critical-condition-in-rochester-stabbing-/5789060/?cat=565
  3. ...the ongoing obsession with his tax returns should be a TOP PRIORITY.....it's not like we have FAR more important issues to face, right?...SMH............
  4. ...as Dirty Harry (Eastwood) said, "a man has got to know his limitations"................
  5. ...LMAO...try this on for size.....a WAY left leaning cousin argued that Lewinsky did the "country a great service by relaxing Bill to better do his job".......I cannot make this stuff up....he was DEAD serious.......last family outing I ever went to.......
  6. ...damn right 'fancy......we're back to the ever festering culture war of the "have nots" wanting their pound of flesh from "the haves" on a platter DELIVERED....capitalism provides opportunity ( yes cultural accesses as in leveling the opportunity playing field DO exist), but it is up to the INDIVIDUAL to take advantage.......and how many MILLIONS of Americans whether white, black, ethnically Asian, Middle Eastern, Arab, Latino, etc have taken advantage of those opportunities and are very successful today regardless of industry, venue, etc?.....
  7. ...in all honesty Joe, it ranks right up there with my "morning movement".....at least that's "substantive"..............
  8. ...therein lies the problem and it makes PERFECT sense.....the publicized MSM "numbers" focus solely on positive cases because it politically sells and fuels TDS syndrome.....hopefully the scientific community gets more specific breakdowns of the numbers to make their assessments....at the same time, I believe they have a tendency to err on the side of caution, favoring science without looking at the overall big picture and ramifications....should be some sort of reasonable consensus IMO....and REASONABLY, this is an ever changing picture dealing with a phenomenon not faced since 1917.......
  9. ...agree.....I'm white, hardly privileged coming from a meager background, in my 44th year of working still at age 67, earning a reasonable living...NO feeling of supremacy nor any feeling of guilt period.....subjected to ethnic racism because of my Italian heritage?...yup.....the "vowel at the end is a dead giveaway"......the headhunter phrase was "one of them eye-talians".....I have tried to make the best of opportunities available and ran with them.......as have many successful African-Americans......blanket, generic racism calls about blacks is an insult to those who have AND continue to make it.....NOT to say racism doesn't exist based on race, creed, color, ethnicity et al......look at the ongoing conflicts spanning thousands of years worldwide regarding ethnic racism for an example............
  10. ...YAWN........as usual......my grandparents were my medal.....you?...LEAD poisoning, same as on the football side......PFFFFT..................
  11. ...isn't that the NORM?......make a comment to any one of my way left relatives and their immediate rebuttal is, "let me explain that to you".......the omnipotent show they're always right and you're always wrong......
  12. EXCLUSIVE: Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of coronavirus cover-up, flees Hong Kong: 'I know how hey treat whistleblowers' Li-Meng Yan told Fox News that she believes China knew about the coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors also ignored research she was doing that she believes could have saved lives. By Barnini Chakraborty, Alex Diaz | Fox News Hours before she boarded an April 28 Cathay Pacific flight to the United States, the respected doctor who specialized in virology and immunology at the Hong Kong School of Public Health had plotted her escape, packing her bag and sneaking past the censors and video cameras on campus. She had her passport and her purse and was about to leave all of her loved ones behind. If she was caught, she knew she could be thrown in jail -- or, worse, rendered one of the "disappeared." Yan told Fox News in an exclusive interview that she believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors, renowned as some of the top experts in the field, also ignored research she was doing at the onset of the pandemic that she believes could have saved lives. https://www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-virologist-coronavirus-cover-up-flee-hong-kong-whistleblower
  13. ...isn't it better to draw upon ALL of the country's history, whether good or bad, as lessons learned going forward?.......emulate the positives and avoid repeating the negatives.....what the hell does the "big pink eraser" do?.....NOTHING......
  14. ...so you don't think his pajama clad fedora topped pressers are humble?......Scam is the quintessential "the W is ALL on Me" and the "L is ALL on THEM (teammates)"......he's all yours Belly Boy......
  15. ....Italy for BOTH SIDES......and they ALL came through Ellis Island the LEGAL WAY......one set had 4 kids and the other had 9........made it with NO public assistance, welfare et al.....ground it out to succeed, the American way (or used to be)............
  16. ..but those checks from the "Soros Fund For Judicial Honesty & Integrity" do add up.....how many DA's nationwide receive their stipend via direct deposit?......
  17. ...eating #32, Ruby Red is known to cause issues...............
  18. ...perfect question.....we have two different employees each of which have a college age student.....both were to have electives surgeries, but they were obviously delayed.....now they have been rescheduled for before they return to school.....as a surgical precursor, both had to be Covid-19 tested and BOTH came back positive.....asymptomatic pre and subsequent post test......they never would have known if not for the surgical precursor.....wonder how many more are in the SAME boat with the number of elective surgeries delayed nationwide?...yet they would be BOTH included in the MSM's numbers hype because of political capital IMO......
  19. ...wonder if Whoa Joe prepared her presser remarks.......that's leadership............ Pelosi on Christopher Columbus statue destruction: 'People will do what they do' Protesters in Baltimore threw Columbus statue in harbor By Marisa Schultz | Fox News House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday declined to admonish protesters in her native city of Baltimore who pulled down a statue of Christopher Columbus and then tossed the monument into the city’s Inner Harbor. "People will do what they do," Pelosi, D-Calif., said at a news conference Thursday at the Capitol. Baltimore Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young, however, had harsh words for the protesters who destroyed the statue near Little Italy over the Fourth of July, saying he wouldn't tolerate the destruction of property. Young said the toppling was unacceptable and the perpetrators, if identified, "will be brought to justice," the Baltimore Sun reported. Pelosi, an Italian American, was born and raised in Baltimore. Her father, Thomas D'Alesandro Jr., was mayor of Baltimore from 1947 to 1959 and her brother Thomas D'Alesandro III also led the city from 1967 to 1971. Pelosi said "it's up to the communities to decide what statues they want to see" and taking down the Columbus monument "doesn't diminish my pride in my Italian American heritage." But asked whether a commission should decide what statues go rather than a mob of protesters, Pelosi said people will do what they do. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-on-christopher-columbus-statue-destruction-people-will-do-what-they-do
  20. ...uh oh....Big Fredo has Bumblin' Billy in his crosshairs....STILL.................. NYC Mayor de Blasio would lose authority over NYPD under state AG’s plan: report An independent panel – not the mayor -- would appoint the city’s police commissioner and oversee the NYPD under a state plan By Dom Calicchio | Fox News Recent protests in New York City have shaken the public’s faith in the city’s police department to the point where Mayor Bill de Blasio should no longer have authority in law enforcement matters, New York’s state attorney general said Wednesday. “I believe we need to bridge the undeniable divide between police and public,” Letitia James told reporters, according to The New York Times. As part of her recommendations, James called for an independent panel – not de Blasio -- to appoint the city’s police commissioner and oversee hirings and firings at the NYPD. A de Blasio spokeswoman quickly dismissed the plan from James -- an ally of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has long feuded with the mayor. Both Cuomo and de Blasio are Democrats. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nyc-mayor-de-blasio-would-lose-authority-over-nypd-under-state-ags-plan-report
  21. ....wait....you're doubting Barry's warm and fuzziness?.........
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